Weekend Project: Write Posts that Hold Readers to the End

Posted By Darren Rowse 21st of July 2012 Writing Content

I’ve said before that blog posts contain many elements, and we all know that writing a good blog post takes work.

After all, to write a good blog post you need to be a good writer—generally speaking, anyway!

It’s little wonder so many bloggers are focused on being better writers. Among the advice we’ve all seen out there is information on:

But when it all boils down, what every blogger wants is to have people read (or listen or watch).

We want people to engage with our content.

What exactly does that mean? Well, we can measure engagement in terms of statistics or sales or comment counts or … but really, engagement means people paying attention to what we have to say, and the ability of our messages to stay with them.

Every blogger wants to be heard. And this weekend, we’ve got a two-part tutorial I think we’ll probably all benefit from. This detailed miniseries will show you how to write a post that grips readers from the headline to the very end. It’s got some powerful messages that I hope you’ll really get some insight from.

What I want to invite you to do is consider your blog posts—any piece of your content—in light of the advice in these posts. So, right now, go to your site and pull up your best post ever! It doesn’t matter what it is—or what format it’s in—just go and grab it, and bookmark that post.

Then, over the next two days, see whether your post meets the points that are outlined in the Weekend Project posts. If it does, that’s great—maybe have a look at some of your other posts and see if they do the same thing.

If it doesn’t, have a go at seeing if you can tweak the post to better meet the advice of our guest poster. If you can’t, dig out your next post idea, and apply these learnings to it. Then see how the post performs. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

I really hope you’ll enjoy this weekend project. Check out the first post here, and the second post here. But first, share your favorite writing technique with us in the comments.

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