Darren Rowse

ProBlogger T-Shirt Hits Italy
Davide “Tagliaerbe” Pozii from Italy just emailed me to let me know that he’s got his ProBlogger T-Shirt. He sent a picture too. Anyone else out there with a picture to share? I know there’s more Tshirts in circulation and would love to see people modeling them!
ProBlogger Site News

A Reality Check about Blogging for Money
Last week’s article in the Wall Street Journal revealed that my blog earnings are in excess of $250,000 per year (a very ballpark figure). The problem with these type of articles is that they report in a few words just one element of a story – in this case my ...more
Featured Posts

Face to Face with the Matthew Effect: Making Yourself Heard
Guest Post: Muhammad Saleem is a social media consultant and a top-ranked community member on multiple social news sites. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. (Matthew XXV:29, ...more
Writing Content
![My Search for the Perfect Cafe [And What it Taught Me about Blogging]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
My Search for the Perfect Cafe [And What it Taught Me about Blogging]
Warning – Tangent Ahead… As I’ve been Twittering lately, I’m currently on a search for a good local cafe to blog from. While there are plenty of cafes in the area we’ve moved to – this morning’s ‘cafe crawl’ showed me that it could be more of a challenge than ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
![How to Run a Blog Competition [CASE STUDY]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
How to Run a Blog Competition [CASE STUDY]
Last week I wrote a couple of posts about how to run a successful blog competition. Today I thought I’d give you a little background information (case study) on how I’m currently running one. The competition is over at DPS where I announced it about 12 hours ago with a ...more
Case Studies
![14% of Bloggers Prefer to Do It in Bed [POLL RESULTS]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
14% of Bloggers Prefer to Do It in Bed [POLL RESULTS]
A couple of weeks ago I polled ProBlogger readers about their favorite place to blog. 1481 readers responded. In many cases their choices were determined by where their computer was (it’s hard to take your desktop computer to bed) and so the ‘home office’ was the clear winner. But the ...more
Reader Questions

Writing with Confidence or Risking Your Reputation?
A guest post over at John Chow’s blog today by Steven York titled Successful Blogging – 5 Tips for Writing With Confidence caught my attention today. The title was something that I was keen to read as I think that being confident as a blogger is important – however as ...more
Writing Content

Win a share in 5000 Entrecard Credits
A couple of weeks ago in my Interview with Entrecard’s Graham Langdon I said at the end that I was going to run a competition to give away my Entrecard credits to some lucky ProBlogger readers. The time has come. I have 5000 credits to give away and I’m going ...more
ProBlogger Site News
![How to Be a Rockstar eBook Seller [Interview]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
How to Be a Rockstar eBook Seller [Interview]
In mid December last year I posted a mini review of a new ebook – How to Be a Rockstar Freelancer by Cyan and Collis Ta’eed from the popular FreelanceSwitch blog. I enjoyed the book so much (and am always fascinated by bloggers making money from these types of resources) ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews