Darren Rowse

4 Pretty Pictures to Illustrate Impact of Email Newsletters on Traffic (and Social Bookmarking)
Today I was reading a post on CopyBlogger by Dean Rieck on the importance of using email to grow a blog and it struck me how many bloggers still don’t fully understand the power of email as a way to grow their blogs. I’m not going to rehash all of ...more
Blog Promotion

How has the Economic Downturn Impacted my Blogging Earnings?
How has the economic downturn impacted your blog earnings? Team Nirvana recently emailed to ask me what impact the recession has had upon my blog earnings – it’s actually a question that I get quite a bit when talking to friends and family – (I guess everyone is asking it ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Should Legal Blogs Be Monetized – If so…. How?
“Should Legal Blogs Ever Be Monetized?” asked by @chrischeatham on Twitter. “Should I try to make money on my blog?” is a question I hear a lot from bloggers of many niches and while ultimately the answer will vary from blogger to blogger depending upon their own circumstances and the ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Likaholix – Get a Free Invite to the Alpha Here
Over the last day or two a new social network by the name of Likaholix has been released by two former Google employees. I’ve only just signed up in the last hour or so but like what I see so far. I’ve also been given 500 invites to the closed ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google Chat: A Bloggers Best Friend
Today Eric Hamm from Motivate Thyself and Blogopolis Blueprint takes a look at Google Chat and suggests it as a great tool for bloggers. I’m a cloud computing fanatic. Web 2.0 may just be a buzz word, but the growing number of ways we can connect over the digital airways ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Advice For Part Time Bloggers Juggling Blogging with Work, Family and Other Commitments
Over on Twitter recently @jimlavin asked if I had any ‘ideas how someone with a normal day job can schedule time to blog on a regular basis?‘ Image by Helico This is actually a great question and one that I’m sure many others will grapple with. While a handful of ...more
Featured Posts

What’s Your Bread and Butter?
this guest post is by Dot Com Dud In business, the phrase “Bread & Butter” is used to describe something that is core to the success of a business. A good example is a lawyer for whom divorce cases bring in the majority of their income, those cases are their ...more
Writing Content

7 Tips for Writing About Politics (…When You’re Not a Political Writer)
This guest post on writing about politics is by Allen McDuffee governmentality. While it’s an exciting time to write about politics, bloggers who ordinarily don’t write about politics can easily be intimidated by just the thought of it. Can I write authoritatively about the subject? Do I know all sides ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Would you Prefer More Blog Readers or Twitter Followers?
I’m running this poll over at TwiTip but thought it’d be interesting to run it here on ProBlogger too as the topic is relevant to both audiences and I was curious to see if there would be any difference in the responses on the two blogs (given their topics cover ...more
Reader Questions