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Speedlinking – 12 December 2007

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of December 2007 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

A few quick links:

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Er, am I missing something? I wanted to read Stephen’s post but it’s not linked, and I don’t see it on the site. :)

  2. Hello Darren,

    I have been a reader of yours for about four months and have recently launched my own blog about metablogging (metablog.us). It’s really just a place to dump my meta thoughts without cluttering up my other blogs. At any rate I have a post up about my own experiences with ad (and content) placement that riffs off of your earlier post. I invite you to take a look, I hope you find it interesting.

  3. The last article was really interesting. Thanks!

  4. I’m glad to see Stephen getting some exposure. He’s really helpful with misbehaving plugins.

  5. Some good links here. Thanks for posting them

  6. Thank you for the informative links. I went over to Super Blogging and learned some new tips.

  7. Brian’s advice is always a welcome addition to my evening reading :) And his point of view is quite interesting in that post – thanks for sharing.


  8. I got so busy writing a comment on Brian’s blog that I almost forgot about the competition for that lovely book. Was this a cunning plan on your part? I had gone to bed and had to get back up to write this. Talk about sleeping with one eye open.

  9. Great links, thanks. Can’t wait to shuffle through the 75 ways to increase site traffic.

  10. I’m with you Jen, I’m sure I’ll find some really good gems in that traffic article. Now the task is implementing them on a regular basis. *nod*

  11. As far as that Super Blogging article goes, I feel like that particular writer is ballooning his list up to get to that 75. There are a bunch of tips listed in there that he goes on to say he doesn’t recommend. And I’m not sure about #38 either; why install a plugin? WordPress supports changing the permalink structure natively.

  12. Wow Darren, thanks for the mention. I really appreciate it and I hope the article helps out your readers!

    I will get onto reading the other ones right away. Thanks again. :)

  13. thanks for the links, especially the super blogger link. a lot of informative info there.

  14. I can see that this kind of post works both ways, for the reader (more unique blog and articles) and other blog (more readers and traffic) Great.

    The “feel” of the copyblogger really have a similar “feel” of the problogger.net. Brothers, sisters, cousins??? :p

  15. @Shawn Farmer –

    Yes, WordPress DOES support changing the permalink structure on its own. That’s not what the plugin does. If you’ve had your site for months and use the default permalink structure, but you want to change it, then that would require changing all your old links. Any site that has linked to you, any search engine traffic, would all be gone. That is why you would need the redirect plugin so you don’t lose that valuable traffic.

    Anyway, I wasn’t trying to “balloon” the article, I was merely trying to create a large and helpful resource for everyone, containing some unique ideas that might not have been thought of before.

  16. I especially loved the 75 super blogging ways of increasing traffic. Thanks for the links.

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