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WordPress.com Review

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of September 2005 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

TECH has a WordPress.com Review – written on an actual wordpress.com blog. I’ve been invited into the alpha testing also and from what I’ve seen so far it’s shaping up to be a great system. I’m looking forward to seeing what features they add as it moves towards a beta test.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. You are so lucky…I wish I was invited too… Not that I have any specific purpose for my blog. I would probably give it to my gf to blog with… I am really interested in playing with the WP 1.6 backend.

  2. Then why don’t you just install 1.6 on your site, make a new directory and add a test blog, or if you are feeling lucky, you can install 1.6 on your main blog and see what happens!

    BTW, that’s my site, and my review, hope you guys like it :)

  3. when will i be able to create a setup whereby people can create their own wordpress blogs on my server? i’d like to create a mini-network focused on a certain niche.

  4. Try WordPress MU, it’s what wp.com uses…


  5. […] 一方、海外で TypePad の競争相手として注目を集めている新興 blog ホスティングサービス wordpress.com については、大量のDELLサーバがデータセンタに運び込まれてたりとか、ユーザの一人がレビューを書いてたりとか、またそれが ProBlogger で取り上げられたりとかしてます。レビューの結論はこんな感じ。 After all, only time can show if wp.com is really going to make serious competition for Typepad, but if the wp.com development team (Matt and Donncha i guess..) continue doing things like now, updating the service and adding new features everyday, as well as answering support and feedback emails on a record time for people that I’m sure have a lot of other things to do, wp.com can easily beat Typepad. […]

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