Darren Rowse

Improve Your Blog By Reading a Magazine – An Exercise for Bloggers
Are you looking for some fresh design, marketing and even story ideas for your blog? Today I’ve got an exercise that you might find helpful. This is an off line activity – all pack of sticky notes, a notebook, pen, a magazine and an hour of time. The Exercise It’s ...more
Featured Posts

RSS Issues – We’re on the Case
Just a quick post to say that I’m aware of the error with our RSS feed at present and the tech (support) team at b5media are on the case. Sorry for the inconvenience over the last couple of days for those attempting to access it. It seems that most people ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How Long Have You Been Blogging? – Poll Results
Thanks to everyone for responding to last week’s Poll where we asked ‘How Long Have You Been Blogging?‘ There were 2151 responses. The results showed a lot of readers of this blog have been blogging for less than a year (58% if you include those who don’t yet have a ...more
Pro Blogging News

Tips for Using BlogRush to Generate Traffic for Your Blog
As I’ve been pondering the new BlogRush traffic building service (which I did a first impression review of earlier) over the last few hours I am increasingly thinking that it has potential to help bloggers find new traffic. The bones are there for it to work – but how can ...more
Blog Promotion

Do You Use Full or Partial Feeds on Your Blogs? POLL
I’ve just started a new weekly poll over in the sidebar. This week we’re going to full up the Great Feed Debate that we ran on the blog this week and are asking: Do You Use Full or Partial Feeds on Your Blogs? (or do you offer your readers a ...more

Find New Readers for Your Blog – BlogRush First Impression Review
Every time I survey bloggers to find out what they’d like help with most the answer always comes back as ‘finding traffic’. Bloggers like to know that people are reading their blog and so any method that they can find to promote their blog is worth exploring. In the last ...more
Blog Promotion

27 More Blog Workspaces
A couple of weeks ago I took readers on a video tour of my blogging workspace and invited others to share theirs via video or picture. A few days later I put together a mashup post of 27 reader blogging workspaces. I said at the time that I wasn’t sure ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

An Update on the Birthday Prize Giveaway
Just a quick update on the ProBlogger Birthday Call for Prizes that I put out last week. I mentioned in that post that the deadline for prize submissions was Friday and that I’d make a decision on which prizes to use over the weekend. The Prize Submission Period is now ...more
ProBlogger Site News

If English is your Second Language – Which Language Do You Blog in?
Two weeks back I wrote a post asking whether readers Use American English, British English or do you Swing like the Canadians? – the resulting conversation was a great one with a variety of opinions offered. It’s time for a new but related question – this time it’s directed at ...more
Reader Questions