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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Too bad YPN is not allowing non-US publishers.

  2. I dunno if you should care much about YPN’s restrictions at this point. I just got approved for the beta a day or so ago, and so far, I am totally unimpressed. If there’s any contextual intelligence at all behind the ads, I haven’t seen it yet. I’m only running these guys at a small subset of my pages, but they are context rich and the YPN ads are mostly the same thing over and over and totally unrelated to anything on the page.

    However – I DO like that I can tell Yahoo a category of preferred Ads for certain directories, etc. That seems to work, but the choices for categories are very limited so I can’t make much use of them.

    Also, unlike Google, YPN policy doesn’t let me put this on any site but the one I was approved for. That means going begging for approval over and over again to get this on all my sites.

  3. Serious Revenue Community yahoo

    Yahoo Publisher Network RSS Ads Jen has spotted what we’ve all been expecting to see – Yahoo Publisher Network RSS ads. She writes: ‘The ads are…

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