John just pointed me to an interesting article on how is moving towards a revenue sharing model with its thousands of volunteer writers.
‘, a nationwide network of 6,000 local news sites, is planning to share its advertising revenue with thousands of volunteer writers.
The idea is to reward and motivate contributors whose stories and photos generate the most traffic, which in turn fuels ad revenue, said Edgar Canon, chief executive of the San Francisco company. He hopes the quality of contributions improves, too….
Now the company will pay writers half the net ad sales their stories garner, Canon said. That figure is based on each story’s “page views,” or the number of times visitors view its Web page. Canon expects it to work out to about $2 to $5 per 1,000 page views. The company will send checks quarterly to all writers that rack up $25 or more in payments, he said.’
Read more at News network to pay ‘citizen journalists’
Mit Bloggen kann man doch Geld verdienen!
Jedenfalls demn�chst in den USA:
Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, da� so ein Modell gut funktioniert. Und wenn Blogs eines gezeigt haben, dann sicherlich das: Journalismus ist wichtig, aber Bildzeitungsniveau beliebter. Ich und meine Zahnspange.