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ProBlogger Launches PayPerTweet

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of April 2008 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Press Release: For Immediate Release
Contact: Darren Rowse
1 April 2008

ProBlogger Launches PayPerTweet

Get paid to Tweet

Over the last two years Twitter has grown exponentially in its use by tens of millions of people around the world. Even ProBlogger’s founder Darren Rowse is Tweeting Here.

With millions now using Twitter on a daily basis its only natural that companies and individuals would wish to have a presence on Twitter. We’re already seeing companies start their own Twitter accounts but increasingly we’ve been approaches by companies and individuals looking to be mentioned in Twitter streams in return for compensation.

Along side this an increasing number of Twitter users have become frustrated that despite having accumulated tens of thousands of followers on Twitter that they’ve so far had little success at monetizing their ‘followership’.

Enter ProBlogger’s ‘PayPerTweet’ service.


Establish a Twitter Presence in no time.

PayPerTweet delivers online word of mouth marketing, brand building and traffic generation through one of the world’s largest consumer generated advertising community and marketplace.

Twitter Users

Monetize Your Tweets.

Get paid for tweeting. Write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers. Disclosure not required – (but we might change this later).

Earn Extra Cash by ReTweeting

Opportunities will exist in the coming weeks for our ‘ReTweet’ program whereby Twitter users help messages to go viral for advertisers by joining together to ReTweet the paid Tweets of others. This of course adds value for advertisers but also earns gets you more Buck for your Tweet.

Already we have secured the cooperation of 50 prominent Twitter users with a combined followership of 250,000. This group is willing to tweet about you, your site or your product for cash.

Payment is on a CPMF basis – (Cost Per Thousand Follower). Please enquire for prices.

For more details email us at 142008@problogger.net. Also keep up to date with all the latest on PPT at ProBlogger’s Twitter account.

Of course, this post went up on April Fools Day. You can read more about the back story of this post here.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. April fools?

  2. Your a hoot ! LOL

  3. this is suspicious but good idea.

  4. Hahaha. Good one.

  5. … great, Darren!
    the mailadress to me is ingenious: 142008@…… :-)


  6. Awsome idea, love it. Emailing you now for prices!

  7. I wouldn’t want money for Twitter because it is supposed to be a social networking fun media and not a place filled with advertisement. I think we spam our websites enough with ads that I don’t think people on Twitter want to see more of it.

  8. What a great idea – I’ve just emailed you. I had heard that Scoble was taking paid posts, how did you sign him up?

  9. Is it April 1st in Australia already? I thought it was still March:)

  10. That is a good one Darren – thanks for the chuckle this morning. Heh, it’s not April here yet, but I’m watching for the good ones!

  11. Arab girl,
    Digg, Stumble, Facebook, Myspace, and all the rest are also social media sites. I don’t see you complaining about people promoting their businesses on those sites, which is about 50% of all content for a couple of them.

  12. I like it. When can I sign up for the beta? HA HA

  13. this is SO wrong darren.

    as someone who loves twitter this is just going to ruin it.

    and what about disclosure?

    This is nonsense and I hope you reconsider.


  14. This one had me smiling. It took you just 30 minutes to convert an idea in to a business opportunity.

    I think your tweeting experience in the US really got your attention more to Twitter.

    I’m looking forward to seeing how this will work in practice.

  15. So you’re saying I could ‘pay’ people to Tweet “thinking @Kitta should be our leader and we should all bow down or bring her free shoes”?

    Hmm. Interesting… :op

  16. Lovely plumage on that bird

  17. Its still 3 hours from april 1…

  18. yo! I’m in;)

  19. Joke now, Darren, but I bet someone WILL run with this idea.

  20. LOL Darren, Tomorrow’z April Fool’s day.

    p.s.: I’m already a twitter follower btw.

  21. You *know* someone’s gonna do it….

  22. I walked right into this one too! From an advertiser’s perspective, the idea is just so attractive. Very funny, Darren!

