It’s been a few days since I launched the latest ProBlogger eBook – Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers. Since that time we’ve seen over 1000 purchases of the book and have had some fantastic feedback.
Here are of the first reviews so you can hear what others are saying about it.
1. Clare at Women in Business writes
“The eBook shifted my perspective on the purpose and value of each blog post. Sure you can have your call to actions at the end of the blog post – but does the content you’ve written support and encourage your visitor to take that action?” Read the full review
2. Ali Hale writes
“While reading, though, I was struck by how useful this book would be for many newer writers in the blogosphere. I see basic grammatical mistakes every day, and I also see posts which are fundamentally sound but poorly structured or formatted. It’s so easy to lose attention online, and this ebook would be invaluable to bloggers who are struggling to build an audience.” Read the full review
3. Kristi from Kikolani writes
“In addition to the checklist, the beginning of the ebook gives you 10 questions to ask about your blog as a whole, as well as 11 questions to ask before writing each post. If you refer to these answers as you write each blog post, your writing will not only improve, but you should also see better reader engagement with your posts as well.” Read the full review
4. Paul from Blogging Teacher Writes
“When you find a weakness in your writing all you need to do is look up that section in the ebook, learn how to improve that part of your writing, and put it into practice. In no time it will become second nature and you’ll be writing high quality blog posts with complete ease.” Read the full review
5. Jennifer from Gurls Asylum
The Copywriting Score Card for Bloggers is a great product for all writers, especially those writing for the web. It shows many blog copywriting secrets in a way that is easily understood. The topics are actionable and often have a nice tip to help you use the topic better.” Read the full Review.
6. Stanford from Pushing Social
Check out this cool video review of the Scorecard – Stanford gives some thoughtful and considered analysis.
Updates and Price Increases
The feedback has overwhelmingly been a positive so far – however we’ve also had a couple of good suggestions on how to make it better. Glenn and I are already talking about how we can update it (any update will be given to those who already have it for free) to make it even more useful and anticipate having a significant update by the time the price goes up on 1 September (again, if you buy it now you’ll get the update free).
Keep in mind that the current price of $9.97 USD is an introductory offer. We’re putting the price up on 1 September. We’ve previously said that the price will go up to $14.97 USD but the feedback we’re getting is that it is worth more and with the updates we’ll most certainly put it up beyond that mark.
So to secure it at the introductory discount grab your own copy of Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers now.
this is great that a book solely on helping bloggers improve their writing skill is launched.
I like to check other blogs in my niche to determine what type of content would work with people interested. A response or ways to follow up on the current topic of discussion has always worked well for me in writing great pieces to which webmasters willingly link.
Hey Darren,
I purchased the book already read it 3 times. For the price it’s a no brainer to purchase and full of info that is needed.
Chat with you later…
Hey Darren,
Awesome News. I’m yet to purchase the scorecard ebook.
And the reviews are really awesome.
I’m going to purchase it before 1 sep.. !!
Yep, thanks for putting my ugly mug up there ;)
Seriously, My Scorecard has already been dog-eared and coffee stained. It’s a great foundational resource. I’m glad I got it before the price increase!
~ Stanford
Ooh, thanks for the mention! I was impressed how much Glenn had packed in — kudos to you and him on a really good job. :-)
Inspiring quotes are a wonderful method to use a fast enhance – I just go through one particular or two to lift me up
Just stopped in to say thanks for the mention, Darren. I went to sleep with a smile after some great conversations on Twitter. I woke up to a smile when I found this post.
I can hardly wait to see what you and Glenn Murray come up with based on reader suggestions!
Hey Darren,
The reviews are awesome. Didn’t buy this book yet, but will do this before 1 september… and the price?! It should be much higher! There is so much for me and others to learn of you!
Keep it up!
Good tips, guest post is a very powerful method to increase your blog traffic by borrowing other blog traffic.
This looks like a great resource. Definitely going to invest in it. Always looking for ways to improve my score!
Thanks for including my review in this list! There is a a lot of valuable information in this ebook – I plan on going back through a lot of my older but still popular posts and running them through this checklist to strengthen my overall content.
This would be another great product of yours Darren. It is very helpful to all bloggers at the non-expert level.
I already have the 31DBBB and I will buy this ebook before the promo will expire.
Thanks for this…
– Blogging
Hi Darren!
My name is Liva and I blog on – a blog about books. I write to you because I want to ask you is you want to answer a few questions about the books in your life.
1. What is your favourite book?
2. What book would you like to read in the future?
3. What book would you give to someone you love?
If you have the time, you’re welcome to take a picture of yourself with one of the books.
You can contact me on: or on my blog:
/Liva Christina
Darren – The book rocks!
It delivers value that far beyond it’s price – and honestly the $9.97 tag does not do justice to the wisdom and insights that’s packed inside.
I’ve got my copy printed and pinned up on my desk over multiple pages – it’s looking like a wallpaper ;)
Thanks for making even this book awesome (as always) – and I remain indebted to you.
I’ve just purchased the ebook and I’m going to like it! There are still many things that I need to learn from you Darren. Anyway, I grabbed the ebook before the price raises up.
Thank you so much Darren and Glenn Murray!
I bought the ebook 4 days ago; it’s one of the best ebooks I’ve read in some time.
It’s packed with terrific advice, and it’s easy to read and understand. The questionnaires are valuable tools that help me achieve clarity and focus, and the scorecards are great for reviewing my work.
Thank you very much Darren and Glenn!
Hi Darren,
I had purchased the ebook and i must say it is a great read. I knew i have to improve my writing as i have pretty low scores on the scorecard.
Thank you Darren and Glen.
I think the thing that the most when working with “new brides” is their zest for life and their hope for the future. It gives me great pleasure when we can help them choose the right travel package. I would be interested in you input as to the most exotic place you would recommend for a honeymoon. Curious to see your response.
Thank you for creating a resource like this, Darren. There are so many ebooks about theory, but this is one of the best for taking people by the hand and giving them the reseources so that they can’t screw it up.
This is a steal for anyone that is buying during the launch period.
-Joshua Black
The Underdog Millionaire
Hi Darren, I just ordered the book last night and am really enjoying it. I also decided it would be a great resource for my subscribers, fans, and followers, so I’m doing a giveaway where folks just have to post a comment on my blog, twitter, or fan page, to be automatically entered. Info is at:
There is another week to take action. Thanks for your clear schedule on this.
If you are thinking about buying the scorecard, I got the scorecard and blogged a review about it
Hi Darren :)
Awesome reviews… big thx for this!
Seriously, My Scorecard has already been dog-eared and coffee stained. It’s a great foundational resource. I’m glad I got it before the price increase!
You could just create your own scorecard yourself, but what Darren does is just helpful for many people.