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Top 5 – Group Writing Project Day 2

Posted By Darren Rowse 9th of May 2007 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Top-5Today is the first time that I’ve run a Group Writing project where the submissions have come in faster than I am able to read them all (I will read them all though!). You readers have blown me away today by the sheer numbers of you throwing yourselves into this project and by the creativity and diversity of your approaches.

Today we’ve had 242 submissions which on top of yesterdays 132 means we’ve already hit 374 bloggers participating (around 30 more than our previously most popular project – with still 2 days to go).

If you haven’t put your post in yet – there’s only two days to go. To enter and go into the draw for the $1001 prize read the instruction on this post and get your submission in.

The Prize and Why Chitika Rocks – #4

As a little thank you to the sponsor of this Group Writing Project (did I mention they’re putting up $1001?) I’m writing a mini series of comments about the – My Top 5 Reasons that Chitika Rocks. Today we’re counting down to number 4.

RpuOne of the best converting ad units from Chitika that I run on a few of my blogs is the Related Products Unit (RPU). These units simply look at the keywords that you suggest to them (I link them to the headline of my post) and then provide a text link to 3 related products. These are CPC units and they convert brilliantly – especially if you place them at the end of a post about a product (ie these won’t work as well on non product related posts).

Even though these ads appear at the bottom of my posts they convert as well (if not better) than ads I have above the fold. They’re gold! RPUs wont work for everyone (and Chitika do have a few requirements for publishers before they allow them to be used but if they let you into the program I’d highly recommend testing them on a product related blog.

Today’s Submissions

Warning – before tackling this list (and you’ll want to!) you’re going to need some supplies. Grab a coffee or beer (a six pack would probably be enough) as well as a snack (or two). There are some great reads in this list – please surf by as many as you can, comment, link up and spread some group writing project cheer!

Here are today’s submissions (PS: after the list is a list of the most clicked on links from yesterday’s submissions):

One More Top 5

So today I thought I’d do something a little different and track which five entries from yesterdays list that most people clicked upon. I tracked this using MyBlogLog’s outbound stats checker. Here’s what I found (yep – it’s the ‘top 5’ – I had to didn’t I?).

  1. Become Blog Worthy
  2. My Top 5 Favorite WordPress Blogging Tools
  3. The Top 5 Web Sites for a Deserted Island
  4. The Top 5 Ways to Become a Millionaire
  5. Get Fit and Sexy While Blogging – the Top 5 Unusual Things to do at Your Computer

So the lessons from this little experiment:

1. Be First (the most clicked link was the first one on the list – all were in the top half of the list)
2. Write about blogging – I guess it makes sense. Readers of ProBlogger are bloggers… it’s a topic that will appeal
3. Be a little Creative with your title (that last one got me to click on it)
4. ‘How to’ posts seem to work (all really promised to teach or provide something useful at some level)
5. Be Quirky or Amusing – many of the next 10 most popular posts had very amusing titles or were quirky (like My 5 Fingers Ranked, 5 Superhuman Powers I would like to have and 5 Cool Things You can do with your DNA).

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. It is disheartening to know people are still going for blog related topics…

  2. Darren, thank you very much for the linkage, wow that’s quite a list, you’re right, lots of coffee will be needed! and a snack too :)

  3. it’s an interesting experiment though an interesting topic/title would attract me, doesn’t matter if it’s blogging or something else. Nonetheless, this is a fantastic to discover some good posts and bloggers out there!

  4. Someone should write a post about the Top 5 ways to read all these Top 5 posts in the shortest amount of Top 5 time!

  5. Thanks for the extra link Darren! Number 5 most clicked I’m pretty happy with that.!


  6. Woot?!! 242 entries? That’s a lot!
    haha….. I am sure my title is gonna be the most popular one for today’s entry :p

  7. I just absolutely LOVE the group writing project! (did I gush?) This is so good. Such an awesome turnout! Speaks volumes for the quality of the writers out here in the blogosphere, too. Good on ya Darren! Keep it up, mate.

