Darren Rowse

Increase Your Direct Ad Sales Revenue with a Clear Advertising Page
In This post Jeremy Schoemaker from Shoemoney answers – ‘What did You Do On Your Blog in 2007 that Improved it the most’ I did several improvements to my blog but by far the one that improved it the most was implemented a VERY clear advertising page which decreased our ...more

Using Linkify to Make Linking to Others Easier
In this post Matt Cutts from MattCutts.com (and Google) shares what he did in 2007 that improved his blog the most. The shortest, easiest thing I started doing was using linkify. You just highlight some text and click the bookmarklet to open Google’s search results. Pick the result you wanted ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Going Full Time as a Blogger
In this post David Hobby from Strobist answers my question – ‘What did you do on your blog in 2007 that improved it the most?’ The one thing that I did for Strobist.com that allowed it to improve the most in 2007 was to focus my full-time attention on it. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Improve Your Blog by Showing Up
Today Seth Godin (top blogger and author of many books including The Dip) tells us (in his usual succinct style) what he did in 2007 to improve his blog the most. I showed up. Underrated, but important.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blogging is Like….
Earlier in the week I posted Blogging is Like Watching Grass Grow – a video post about the early days of blogging. I’ve had some nice feedback from it and this morning on a whim decided to do a search on Google to find out what other people thought ‘Blogging ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Evolving from a Blog to a Community
In this post Deborah Ng from Freelance Writing Jobs gives us and insight into how she improved her blog in 2007. 2007 was a year of changes for Freelance Writing Jobs. Originally, FWJ only offered listing of jobs available to freelance writers. Now it’s a resource for freelance writers and ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Longer Feature Posts Improved My Blog
Today Leo Babauta from Zen Habits shares what he did in 2007 that improved his blog the most. Improvement on Zen Habits has come in many small doses this year, but if I had to pick one thing it would be my transition to longer, less-frequent “feature” posts that go ...more
Writing Content

One Question Interview Summer Series
Over the next week I’m taking a little extra time to enjoy the Summer weather here in Aus with my family. To help provide those of you not taking a break with some inspiration I’ve asked a handful of bloggers that I respect to take part in a one question ...more
ProBlogger Site News

What Was Your Most Popular Post in 2007?
As we draw closer to the end of the year I spent some time this week doing some reviewing of ProBlogger. One of the things I looked at was to analyze popular posts. It got me wondering what type of posts were most popular on other blogs. So here’s a ...more
Reader Questions