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Speedlinking 7 October 2006

Posted By Darren Rowse 7th of October 2006 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

Lifehacker’s Gina Trapani writes a great post on her analysis of Bloglines as compared to the newly improved Google Reader. Has anyone else switched like Gina?

Andy Wibbels (my co Six Figure Blogging presenter) is starting his latest course – Keyword Essentials (aff). He’s done a free preview call which you can listen to to give you a feel for whether the course is for you or not. I’ve got the call ready to listen to later today. (PS: Andy’s just extended the discount until Monday especially for ProBlogger readers).

Adrian at the PC Doctor publishes a letter from YPN banning him from the ad network for sending non US traffic – the strange thing is that he’s never sent them any traffic as he’s never used their ads at all!?

James writes a post on the topic of 10 things to consider when choosing a Site Meter

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I must be one of the few people who don’t like the new Google Reader; I liked the simplicity of the old one. I guess I will get used to it with time though as with all things that constantly update and add more features.

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  3. hey.. dont be suriprised. I dont like the new google reader. I think the old style is better. Maybe they should let us choose whether to stay with the new or old style.. just like yahoo! mail.

  4. I must be one of the other people who don’t like the new Google Reader. I’m too set in my ways. I can live with the 200 limit (if it comes close to that number – just tick the box “keep new”. and review them at a later date). It took me forever to figure out if it was stopping incoming RSS feeds in the beginning, or dropping off old feeds at the end.

    Also, I’m not sure about how other Blogline users think about this.. but the “r” for refresh has been working bettter recently. i.m.o.

  5. I did change to Google reader. While it is a little slow in rendering the interface it looks and feels so much fresher. (I agree with Gina on Bloglines’ look.) Maybe the addition of custom stylesheets to bloglines could habe prevented me from switching.

    The best feature over Bloglines is — apart from the 100+ thing and the 200 posts limit in BL — the solution of not marking a complete feed as read when you click on its title. Google Reader marks only the actually read (hovered over) items as read, instead of the whole tail. This behavior alone made me change.

    Have a nice weekend,

  6. I’m finally trying Google Reader (I tried it before and couldn’t get it to accept my Bloglines sub).

    This time, it all worked and I’m comparing the two. Right now, I’m liking Bloglines better. I’m used to the look, I don’t have to log in like I do Google Reader, and the interface is simple.

    For some reason, GR is mixing all my posts, so I could read a Problogger post, then a Lifehacker, then something else, then a Problogger post. I think it sorts by time posted, not by blog.

    In general, I’ve found Google a disappointment. Their documentation is scanty, their visual interface confusing, and I can’t group all my accounts under one name. I’ve got gmail, adsense and reader and they require three different logins.

  7. Seriously… consider RSS Popper in Outlook. You get to use Outlook rules and flagging for maximum flexibility

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