Darren Rowse

Better Questions Than “Do I Need a Mentor?” and “How do I get one?”
A Guest post by Josh Hanagarne – World’s Strongest Librarian In my Problogger post about how to land big interviews when your blog is small, I mentioned that I had a mentor. A lot of commenters asked me about that process and if I could write more about it. Send ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Get 30% off the Ninja Affiliate Plugin for WordPress – Limited Time Offer
The following is a ProBloggerDeal – exclusively for readers of this blog. For notification on Twitter of other deals, discounts and competitions for bloggers follow @ProBloggerDeals. A few mont Ninja Affiliate Plugin for WordPress. The promotion was so popular and I’ve had so much positive feedback from readers about the ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Perseverance Will Save Your Blog
Robby G is a blogger from ShiteILike.com and explains the benefits of pushing your blog through good and through bad. I was doing some research recently, wondering if my blog would ever take off and what it really depended on. I was a little bit discouraged about writing lots of ...more
Other Income Streams

Watch How I Spend My First 20 Minutes Online Every Morning
This morning I tweeted this question – ‘what are the first 3 things you do when you get online in the morning?‘ You can see many of the answers to the question on this twitoaster thread. A number of people asked me to answer the question for myself – so ...more
Other Income Streams

6 Steps to Get Your Company to Pay You to Blog
Today Alexandra Levit shares some tips for getting your company/employee to pay you to blog. I recently read that for every person who starts tweeting, another blog dies. But here’s the thing. Back in 2004, blogs were dismissed as a fad, and today there are billions of them. Blogging is ...more
Business Blogging

Want to See My Two New Blogging Projects?
Over the last 24 hours I’ve launched two new projects – both are blogging related. I’m not sure why they’ve both come at once – I wasn’t planning on doing either at all even 36 hours ago – but sometimes ideas hit me in groups. Here they are – I ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Aweber Introduces More Sophisticated Timing Options to Autoresponder Messages
One of the tools that has become central in my own blogging is Aweber. I won’t rehash all of the reasons that I use Aweber but essentially it’s a tool that enables you to allow readers of your blog subscribe to it via email. I use it mainly as a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
![How to Prevent and Monitor Invalid Clicks, and keep an AdSense Account in Good Standing [a Statement from AdSense]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
How to Prevent and Monitor Invalid Clicks, and keep an AdSense Account in Good Standing [a Statement from AdSense]
Over the last week or two there’s been an increase amount of chatter on forums and blogs about invalid clicks and AdSense. Some of the talk has contained information that has been a little confusing and perhaps even ill-informed (and some ‘influenced’ by companies with their own agendas) – so ...more

Get Your Free Roadmap to Become a Blogger
If you’re new to blogging and just starting out – do yourself a favor and get your hands on the Roadmap to Become a Blogger – a free report by Gideon Shalwick and Yaro Starak. The report has been downloaded by over 20,000 bloggers and has helped many get their ...more
Blogging Tools and Services