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Speedlinking – 18 May 2007

Posted By Darren Rowse 18th of May 2007 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments
  • Modern Life has put together an interesting analysis of the length of posts that the Technorati Top 100 blogs have done in their most recent 10 posts – ‘The vast majority of posts were over 100 words and under 500.’ I wonder what ProBlogger’s average was!
  • Jeremy builds on the model I linked to yesterday for estimating a blog’s worth with another one
  • TechCrunch highlights the power of blogging by showing how a post on Engadget caused a serious fluctuation of Apple’s share price
  • AddThis (a social bookmarking tool) has released a trends page to highlight what bookmarking services users of AddThis are using. The summary graph looks like this:


PS: AddThis have also added a little graph that shows what services readers are using for bookmarking on a blog by blog basis. Here at ProBlogger – here’s what readers use the AddThis service for:


About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Those are very good links. I’ve book marked some of them. :)

  2. All of these are nice links. But i don’t think i make any of those grammar mistakes often.
    I wonder how Google leads AddThis’s bookmarking, when most of the blogs separately have del.icio.us as number one.

  3. Hi,

    Scribd is a kind of “copy content you found and host it with us” site, i.e. a lot is copyright infringement as is the case with the link you posted. The original article – or at least the one I read – was published on ZDNet.co.uk about a year ago: http://news.zdnet.co.uk/itmanagement/0,1000000308,39273376,00.htm

  4. Graphs always rock!

    Pretty neat. I didn’t even know about the addthis.com world. I’m always looking for easier ways to get people to spread the love about my blogs!


  5. Again, great Speedlinking batch you got there, Darren. I’ve been following that Apple iPhone story, too, so this has been very helpful, thanks!

  6. It seems like del.icio.us is more popular than digg for bookmarking. Of course digg is used more for finding news stories and such, but I believe if they somehow made searching through our own “diggs” easier it would mean a lot of residual traffic for a lot of sites.

    So far only del.icio.us provides that kind of residual traffic.

  7. I have a bad habbit of going over 500 words.
    I am conciously trying to keep it between 250 and 350 words. I think thats the ideal length.

  8. Wow, that’s crazy! I like to think I stay on top of developments, but I totally didn’t know Google had a bookmarking service.. I had to go look it up because I didn’t believe it :) They’re buying and rolling out all sorts of things quite quickly now it seems.

  9. […] How Long is the Ideal Blog Post? – jak długie wpisy warto publikować na blogu? Ciekawa analiza. Via ProBlogger […]

  10. […] to problogger for finding the link. And if you’re still wondering, your average blog post is 652 words (that’s actually a […]

  11. […] study of word counts of posts in the Technorati Top 100 sites which I recently found through Problogger. It would seem most of the sites have shorter posts ranging from 100-500 words, with the most […]

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