Darren Rowse

Do You Write From Your Heart ?
In this post Abhijeet Mukherjee from Jeet Blog (where he writes about tech tweaks, blogging tips and productivity hacks) asks ‘do you write from the heart?’ As professional bloggers, freelancers or writers, sometimes we tend to be skeptical about our own content. We tend to think more about external aspects ...more
Writing Content

AdSense Secrets 4.0 Launches
update: please note the update at the bottom of this post. It has been a big week for bloggers launching products and making special offers. AdSense guru Joel Comm has this week also announced a new product (or rather an update of an old one) called AdSense Secrets 4.0. Joe’s ...more

How do You Know When You’ve Finished a Post?
Today I’m posting a reader question as a discussion starter. It comes from Richard King: Hey Darren – I blog casually and largely for my own benefit but I read your blog because I occasionally flirt with the idea of “doing things properly” and I think you post some great ...more
Writing Content

How to Deal with Negative Comments On Your Blog
In this post Gala Darling from iCiNG tackles the question of how to handle negative emails on your blog. “How do you deal with hateful comments? For my blog I keep all comments moderated so I get a chance to see what people say on my site. I’m glad I ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Why I Love Twitter
Two days ago I asked my followers on Twitter why they loved Twitter. There were over 100 responses within 2 hours and some of them were really good – I wasn’t sure what to do with them all but just yesterday I’d seen a video with a whole lot of ...more
Social Media

ProBlogger the Book – Sample Chapter Now Available
Last week when I announced the release of ProBlogger the Book I mentioned that we’d be making the first chapter (the Introduction and chapter 1) available as a sampler download. It took us a few days longer than we anticipated to get it up but it’s now available. To get ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Alexa Announces ‘New’ Rankings
Alexa have announced it has overhauled its ranking system. You can see their announcement here via TechCrunch. They have ditched their toolbar as the sole source of their rankings and are now pulling in data from other sources too. This means that the skew towards tech sites (as their readers ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Teaching Sells – $1 Intoductory Offer Ends in 15 Hours
Just a quick note to let you know that TeachingSells (the course that teaches you how to set up a Membership Site) is closing it’s $1 introductory offer in about 15 hours from now (noon on 17 April EST- US time). The $1 offer gives you 7 days unrestricted access ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

27 Thoughts On Blogging For The Artist
Guest Post: Robert Bruce is one of the most widely read, linked and reviled poets working on the web today. Grab yourself a free poem every Monday morning, subscribe to Knife Gun Pen. 1. There’s never been a better time to be a working artist. Ever. 2. There’s never been ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips