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Are you Noticing Changes in Page Rank and Backlinks Numbers from Google?

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of January 2008 Search Engine Optimization 0 Comments

If my inbox is anything to go by there’s an update going on at Google at the moment that seems to be going beyond just a shift in Page Rank. I’ve had ALOT of readers reporting shifts in both PR and back link numbers. Lots of discussion, speculation and guess work in the forums about it (here and here).

Have you noticed any changes?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. My 2 month old blog went from 0 to 2 although I am almost back up to the number of subscribers and linkbacks I was on my old blogspot PR4 blog

  2. I wasn’t expecting much this update because my site is fairly new and only has a handful of backlinks but I’m happy just to be indexed now.

  3. Yup, I went from PR2 to PR4. Must be doing something right. :D

  4. definitely, I have six blogs one them went from PR 6 to 5, two went from N/A to PR3, two went from N/A to PR 0 (duh) and 1 is still N/A.

  5. Comments from your readers only confirm the importance/significance of Google PR as a form of value or measurement for whatever reason. There’s still a Google PR sigma no matter how most profile bloggers have declared PR is insignificant.

  6. I have seen an improvement in number of backlinks displayed by google, however no change in PR..

  7. Well I decided to give in and play by Google’s Rule completely. Resubmitted my site for reconsideration. Let’s see what happens.

  8. Backlinks increased 8 fold. PR stayed steady at 5.

  9. I’ve been seeing weird shifts in the amount of traffic Google sends my DVD blog.

    On Thursday I thought I was hit with a penalty, the G-traffic went so low. I filed a reconsideration and the traffic returned almost immediately, so now my theory is this is just the ebb and flow of whatever they are doing.

    I was downgraded in the SERPs for the term DVD blog, from about a position 6 to 15, and now I’m back at 8. Sounds normal but I haven’t been off the first page for that term in ages.

    My sports blog went from 4/10 to 5/10 in PR. No movement on the other blogs so far.

  10. I saw a drastic increase in no. of back links last weekend…from around 300 external links, it jumped to more than 1000. I saw a similar drastic increase in no of internal links…right now it reads more than 6000. This weekend the eternal links are back to the usual number but the internal links are staying put. Throughout this period, there was no change in pagerank of my blog
    Iwebtool is predicting a pagerank of 5 based on links that it’s counting as more than 800
    Interestingly, another metric of google Webmaster tells me that Google did a deep crawl of my pages…somewhere in mid December.
    Certainly something is cooking at Google.

  11. I’ve noticed some PR changes but no change in back link numbers.

  12. some says that this is just a test from google..

  13. I’m finally up to a pagerank of 3, after going down from 2 to 1 the last update. Google and their mysterious ways!

  14. I’ve got a 1 month old site with PR0>3 and another 4 years old 4

  15. my pagerank vary from 2 to 1,oh:(

  16. Bloggrrl went from 4 to 0, no doubt because of PPP. On the other hand, a brand new blog, Threads of Ink went from 0 to 2 with only a couple of backlinks.


  17. My blogs doing paid posts stayed at PR0. My new blog with no paid posts or links went from 0 to 3.

  18. My personal blog ah ok lah went from PR5 down one point to PR4. Bad news for me.

  19. My pagerank went from 0 to 4 on Friday. This is after it went from 4 to 0 sometime end of 2007 probably because of TLA ads. I removed them and notified Google that I removed them. I don’t know if that had an impact on getting my pagerank back. I should note that at no time did my traffic decrease so having a page rank of 0 had no affect on search traffic. All along, 50% of my traffic came from google. Scary how much power Google has…

  20. I went from a pr 3 to pr 4. i dont know why and i dont want to know it anytime. isnt it just a “game?”

    have a great week…

  21. When I use my backlink checker tool, it says I have 0 backlinks, but I know that I have a few hundred. I don’t get it.

