Darren Rowse

Thanks to the ProBlogger Sponsors!
It’s that time of the month where I like to mention and thank the sponsors of ProBlogger who have been generous enough to partner with us over the month and help us to keep the blog moving forward. Pay them a visit today. The NewsRoom – News You can Use. ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Use MySpace to Build a Blogging Audience
This Guest post on the topic of Using MySpace to Build a Blogging Audience was submitted by Kevin Palmer from Buzz Networker. The preconceived notions that the blogging community has about MySpace and other social networking sites couldn’t be any more wrong. These social networking sites are valuable resources that ...more
Blog Promotion

Search for and Join Forums on Your Blog’s Topic
Your task today in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project is to find and become a member of a web forum in your niche. Why Forums? I find forums to be a very worthwhile type of website to join and participate in for a number of reasons: ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Learn How to Blog Better – Reader Blog Tips
Part of the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project that I’m currently running here on ProBlogger is an invitation to readers to share what they are learning about blogging by publishing their own blog tips (you can learn how to participate here). Every few days I’ll publish a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Find Fresh Expert Guest Posters for Your Blog
Here’s a quick tip that I’ve used a few times with success over the last couple of months on my photography blog. Like most bloggers I find it difficult to sustain writing a new tip or tutorial for Digital Photography School everyday. I do want to provide readers with helpful ...more
Writing Content

Run a First Time Reader Audit on Your Blog
Today is Day 2 in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Challenge and today your task is to Do a First Time Reader Audit on your blog. Get a friend or family member who has never read your blog before and sit them down at a computer. Load ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Your Audience Doesn’t Know About You So Go and Find Them!
A quick quote from Chris Pirillo: “Your audience is still trying to discover you, but you have to go to where THEY are and not expect them to come to you in any other way.” Chris is talking here about video blogging and podcasting more than blogging but the same ...more
Blog Promotion

Email a New Reader of Your Blog
Your task for this first day of the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Challenge is to email a new reader of your blog. Create a great impression upon a brand new readers to your blog by choosing a commenter that is new and emailing them to thank them ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

31 Days to Building a Better Blog – 2007
Do You want to Improve Your Blog with Some Daily blogging Tips? Read on to Find Out How Two years ago today I launched a month long project here at ProBlogger that I still get feedback about today. For the month of August in 2005 I ran something called – ...more
ProBlogger Site News