Darren Rowse

8.9 Posts Per Week – Too Many? Not Enough?
Over the weekend I asked ProBlogger readers to tell us how many posts they’d written on each of their blogs last week. 142 comments were left referring to a total of 181 blogs. Here are a few of the figures: The average number of posts that bloggers posted to each ...more
Writing Content

AdSense Publishers Reporting Earnings Slump
I tend not to report too much on the ups and downs of AdSense performance because from day to day it is quite normal for a publishers earnings to go up or down (for a variety of reasons). However over the last 48 hours I’ve had emails from quite a ...more

Your New Yorker and You – What’s your blogging goal?
This Guest Post has been submitted by J.T Dabbagian. When I worked for my community college’s newspaper, I was told a story about a man whose goal was to work for the Los Angeles Times. My teacher stated that it was his New Yorker. Not to be confused with the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Dramatically Increase Amazon Affiliate Sales with Bestseller Lists
A sales technique that many businesses and industries employ is to create ‘Best Seller Lists’ to highlight to consumers what others like them are purchasing. A few examples spring to mind: The New York Times Best Seller Lists Americas Top 40 Amazon’s Bestsellers Of course there are many more we ...more
Affiliate Programs

Bucks for blogging Interview
Thanks to Martin for letting me know about an article in Australian PC World featuring an interview with me Bucks for blogging.
Pro Blogging News

Reasons to Build RSS Subscriber Numbers
Dosh Dosh explores Why You Should Build Your Feed Subscriber Base and gives a variety of good reasons for building up the number of readers subscribing to your blog including: Personal Gratification Feed-based Monetization Social Proof Ability to Initiate Feed-Level Promotions Improved Linkability Buzz Generators I’d add two more reasons ...more

Giving Up on Making Money
Jon wrote an interesting post last Thursday titled Why I’m Giving Up on Making Money which has given me food for thought over the weekend (found via Rich Minx). In the post Jon quotes a course that he’s doing: “If you try to “make money,” you’re in for a long ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Many Posts Did You Write Last Week?
Time for a quick reader question: How many Posts did you post to your blog/s last week? Lets make the dates from Sunday 10th June to Saturday 16th June. I’ll kick it off: Here at ProBlogger I posted 17 posts – at Digital Photography School I posted 5. Those numbers ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What Works with Affiliate Sales
This post was submitted by Chris Garrett from ChrisG.com The other day I was telling Darren about an accidental affiliate success I had on my digital SLR blog with a dirt cheap ebay gadget (GadgetInfinity ebay slave triggers). We thought it might make an interesting guest post for Problogger readers ...more
Affiliate Programs