I’ve woken up this morning to four emails and three people on IM all telling me their frustrations with TypePad which has been down for at least the last 7 or so hours (possibly longer). Over at Six Apart’s website is the following message:
‘During routine maintenance of our network and storage systems last night, we experienced an issue with our primary disk system where data from published blogs are stored. We are currently running diagnostics on the device, and working to restore your data as soon as possible. Verifying data can be a slow process and will take time.
In the meantime we are currently deploying backup copies of your weblogs from approximately 2 days ago. This is what will be displayed for your blog. The TypePad application is currently unavailable, which means that users will not be able to log in, and visitors to weblogs will not be able to post comments. We are working to bring TypePad back online as soon as possible.
We appreciate your patience as we work through these issues. We will be posting updates to status.sixapart.com throughout the day, and will post to Everything TypePad with major news.’
If you’re a TypePad user you can get the latest updates here. I really hope that they are able to restore your blogs quickly – I know how frustrating it is not to be able to post anything and to fear losing posts. It sounds like there might be a loss of a day or two’s posting which would be a real loss for TypePad users – but I guess in the scheme of things it seems that they’ve at least been wise enough to back up recently enough. All the best everyone.
..and surprisingly enough their software is now the default blogging tool for Yahoo’s web hosting services..yikes.
–An avid Internet browser
They say that they’ve restored posts from two days ago. I think, as is the case with most Typepad users, that this value is five or six days (starting at December 9th to December 11th). I’m hoping that this is just down and all will be back to normal.
I suppose there are a couple of ways to look at this:
1) Glass half full – At least the site is completely down
2) Glass half empty – The site looks old and stale (to new visitors), without being updated frequently.
I try to look at it as Glass half full. It’s just frustrating, especially after the whole October Incident.
Bad place for a typo:
#1 is supposed to be: “At least the site ISN’T completely down.
I wondered why Seth Godin and Steve Rubel were 4 days behind posts I had already read.
You’d think guys with money like that would spring for their own hosting and WordPress.
to be fair on those guys they do have their own domain’s and hosting don’t they? Steve has his own domain at Micro Persuasion. It’s still a typepad blog but it wouldn’t be hard for him to move to MT or WP and not loose his blog structure etc.
I know I’ll be advising a couple of clients that I set up on Typepad to stay with them in the short term. The type and aim of the blogs they have fit well with the service – but there are other bloggers who I’d advise to consider a move to MT. Of course even with hosted options there is up and downtime issues.
True, but they don’t control their content if thet allow TypePad to do this.
Outsorced hosting could potentially have the same problem, but I think the infuriating thing for many people is that there are super-reliable hosting companies out there with a lot less of a valuation compared with Six Apart, and they would never let this happen, much less twice in 3 months.
I guess the difference is the sense of urgency in your custumer service — too much money can kill you sometimes.
The problems at TypePad have been going on for some time due to overcapacity and a data center transition that hasn’t gone well. Here’s more on TypePad’s recent problems. A lot of people in the Blogosphere really want to see Six Apart/TypePad succeed. I’m a longtime MT user myself, so I understand the sentiment. But this is also a venture-funded compoany that moved slowly to address capacity problems on a key revenue-generating service.
I think it’s interesting that when SA announced its Yahoo partnership it touted MT on Yahoo hosting as a great solution for business bloggers – who are probably wary of TypePad right now because of its reliability issues. Yahoo has infrastructure to spare.
Brians right,
why the hell doesn’t Steve Rubel and Seth Godin go a buy a managed box and run MT if they are so dedicated to SA?