Darren Rowse

Work Life Balance – Interview
Derek Semmler over at Dad Balance has just published an interview with me where we talk a little about blogging, being a Dad and ‘Work Life Balance’. You can read the interview at Darren Rowse On Work Life Balance.
Pro Blogging News

Reflections on Video Streaming
Yesterday I ran my second impromptu video streaming chat session with readers of this blog. Both times that I’ve done it I’ve come away from the experience feeling that is a very worthwhile thing to do – something that has added to both my own blogging but also hopefully to ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Are Affiliate Programs with Small Payouts Worth It?
Today this question about affiliate programs landed in my inbox: “Darren, could you answer a question for me? I notice that a couple of weeks ago you promoted Leo’s Zen to Done ebook with an affiliate link. I was surprised that you did this because the commission from it is ...more
Affiliate Programs

Free Sample from Blog Mastermind
Yaro from Blog Mastermind Blog Mentoring program has just released a sample lesson from the program for free. The topic – Marketing Through Conversations and it’s lesson 11 in a series that is up to lesson 27. The lesson has some good tips – and like all of Yaro’s lessons ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
![Impromptu Video Stream Session [NOW ON]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
Impromptu Video Stream Session [NOW ON]
If anyone’s around I’m doing a very impromptu video streaming chat at Ustream.tv – problogger. I’ll be on for 30-60 minutes while I have a bite to eat. If you want to chat, have any questions or just want to say G’day feel free to drop by. It’s lagging a ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Technorati Relaunches
Technorati have just relaunched with a renewed focus on bloggers. There’s a number of changes – firstly a new front page (which isn’t showing to me at their homepage yet for me) with news aggregation – like TechMeme. They call it the ‘Percolator’ as it shows what’s been ‘percolating’ in ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

AdSense Remove ‘Advertise on this Site’ links from Ad Units
AdSense have just announced in emails to publishers that they have pulled the plug on the ‘Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up’ feature that used to appear on some ad units (links that used to read ‘Advertise on this site’. The removal of this feature is a result of it’s poor performance and ...more

11 Ways to Spring Clean Your Blog
Click To Play play_blip_movie_524474(); Every few months I set aside a block of time to do a little ‘spring cleaning’ of my blog. In this video I share 10 11 areas that I’ve worked on when spring cleaning my blogs. They include (I’ve included links for each point where I’ve ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Analysis of AdSense Earnings – Post Click Zone Changes
Amit has posted some analysis of his AdSense earnings since the changes that AdSense made two weeks ago to the clickable zones on their ad units. Amit says that his CTR has dipped slightly and his eCPM has remained fairly steady. I thought I’d take a look at the same ...more