Darren Rowse

Chitika Interactive Premium Listing Units
One of my biggest blog money makers is Chitika. I’ve reviewed and written about them many times. They’ve always done very well for me on product related sites – however on sites that don’t have a product focus they have never performed. I’ve been nagging the Chitika team to get ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

How to Respond to Individual Requests for Help From Blog Readers
Today Lisa sent in this question which I thought might make an interesting post topic: “I would love if you’d do a post on how you handle emails from people who ask for one on one help. As my site and blog grows, I continue to get more and more ...more
Featured Posts

Andy Beal Shares His Blog’s Tipping Point
Andy Beal – author of a great book by the name of Radically Transparent – today shares his blog’s ‘tipping point’. The biggest tipping point for me was a redesign of MarketingPilgrim.com. I moved from Blogger to WordPress and also had a custom template built. Within 30 days of the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Win one of 50 ProBlogger Books
Want to win a copy of the ProBlogger book? ScribeFire is giving away 50 copies to people who sign up for their newsletter. More details here. Also over at ScribeFire’s blog today is my latest guest post – How to Increase Page Views on Your Blog.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Leo Babauta shares his Blog’s Tipping Point
In the Skribit question widget in my sidebar the number 1 requested post is for me to ask ‘a bunch of pro bloggers what their tipping point was?’ I’ve done just that over the last few days and a few answers have trickled in so far. The first is from ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Ad Design – Tactics to Increase Your AdSense Earnings Overnight
Over the last week I’ve been covering a few tactics that can lead to a significant overnight increase in your earnings with AdSense (and other ad networks). So far we’ve looked at AdSense Ad Positioning and the number of AdSense ads on your page. Today I want to talk about ...more

Putting More Ads On Your Page: Tactics to Increase Your AdSense Earnings Overnight
Last week I began a mini series of posts on tactics to increase your AdSense Earnings Overnight. In the first post I looked at the tactic of optimizing the position of your AdSense ads and shared my own journey of discovery in this area and the realization that I could ...more

Weekend Wrap Up
It was a busy weekend here at ProBlogger full of some great conversation as a result of the ‘weekend of discussion’ series of questions that I posted – so I thought I’d do a quick recap post: Is Syndicating Other People’s Content on Your Blog OK? – Reader Discussion Migrating ...more
ProBlogger Site News
![Share A Picture of You with the ProBlogger Book [WIN A PRIZE]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
Share A Picture of You with the ProBlogger Book [WIN A PRIZE]
Have you got a copy of the ProBlogger book yet? I’ve been overwhelmed by the numbers of people who have emailed, Tweeted and IM’d to say that they got one. A few people have even sent me pictures of them with the book. Thank you to everyone for buying the ...more
ProBlogger Site News