  23. What I want to know is how far ahead your time zone must be. It’s still March where I am…

  24. lol!

    I’d like to also announce I’ll be monetizing my morning songs in the shower.

    I will happily accept payment for briefly promoting your blog to my neighbors, who can hear me sing in the shower every morning.

    The service will have a very reasonable CPM rate, too, since only 1 or 2 people will hear it each day, and I will bundle complimentary shout outs to other drivers during my morning commute for the first month!

    Actually, I’ve just received e-mails from a bunch of other prominent showerers who are on-board as well. Act fast, we won’t stay dirty for long!

  25. Sounds great idea. Let’s see how would this get viral in the future

  26. I call bluff on this one as well… April fools in Australia. :P

  27. Since it’s only March 31st here in NJ does this mean I can’t laugh until tomorrow.

  28. lol Jonathan!

    I think you are definitely onto something there ;)

  29. it’s already april fools in aus

  30. Already 1st April out there… i’ve still got 6h to go… LOL! :D

  31. Thanks for extending my Aprils fools ;~)
    (still the 31st here).

    @Mark45, Relax!
    Darren has integrity.
    There’s a difference between GuitarPlayer doing an honest, positive review of a new Gibson, with ads in the same issue,
    and spamming your friends for $20.

    You’re on ProBlogger.

  32. Cracks me up you are in April already! Happy April Fool’s! Good job.

  33. Har, har, har. I had the email composed and ready to send.

    Touche, Sir. Good one.

  34. hehehe this made my day. I call bullsh*t! funny funny darren!

  35. April 1st already? I honestly believed this one!

  36. Your post’s been up for just over an hour and I’m amazed at the number of people who’ve already commented. I’m even more amazed by the number of people who’ve made comments telling you what a bad idea this is. The whole thing’s got April Fools written all over it (or at least in the email address you gave – how about a follow up post with some choice examples of the inevitable email you end up getting?)

    PS I tweeted @you about pay-per-tweet to promote your pay-per-tweet service. As an Aussie in the UK I’ll even be happy if you just want to pay me in Tim Tams and Cherry Ripes (really hard to get them over here).

  37. LOL Classic! How do I sign up!?

  38. PPT… right!

    Only missing is a nice April’s Fools accompanyiing website to make it even more realistic…

    Nice one, Darren!

  39. The email given seems to not be working Darren! Interested in this keep me posted!

  40. aweeee…. for a 2nd I was like w00t! What? This real! lol, then I read that first comment :p


  41. I will be taking the exact opposite approach than that taken by Jonathan Fields. I am going to stream my shower singing everywhere.. and there will be a pay for silence service which will provide the salvation of a mute button!!!!

  42. I want to be the president of the PayTweeties fan club.

  43. Now let’s buzz the april joke :)

  44. oh please please don’t approve my comment!! Darn that Brian

  45. heh. Good one. And to think, I was all prepared to read cautiously April 1st. Guess I should start today.

  46. happy April fools! how about paypercomment? i’m paid to comment here. LOL!

  47. Darren, I’m shocked that you would stoop to this – not the April Fool’s Joke – but that you would unleash this idea onto the internet because it’s only a matter of days now before Ted Murphy and his minions at Izea unwittingly swipe this idea for their continued assault upon integrity, and prostituting millions of high school and college students with it.

    Although, come to think of it, at least it might take a ding or two out of Twitter’s geek-reign, so maybe that’s not such a bad thing. I’m still weekly amazed that grown men say, in all seriousness, “I’m going to Twitter about that”. Yeah. I feel so void of manliness just sitting and typing on a laptop in a cafe, but the Twitterheads have found a way to feminize us even more – one Twitter at a time.

    So, all in all, I say… carry on Ted Murphy! Maybe Darren’s idea can single-handedly destroy both Izea and Twitter. We’ll forever be in his debt!

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