Darren Rowse

The Benefits of Being Featured in Mainstream Media
What impact does being featured in a mainstream media publication have upon a blog? Skellie asked in comments about what type of traffic a mention in a mainstream media story can bring into a blog. I answered in the comments on the post but thought it might be something worth ...more
Featured Posts

Search Engine Friendly Titles for Your Blog
Aaron Wall from SEObook has a good screen capture/video on Search Engine Optimization Friendly Page Titles for Bloggers today:
Search Engine Optimization

Speedlinking 28 October 2007
A few links from the last day or two for your surfing pleasure: Wendy shares what she’s learned in her first 6 weeks of running a mini blog network. At b5media we’ve just announced our new advisory board (or our VC Rick has). The board is Renee Blodgett, Robert Scoble, ...more
Pro Blogging News

Has Technorati Stop Indexing Blogs?
Has Technorati stopped indexing blogs? I just logged in and don’t see any of my favorites having updated in 23 hours. Not only that I can’t see any blogs having updated in 23 hours – even blogs who post heaps – like Engadget. In fact none of the blogs in ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The Google Page Rank Pendulum Swings…. Again
As often happens with updates at Google – today we see another adjustment in Page Ranks of many of the sites hit in the last couple of days. For example both of my blogs have recovered and returned to PR6. Not all have though – you can see a list ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Welcome to Readers from the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age
Welcome to readers of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald who may have found themselves here after today’s article in both papers. If this is your first time to ProBlogger.net then let me give you a quick tour of my online home. Grab a coffee and make yourself comfortable while ...more
ProBlogger Site News

15 Things I’d Love to See Ad Networks and Affiliate Programs Do to Help Us Earn More Money Blogging
I write quite a lot about what works in the ad networks that I use to make money from my blogs – but sometimes there are some little niggling problems with ad networks and affiliate programs that can be quite annoying. Today I thought I’d compile a short ‘ProBlogger Wishlist’ ...more

OSX – Leopard Installed
I bought Apple Mac OS X Version 10.5 aka Leopard today and am in updating mode. I’ve got it up and running reasonably smoothly – although it’s going to take a little while to get used to it all. Two issues/problems have surfaced so far: 1. Mail.app isn’t working on ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

WidgetBucks Update – Speeds Up Loading Time, Removes Backlink and Removes Non English Sites From Network
WidgetBucks today emailed publishers using their system with a note to let them know that they’ve been working on loading times for WidgetBucks ad units. This has been one of the major complaints of publishers about the system. The upside is that they’ve found a way to decrease loading times ...more