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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I saw that this morning; it is a great article.

    (By the way, the permalink is coming to your site again…this is good!)

  2. just wanted to say thanks for letting me know about that post ;-)

  3. I saw this article this morning too and was really impressed. Brian should talk about eliminating ‘but’ from the English language as well and replacing it with ‘and’. It has a different tone and usually can mean the same thing.

    Compare these responses when the wife asks you to help with something while you’re in the middle of a really long blog entry:

    ‘Honey, I’m working on this entry but I’ll help out as soon as I’m done’


    ‘Honey, I’m working on this entry and I’ll help as soon as I’m done’

  4. I’ll be the only one on the internets today to disagree with that post.

    Me, My, and I always trumps in “blogging”. For instance one of my favorite posts from your archives:

    Becoming a ProBlogger – A story in Many Parts

    Add up all the I‘s in that one, lol. But it’s still a great post and one of the reasons I’m subscribed here.

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