Darren Rowse
Google Buzz
I’m still working out what I think about Google Buzz but can already see some stuff about it that I like and dislike. I’ll give it a bit more time before I make too many judgements but in the mean time if you’re interested in connecting on it with me ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Be a Playful Blogger
One of the things that first attracted me to blogging was the creative genius that I saw at work in many of the blogs going around at that time. There was an ‘anything goes’ type attitude among bloggers who were pushing the boundaries of what could be done on a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Blog Like a Cartoonist – Six Stunning Secrets to Help You Break Through Bloggers Block
And now for a guest post with a difference from Cartoonist Mark Anderson from Andertoons.com who created this comic to illustrate the writing techniques he uses to create his cartoons, and how they can help bloggers push through writer’s block.
Writing Content
Have a 37 Minute Coffee Break with Me [Audio Interview]
If you have a spare 37 minutes today to grab a coffee with me (or at least are doing something that will allow you to listen to something for 37 minutes in the background) check out this interview I did with Robb Sutton late last week. Robb’s also transcribed it ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
What Is Your Blogging Goal for February?
A few days back I asked readers a question: What Have You Been Putting Off and What’s Holding You Back? Some of the responses to the question in comments (and via email and Twitter) revealed a lot of bloggers really wanting to step things up and get what they’ve been ...more
Reader Questions
How I Got Some Paying Sponsors Without Really Meaning To
A guest post by Josh Hanagarne. World’s Strongest Librarian was about four months old when I got interested in sponsors. I’d read the articles about how to do it, and none of them sounded that plausible for me and my situation. For one, my traffic wasn’t impressive, certainly not to ...more
29 Debates Bloggers Have about Blogging
Do you want a formula to guarantee the success of your blog? Yesterday I was interviewed by a journalist about blogging and half way though the interview he asked me what the formula for successful blogging was. His question was innocent enough and asked without agenda but as I pondered ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
The Third Tribe – Launched [My Back Story]
Just over 48 hours ago those of you on my newsletter list would have received an email from me introducing a new venture that I’ve been working on – The Third Tribe. Third Tribe is a new collaboration between myself, Chris Brogan, Brian Clark and Sonia Simone. I’m going to ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Craftsmanship – Principles of Successful Blogs #9
As we continue to explore principles of successful blogging I want to turn our attention to a matter at the heart of the topic – content. Much could be said on the topic but in the presentation that sparked my principles of successful blogging series of posts I spoke at ...more
Writing Content