What was Hot at ProBlogger in August?

Posted By Darren Rowse 4th of September 2007 ProBlogger Site News

Last month was a pretty massive month here at ProBlogger with a record level of traffic (Google Analytics shows it at about 650,000 page views and our server side stats place it at 1.3 million – so it’s somewhere in between), 3959 comments (a new record) and 107 posts (the highest rate of posting at PB for at least 12 months). There was a lot of action on the blog a couple of reasons. It was partly a result of the blog’s redesign (which led to an increase in both actual visitors and pages viewed per visitor) as well as the 31 Day project.

107 posts is a lot to digest – so I’ve decided to summarize the top 15 in terms of visitor numbers.

Here’s a quick summary of the hottest 10 posts from ProBlogger in August 2007:

Of course this month was also popular for the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project which has 31 of my own blog tips and over 600 of yours!

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