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AuctionAds Update Their Look

Posted By Darren Rowse 29th of August 2007 Advertising 0 Comments

Auctionads-1AuctionAds has done an update in a number of areas of what they are offering publishers with what they describe as a new ‘Web 2.0 Ad Creative’ (new colors and a new design – see the example to the left).

They’ve also optimized ad images (much improved) and have updated their hardware which will improve uptime of the network.

I continue to hear from some readers that AuctionAds is performing particularly well for them – it does vary from niche to niche but if you have a topic that has a good second hand market attached to it where people sell products on eBay it can convert very well.

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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I only been blogging for about 3 weeks now and constantly look for ways to make money and grow my blog.

    This is one of the best blog I have stumbled upon.

    I will check out AuctionAds and thanks for the post.

  2. I found out that John Chow is also offering something with Auction ads too. Hahahaha :-D

  3. Yeah, I know. how odd! I like the new look… but some people are saying it’s just some fluff to cover up their other problems…?

    What do you guys think?

  4. I’ve not heard that Terra. While I doubt AA is perfect for everyone (nor is any ad network) I do know some who make significant cash from it. I think that the design improvements are well worthwhile and bring it up to date.

  5. I actually like the new look. Although it would be better for blogs/sites that have a similar Web 2.0 theme. I just don’t like the fact that you can’t control the size of the ads. It’s on the code, but I don’t think users can play around with it.

  6. I used them for about four days and then chucked it because I couldn’t get anything contextual.

    Good luck to other though.

  7. I just put them up on my site today. It was purely coincidental.

  8. Well it’s about time! Their old website and the old ads looked pretty horrendous. The item images still look like crap though :)

    Very nice update, but I as well as most people can’t seem to make money off of AA.


  9. I have yet to try Auctionads, however I think I may now with the updated look, they were just so darn ugly before…

  10. I started using AA back around April, and earned about $1,000 in the first two months – then it broke (anyone that’s been using AA knows what i mean) .. I was forced to ditch it because although impressions were the same, clicks and earnings mysteriously dropped to virtually zero.
    I’m hoping that along with the new Web 2.0 look and feel, they’ve got at least a web 1.0 functionality. I just put AA back on my site yesterday and i’m hoping that it performs like it did in the good old days..

  11. I haven’t tried this yet as i am still learning about the finer points of choosing advertisments / affiliate links. Thanks for the heads up on this darren, you always seem to post something i’m thinking about right as i click to view your site :)

  12. Can anyone fill me in on a reason to use AA instead of going direct thru eBay’s affiliate program?

  13. Don’t think I am complaining, most of your recent posts are about websites. I always like your post but I come here to help myself in blogging, not to know about the features of other websites. I hope you will not reject this comment.

  14. I like the idea of AA but the qaulity of the ads I have seen are not as clear and crisp as the one you have pictured, that is why I stopped using them. I am going to perhaps give it another chance. Can’t commit to it though.

  15. They need to address what has been a steady and massive decline in revenue for most publishers over the last 3 months.

  16. I have been pretty luck with AuctionAds on my celebrity gossip site….selling everything from IT Gadgets to makeup has given me some very profitable days – nice to see the update from them!

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