  8. “Be First (the most clicked link was the first one on the list – all were in the top half of the list)”

    I should have realized that the best time for submitting the entry would have been at 00.01 when the new day started :)

  9. Thanks Darren for compiling the list!

    There goes my night :o

  10. WOW! Darren you are the master of backlinks!

    Some of the entries are really good. I’ve gotten sooo many comments and link backs on my Top 5 project as well. It’s my second most popular post. ever.

    Great project!

  11. I love these group projects! In the last one I made a lot of friends. Thank you, Darren, for making this possible.

  12. Hi Darren – Thanks for the link love! I hope people enjoy a Top 5 with a bit of tongue-in-cheek! :)

  13. Cooool! Wow i did not expect to see soo many articles.

    Hope you all enjoy my list.. I have gotten some good feedback so far.

    Top 5 Resources Domain Owners Shouldn’t Live Without


  14. Darren,
    Thanks for including my post in the list.

  15. Oh my… looks like my 8 hour marathon yesterday wont be enough to what I am about to experience next. With this many of links, it would be impossible for me to read them all (especially because I need to review for my exam tomorrow T_T)

    Still, I would try my best. ^_^

    BTW, I feel sorry for the guys that are placed at the bottom of the list. Still, there are some more ways to expose yourself like commenting on the ones on the top of the list and leave a link back to your entry.

    Good luck to us all! ^_^

  16. Wow, what an exhaustive list. Right after I make my way through this VRIO analysis of a local business that I’m doing for a termpaper, I guess I better start wading through all of these. Oh and I think I even saw my own entry in there somewhere – Will be interesting to see what the benefits are of being in the very middle of the second day ;)

  17. “You readers”? Who you calling “you readers”, you, you, you Darren!


  18. You’re right about the titles – I couldn’t resist clicking on the ‘fit and sexy’ post!
    By the way how come your top five is numbered 2 – 6? Are you saving the real #1 for later in the week?

  19. […] [via ProBlogger Day 2 Submissions] […]

  20. oops – fixed the numbering

  21. btw – the timing is hard to predict. I do it mid afternoon my time – but it varies every day.

  22. Thanks for the link! I was actually really thrilled with my entry, it was great to have someone else supply some direction for an article & it’s had a lot of value for my regular readers too.

  23. Yeah … ditto everyone else on the kudos for these group writing projects. I was surprised to find a few other music-related blogs this morning. -dm

    Top 5 Ways To Cure Writer’s Block

  24. Day 2 and I’m already behind my reading! I’ve only read a couple of these, but I’m sure to come back every so often to read more.

  25. It is impressive to see how the 2nd day submission has grown. I will easily consume a bottle of wine for reading them all. For new blog sites, like the one I included for this group writing project, it helped a lot in generating traffic. It even got my “running after a copyright violator” link be Stumbled Upon that resulted to another traffic surge. My visit to numerous sites also inspired me to make a call for blog site submission for inclusion in the book’s directory section. Congratulations Darren and thanks!

  26. Darren–that is one long ass list! I have my coffee and other backup munchies at hand as I wander through it this morning. I’ll surely need them!

    Yes, it definitely appears that the best place in the list to be situation is either at the tippy top or at the very end, and of course my post “Top 5 Hottest Blogger Fantasies” is firmly entrenched in the middle of the list!

    Oy! The odds are against me making into the top 5 most clicked, but I have noticed some traffic starting to flow in from Problogger (thank you!), and I hope that folks will share their own blogging fantasies with me.

    Okay–back to the list–o-links: What I’m going to do in order to find the hidden gems in this massive list is to look *randomly* through the list, then pick out my favorite 5, and post the links at my blog…

    …Feeling like an incredible dork for actually getting excited about this ;-).

  27. Hi Darren, I would just like to point out that there seems to be two links for “Fly Fish Fanatics Five Fabulous Flies” written by Rick Passek. The first is one a broken link. ^_^

    Yay to Group Writing! ^_^

  28. The list looks great today, I’m going to post it on my blog for all of my readers to check out!

  29. Number 2! Sweet! I must admit it freaked me out when I saw I had referrers from the day 2 post: I thought you’d linked to me twice. Suffice to say that the traffic I’m experiencing as a result is a little above average :D

  30. Darren, this is awesome!

    I already have a bunch of incoming links to my blog from this! This Friday I’m going to post my “Top-5” picks of the Top-5 entries on my blog!

