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Speedlinking – 16 May 2007

Posted By Darren Rowse 16th of May 2007 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments
About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Very helpful indeed! The one one mistakes was particularly of great help.

  2. You know what kind of plugin I’d like to see and I’m not sure if it’s even possible. I’d like to have a thing that would make my latest post a little bigger than the rest and have it stand out a little better. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

  3. Hmm, the Wp Text Link Ads one makes me wonder. It sure has some nice functionalities (I have not tested, based on the website description) but that price is quite high.

    I think most people will just sell the links directly and stick them on the sidebar without a special plugin for that. If the price waw lower than maybe it would have a bigger appeal.

  4. Just took a look at the WP-Text-ads plugin, it has some useful features, but appears to basically be a contact form and easier way of adding links to your blog (though that really isn’t that hard with wordpress), what would make it TRULY useful is if they automated payment. (unless i’ve missed something I don’t think it does anything like that).

    Interfacing with a paypal account would require some more work, but would be SOO useful.

    Although Darren you mentioned that the advantage to using a service like Text-link-ads is that they find the advertisers, another BIG advantage is you don’t really need to do anything. In fact if you set it to auto-approve, you literally don’t do anything, money just starts appearing periodically.

    Of course sending a paypal bill isn’t that hard, but you know we bloggers we have a lot of erm… stuff to do … :-)

  5. Well after looking through the site a bit more, I’ve come to the conclusion there are a couple of extra handy features like setting ad-runs and different ad types like homepage vs sitewide vs individual post. In any case, I shall give it a whirl, that 180 day guarantee looks pretty good!

  6. I read ‘The 5 top mistakes when they started blogging’. Well, I committed all five of them when I just started out. Good article to refresh my memories and start doing the right thing.

  7. Thanks Darren for linking back.

  8. I visit bloggingtips dot com frequently and I did read that post on 5 top mistakes when starting to blog. Although there has to be more than 5 common errors, I feel that the list Mani gave is something a lot of people in the blogosphere could relate to.

  9. Interesting about the wptextads, though I’m don’t think I’m going to buy it.

  10. […] couple of days back I linked in a speedlinking post to a WP plugin called WP Text Ads – a plugin that allows bloggers to sell their own text links. In […]

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