Side Stepping your Bloggers Block

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of December 2005 Writing Content

Blog Tip 21. Side step Blogging Blockages

Sometimes bloggers block can get completely on top of you and start to get you down – I often get to this point midway through posts. You might known the scenario too – you start off so well and then you get to this midway point where you begin to lose your way. Clarity goes out the window and you start to meander around that succinct and profound point you had so clear in your mind when you started.

While persisting and pushing through can be an option at this point – sometimes I find it best to simply save the post as a draft to come back to at a later point in time.

I quite often sit on posts like this for a few days (and sometimes quite a bit more) before coming back to them. Of course this all depends how time dependent the topic at hand is. If you’re breaking a story you might want to try the ‘pushing through it’ option!

Putting posts aside enables me to clear my mind and work on something else (or have a sleep) before coming back to it with a fresh approach.

The metaphor that comes to mind as I write this is that a good post can be like a good wine that gets put away in a cool dark place for a while once the elements of the post are mixed together to ferment. Some of my best posts went through a very similar process and I suspect are much the better for it.

Take home lessons – don’t rush your posts, give them time to develop and consider taking a break mid post.

Read more of the Bloggers Block Series.

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