  22. Yes, Google recently updated. I changed my domain name on my blog to erica.biz and it was sitting at a 0 for a couple months. Now it’s finally back to a 5. :) My old domain was a PR6 for a while, so I have that goal to work toward. Hooray for PR updates!

  23. Hey guys, I used to have a PR of 4 last year. Then I went on a break from blogging and my PR fell to 0. I have since started to post again, for over a month now. According to seomoz.org my PR is 4 but the google toolbar still says 0. Can someone please help me figure out what my real PR is? Please drop me an email at therizz3687@gmail.com if you can help. Thanks!

  24. Amazing!

    I’ve lost 13571 backlinks in one day (Google Webmaster Tools report / screen shots here : http://tinyurl.com/2ojaa2) and since today my blog is no more PR5 but PR0 ?!

    Does anyone report the same Backlinks problem ?

  25. No change! PR4

  26. Darren,

    My Google backlinks went from 157 a few days ago to over 1,000 today, though my PR still remains at 0 (after dropping from 3 during the recent Google PR cut).

    Thanks for tipping us off to the recent activity at the Big G!


  27. I think that PR is useless… I have a 5 PR, but from time to time when I check my backlinks, I have only one. WTF?

  28. Yup, noticed the change as well. :(

  29. Mine from 0 to 5! :)

  30. Noticed the change this morning. Went from a PR 5 to a PR 4. My revenues have gone down recently as well but not sure if there is a direct correlation.

  31. My PR went from 3 to 0.

  32. Apparently, the Google Directory is now pulling new data from DMOZ. The directory entry is showing different PR than the Toolbar is, for example, my site is still showing a PR4 while Toolbar is showing PR0…

    More proof the Toolbar is just a cosmetic exercise, probably to try and drive us all crazy!

  33. agung says: 01/14/2008 at 9:30 pm

    my site increased from PR 0 to 2. it’s 3 weeks old :)

  34. I don’t find any change in my site PR… still 2 ;( … Google hasn’t confirmed on this yet…

  35. My PR jumped from PR0 to PR4. I was amazed and delighted. I also jumped up to page 1 of google on the primary key words for my real estate market. Looking good.

  36. I have nothing to worry. My site is still banned from Google! I bought the domain 1 year ago and recentely started to create the site. I hope that someday they notice that it is a brand new site and that it is doing things right (but slooowly, hehe). Maybe in the next update :)

  37. My site at villazone.com jumped form 1 to 4.

  38. My 3 month old site got a PR today … its PR3.

    But I’m not rejoicing as much as I did on previous blogs. Google could just as easily downgrade a PR3 to PR0 next time around.

    In other words … “Whatever!”

  39. Iwas chek my pagerank but not update.
    so im stuck inlast my post.
    thanx for info

  40. I haven’t seen any changes on my blogs or sites

  41. One of my sites went from 0 to 3 in 2.5 to 3 months. One of my blogs dropped from PR 5 to PR 3. It also lost about 200 back links. Everything else remained the same.

  42. I can say this is the biggest and most suprising change I have ever seen.. I hardly explain what is going on..

    1 Month old blog got PR6 ..I did not think it was possible before..Link backs went up from 30 to 700 in one night…
    I think Google is working faster now …Indexing a new page in a couple hours.. a new site in one day …


  43. On the last juggle, The Garage dropped from PR6 to PR3. Shortly after, returned to PR5. Now has dropped back to PR3 again. Weird. Not affecting traffic or earnings either way though.

  44. One of my sites that remained the same at PR 4 but the subpages went from PR 4 to a gray bar. I just noticed that this evening. I read something about the supplemental results.

    I see Wong got a 1 month old blog to a PR 6. How is that possible?

  45. Hoping to get PR rank next update.

  46. I have nothing to worry. My site is still banned from Google! I bought the domain 1 year ago and recentely started to create the site.

  47. Every 3 months google have a gig nice dance… results are unpredictable!!! up and down…ever

  48. i also noticed that. my blog went from PR0 to PR1. but i dont happy with PR1

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