    I spent a couple of hours reading yesterday’s. So far my favorite was about the “Top 5 Ways Blog Carnevals Make Blogging Better.”

    Never heard of a Blog Carnival before but I think I’m going to try to get one going! So if there are any wedding bloggers out there send me an email through my blog!

    Thanks for the great contest!

  31. […] Rives’ entry in the ProBlogger Top 5 writing project takes a look at the superhuman feats of some Old Testament characters. There’s gotta be a […]

  32. […] called “Top 5.” His blog, Problogger, is one that I look at on a regular basis. As of day 2, there had been 374 submissions, with two more days to […]

  33. Are you going to decide the winner by the number of clicks? Is that why you posted the top 5 clicked from day one? Thanks for the link on problogger, I’ve gotten a lotta traffic from the link and have enjoyed reading others blog entries.

    Turtle King

  34. Are you going to decide the winner by the number of clicks? Is that why you posted the top 5 clicked from day one? Thanks for the link on problogger, I’ve gotten a lotta traffic from the link and have enjoyed reading others blog entries.

    Turtle King

  35. Darren mentioned that in his previous posts that the winner for the $1001 prize would be chosen randomly as long as that person is part of the Group Writing Project.

  36. […] Darren says that he received 242 submissions on top of the 132 that already came in, so he’s already surpassed previous totals for a Project.  Yes, OK, some of them are not so great, just people totally looking for link love.  On the other hand, some are a fun read, and thanks to linking, the halls of Perceptive Travel Blog have been positively tramping with the feet of new readers. […]

  37. hello darren … that’s an awful lots of links – so much so that it looks like a link-farm … probably it’s better to categorize it into different sector for readability – just my opinion ….

    cheers …

  38. Oh ‘eck thats a lot of links…. Just posted my top 5 entry – I don’t fancy my chances with the number of post youre getting..

    Still loving the site!


  39. I agree with Stock tube. categorizing it would be much easier for other people to spot different links. Also it wouldnt be unfair for all those blogs that are below the list.

    However,implementing this would take up a lot of time and effort, especially if done manually. My suggestion is to add a “category” selection in the “Submit your site” form of the contest.


  40. Thanks, Darren.
    The clicks are rolling in. And imagine the FRIGHT when I saw your face in myblog.log


  41. thanks for taking the time & effort to compile the list, Darren !

  42. […] should be enough for now. For more Top 5 posts, I suggest you stop by at Problogger because the first batch of posts are already up and it’s quite a goldmine of good content. Tags:blogging, cell phones, […]

  43. Wow, that’s quite the list! If tomorrow’s list is of a similar size my post will probably never be noticed. But it’s good reading material, so you won’t hear me compaining.

    Darren, I have a question: aren’t you afraid that Google et al. will see these pages as linkfarms as they have way more than 100 outbound links? Or did you bribe Matt Cutts with an all-inclusive week down under? ;)

  44. […] post is written as a contribution to Problogger’s current Group Writing Project. Click here to check it out, and find some amazing posts to enjoy. The number of people contributing to this is […]

  45. Aww I didn’t make the list and I thought my topic was interesting: Top 5 Ways a Custom Blog Is Better…..

    Anyway I have some work ahead of me after.. work today. All those blogs to run though and see what they have to say!

  46. […] Tags:alphabet contests English language problogger top fiveDarren Rowse over at problogger has a neat contest going on. If you submit a Top 5 list about anything you want, submit it to the site, and link to a couple of […]

  47. […] to check out the ones that are outside the realm of The Reviewer, then check out the day 2 list here.   Here below is the list that I think would be of interest of readers of The […]

  48. Wow, look at all the Top 5 list!

    This is crazy!

    Thanks for putting in on, I’m wasting a huge amount of time now browsing all the new blogs.

  49. Overwhelming to say the least….thanks for all the time you put into this for us Darren, especially since you read all of these.

    Yesterday I made my best effort to get through all 132 (and comment on each!) and then I had to turn my attention to creating more new content for my blog! :)

    Thanks again, this is a great opportunity.


  50. […] feed or get daily update via email delivery. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay! Today is the second day of the Top 5 Group Writing Project at Problogger.net and there are a total of 243 submissions (wow). Here are my […]

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