Darren Rowse

Building Your Twitter Presence Part 3 – TweetBaiting
Last week in my 5 Tips to Grow Your Twitter Presence post John suggested that an additional strategy to grow your follower numbers in Twitter is to target bigger Twitter users for conversation. The logic behind this is that if you can get them to reply to you and even ...more
Social Media

How do you Stay Motivated as a Blogger?
Here’s another question from webspear for some discussion: “How do you keep yourself motivated, when your blog is not attracting much traffic.” Staying motivated is a massive issue for bloggers. Without it a blog really suffers. How do you keep yourself motivated? Do you have systems or practices that help ...more
Reader Questions

Should you add Keywords to the Name Field when you Leave Comments on a Blog?
This weekend is a weekend for discussion here at ProBlogger and I’m posting some questions submitted by readers via Twitter. jophllips asks: “should you add keywords to the name field when you leave comments” So another way to put it – should you leave your name, blog name or some ...more
Reader Questions

Migrating your Blog Between Platforms: Pitfalls and Consequences
Today’s guest post is by from Swade from Trollhattan Saab. In it he tells his story of migrating his blog from one blog platform to another. I’m almost willing to guarantee that anyone who’s been blogging for more than a year has contemplated migrating from one content management system (CMS) ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Is Syndicating Other People’s Content on Your Blog OK?
This weekend I’d like to throw open a couple of discussion starters for the ProBlogger community. The questions come from some of my Twitter followers. flabuless asks the following question to you the ProBlogger community: “Is syndicating content is kosher or not…ie running someone elses content through rss into ones ...more
Reader Questions

My Book Arrived!
Today there was a little excitement in the Rowse House. On returning from a morning out there was a parcel sitting on our doorstep. On opening it I found: It’s been fun to watch many of you ordering, receiving and even reviewing the ProBlogger book – but it’s a very ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Ad Positioning: Tactics to Increase Your AdSense Earnings Overnight
In this series I’m examining tactics that can be used to increase AdSense earnings immediately. Read the introduction to this series here. Today I want to talk about positioning your AdSense ads – something that has a very significant impact upon the amount of money that they are able to ...more

Tactics to Increase Your AdSense Earnings Overnight
What would you say if I told you that there are things that many bloggers could do on their blogs that could bring about large increases in their AdSense earnings in 24 hours or less? One of the misconceptions about making money from blogging that is out there is that ...more

Building Your Twitter Presence Part 2 – Pre-Prepared Tweets
Yesterday I wrote 5 tips to help increase your follower numbers on Twitter. Thanks to everyone for your comments and suggestions on the topic. As I read over the comments I realized that there were a few more things that I’d been learning on how to use Twitter that might ...more
Social Media