Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes.
Why Your Story Will Always Be Interesting to Someone
Today’s episode is about how to work out what to write about when you feel like you have nothing left to say. It’s a short and sweet podcast episode, designed to be quick and easy for you to listen to even if you’re incredibly busy or having a lazy holiday.
In This Episode
You can listen to today’s episode above or in iTunes or Stitcher (where we’d also LOVE to get your reviews on those platforms if you have a moment). In today’s episode:
- Why your story will always be unique
- Why it doesn’t matter that there are other writers out there who are smarter, funnier or more clever than you
- Why your experience will always be interesting to someone
Further Reading and Resources for Why Your Story Will Always Be Interesting to Someone
- Why Stories are an Effective Communication Tool for Your Blog
- The Science of Storytelling: 6 Ways to Write More Persuasive Stories
- The 5 Things Every (Great) Marketing Story Needs
Today’s podcast is another really short one but I think it’s so important. In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most important things that many bloggers need to hear. I get asked the question all the time, what should I write about when I don’t feel like I’ve got anything unique to say. You can find today’s show notes at
If you ever felt that way like you’ve got nothing unique to say, like it’s all been said before, like there are some so many other people out there who are smarter, funnier, more witty or cleverer than you, “Why would anyone listen to me?” you might be thinking. While if you have ever been feeling like that, you are not alone. I think that most bloggers have that moment in their story where they felt that way. Why would anyone listen to me? I’ve got nothing unique to say.
Here’s my encouragement to you. Nobody, nobody at all has ever lived your life before. Nobody has your story. Nobody has faced and overcome what you’ve overcome in your life. Nobody thinks in exactly the same way that you do. No one has your story. So write, but infuse writing with your story. Your story is what makes your content unique. Your story is what has never been said before. Your story is something that nobody else could ever know better than you. Your story is why anyone would listen to you. So share your story. When you’re in doubt and you feel like you’ve got nothing unique to say, come back to your story.
You can find today’s show notes at where I’ve got some further reading on storytelling. I hope you find this podcast helpful and I’ve still got 15-seconds to go so I would love to also hear your comments over on the show notes today. Thanks for listening and I will chat with you again soon.
How did you go with today’s episode?
What other strategies have worked for you? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
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