Darren Rowse

The Power of Getting Personal on Your Niche Blog
This time last weekend I was sitting in a delivery suite in a Melbourne hospital waiting for the arrival of my second son Henri. It would be another 12 hours til he was actually born but after he’d come along and we’d had a little recovery time I managed to ...more
Writing Content

b5media Blogathon – Now On!
I’m a little behind in this one – I’ve had one other little thing on my mind distracting me – but wanted to give a shout out to a group of b5media bloggers who are currently doing a 24 hour blogathon – the Great Blog Off. Bloggers in our Entertainment, ...more
Blog Networks

Are You Putting Cash in the Trash?
Today Fred Black tells a story of approaching bloggers to review a product and suggests how they could make more money with a little effort. Hi, my name is Fred and I’m a ….I’m a… Blo… ahem… I’m a blogger. At times, I interact with other bloggers and, for whatever ...more

Don’t Let Emotion Be MIA In Your Content
Too many times, bloggers focus on their content without stopping to think about how they’re presenting it. Today Dave Hughes takes a look at creating memorable content by injecting Emotion into it. The trick is to know how to construct an effective bloggerie (or blog post). Luckily, this doesn’t involve ...more
Writing Content

How Blogging made me a Better Writer
Karen Andrews is an award winning short story writer coming up to the second year anniversary of her blog www.miscmum.com. Her first book, a children’s picture book called Surprise!, will be released in Australia in October. Further details can be found at www.miscpress.com.au I recently spoke at a writers’ festival ...more
Writing Content

10 Network Blogging Survival Tips
Do you blog at a blog network? If so this post from Deborah Ng from Freelance Writing Jobs might be worthwhile checking out. While the income from blogs I own is rising steadily, the bulk of the money I earn blogging comes from maintaining blogs for other networks and individuals. ...more
Blog Networks

5 Influential Books All Bloggers Should Know
Today Chris Garrett (my co-author from the ProBlogger Book) shares 5 influential books that bloggers will find useful – all of which heavily influenced me (Darren) in my blogging). Blogging is relatively new in the scheme of things, but even so, there are some conventions and ideas that are already ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

10 Ways to Let Your Blog Go and What to Do About It
Have you let your blog go? It’s easy enough to do – this series of posts explores 10 ways that bloggers ‘let their blogs go’ and what they can do about it. The season here in Melbourne is changing (some say it changes every day) and we’re slowly moving into ...more
Featured Posts

Build Your Network Before You Need It
Last week I was speaking to a business owner who was in the process of doing some ‘preliminary research’ (his words) into blogging and social media. The reason that he was thinking about getting into blogging and social networking was that later in the year he was going to be ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips