Darren Rowse

Link Posts – Rediscover Your Blogging Groove Day 4
Today’s task in the Rediscover Your Blogging Groove project is to write a Link Post. How has blogging grown from something that a relatively small number of people do into the massive medium that it has become? There are many reasons for the growth of blogging but one of them ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Guest Blogging 101
North x East has a helpful post titled Why Guest Blogging is a Powerful Way to Gain Exposure for Your Blog which makes a good companion piece to some of my own posts from a few months back on Guest blogging: Why Guest Bloggers are Great for a Blog How ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The 4 Pillars of Writing Exceptional Blogs
The following guest post has been submitted by Leo Babauta from Zen Habits. Too often it seems that we bloggers get caught up in worrying about monetizing our blogs, or the design of the blog, or SEO techniques — but although it may sound trite, the major focus of our ...more
Writing Content

Write a Review – Rediscover Your Blogging Groove Day 3
Today’s task in the Rediscover Your Blogging Groove project is to write a review of some kind. There are many successful blogs and websites that have built themselves on the back of writing reviews. They are able to do so because so many people use the web to research purchases ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Why doesn’t Online Main Stream Media link?
I’ve often wondered – but why don’t many online main stream media sites link when they refer to blogs or websites? I find it slightly ironic – particularly when they write about new media/blogging. I’m not sure if it’s laziness, fear of losing readers from a site or if it’s ...more
Pro Blogging News

Speedlinking – AdSense News
A couple of short pieces of AdSense news today. Over at the official AdSense blog they’ve announced that there’s a new feature just been added to AdSense that will help them serve up more relevant ads for password protected areas of your blog. For example if you have a members ...more

Answer a Question – Rediscover Your Blogging Groove Day 2
Today’s task in the Rediscover Your Blogging Groove project is to answer a reader’s question. One of the simplest ways to find something to write about that connects with readers is to answer one of their questions. Today, if you’re taking part in the project, I’d like to encourage you ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Write a List – Rediscover Your Blogging Groove Day 1
Today’s task in the Rediscover Your Blogging Groove project is to write a list post. I find that one of the easiest ways to write a blog post is to write a list. Lists are Scannable Lists keep Posts succinct Lists look ‘neat’ Lists area easy to link to Lists ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

7 Days to Rediscovering Your Blogging Groove
Are you finding it hard to sustain your blogging inspiration at the moment? This week I’d like to help you get your blogging moving again. Have you lost your blogging groove? If you have – you’re not alone. Last week I chatted with a lot of bloggers who are either ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips