Darren Rowse

Intellectual Property Law Tips for Bloggers
Confused about Trademark, Copyright and other Intellectual Property Law issues as they pertain to your blog? Today Mark Patterson from Waddy & Patterson PC and the Tough Money Love Blog is going to explore some of these IP issues. I am fully aware of the risks of publishing a post ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

10 Steps to the Perfect List Post
List Posts have always been a popular format of post for bloggers. Today Ali Hale examines how to write the perfect list post and gives some great examples along the way of list posts that have done well on blogs. List posts are ubiquitous – and hugely popular – in ...more
Writing Content

Comment Moderation – How Do You Do It?
Today I came across a post on one of the NYT blogs on how the blogger there, Marci Alboher, moderates comments on her blog – via Steve Rubel. In the post Marci shares a few reasons why she doesn’t allow comments to go up: 1. It is too long (even ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Split Testing: How To Increase Your Adsense Earnings 94% Overnight
In this post Brian Armstrong from StartBreakingFree.com shares some tips on using Split Testing to increase his AdSense earnings. Long time readers of ProBlogger know that Darren is a big fan of split testing ads to improve your earnings. I took this advice to heart, and wanted to show you ...more

Using AideRSS to Help Identify Hot Topics to Cover On Your Blog
View the full sized version of this video at Blip, YouTube or Viddler (you’ll probably want to to see the text of what I’m talking about). Yesterday I wrote about how to choose a topic to write about for blog posts and today in this video post I want to ...more
Video Posts

Movable Type launch Version 4.2 and Movable Type Pro
Today SixApart have launched Movable Type 4.2 and Movable Type Pro. MT was the first blogging platform that I experienced (after a brief stint with blogger.com) and for a long while it had everything that I needed – however in time it became a little slow and problematic and with ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Authentic Blogging
Ever had a ‘defining moment’ that changed the direction of your blog? A moment of realization that makes you stop in your tracks and reinvent your approach? Maria Gajewski from Never The Same River Twice emailed me today to tell me about her recent defining moment which she calls her ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

BlogMastermind Blog Coaching – 6 Student Reviews
It has been two weeks since the launch of the BlogMastermind blog mentoring program and today I thought I’d ask some of those that I referred to the program to review it for me. While I think it’s a great resource I wanted to give actual participants in the program ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

5 Methods to Enhancing Page Load
‘How do I make my page load faster?’ – it’s a question I get a bit so I thought I’d ask Aaron Brazell from Technosailor to tackle the question and offer some suggestions around enhancing page load times. “The internet is dying.” This phrase, though probably a bit sensationalist, is ...more
Blog Design