Darren Rowse

How to Create Compelling Content Through Reader Interaction
This week at ProBlogger I’m writing about principles of creating Compelling Content on a blog. Read principle #1, Being in Tune with Your Readers Needs here. Sometimes what makes a blog post compelling is not so much what the blogger writes but how the post is interacted with by readers. ...more
Writing Content
![How to Get In Tune with Your Readers Needs [and Produce Compelling Content]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
How to Get In Tune with Your Readers Needs [and Produce Compelling Content]
Compelling – “having a powerful and irresistible effect; requiring acute admiration, attention, or respect” Image by margolove Compelling content is a cornerstone of all great blogs. But what is it? How do you write it? Why do some blogs have it and others don’t? Over the next week at ProBlogger ...more
Featured Posts

How to Make Money (Passively) With Your Blog
Today, Shaun Connell from Learn Financial Planning explains how to build a passive income from your blog without sacrificing value. Trying to get the most “bang for your buck” has been behind the invention of the wheel, light-bulb, the Internet and pretty much every other major technological advancement in history. ...more
Blogging for Dollars

What is Compelling Content to You?
Over the next week here on ProBlogger I’ll be exploring the topic of ‘compelling content’. I’ve identified 7 principles of compelling content that I’ll be sharing (actually it could blow out to 9 as the more I think about it the more I realize there’s to say on the topic) ...more
Reader Questions

Does Search Engine Optimization Make a Difference?
Earlier today I had a debate via instant messaging with another blogger who told me that Search Engine Optimization doesn’t make any difference any more. They argued that you just need to provide good content and search engine rankings look after themselves. While I see where the blogger comes from ...more
Search Engine Optimization
![What You Do With Your Blogs Over the Weekend [RESULTS]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
What You Do With Your Blogs Over the Weekend [RESULTS]
Over the last few days I asked the question of – what do you do with your blog on the weekend? There were a lot of great responses so I asked Lara Kulpa to compile the results for me. Everyone answered in their own way but she managed to make ...more
Reader Questions

Why Promote an RSS Feed if it Keeps People from Visiting Your Blog?
In the last 15 minutes I’ve had 3 people ask me pretty much the same question: “Why promote an RSS feed where you share the full posts of your blog when it means people don’t read your blog?” Rather than write another post on the topic I thought I’d simply ...more

79% of Bloggers Pay Nothing for their Blog Design
Over the last few weeks the poll I’ve been running here on ProBlogger has asked people about who designed their blog. The results are in and it looks like that the vast majority of bloggers are not paying for themes. 61% of our readers are using free themes in some ...more
Blog Design

How to Treat your Blog like a Business
In this post Robb Sutton – author of the ebook Ramped Reviews. A very helpful ebook that I’ve just read that has some great ideas on how to get products to review on your blog, how to write profitable reviews and much more. It’s a great read on a topic ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips