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More on Technorati Tags

Posted By Darren Rowse 16th of January 2006 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

There have been a number of posts recently looking at Technorati Tags and Blogging Pro has just posted another one at Technorati Tagging of Posts. It includes some links with some WordPress plugins to help get set up for them on your WP blog.

PS – I’m still a bit over Technorati as it’s now showing this blog as not having been updated for 207 days and there’s still no word from them on my enquiries.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Technoarti has been linking me very well, but you know…i do think, that after all…it’s getting a bit lame, i mean..i changed my super long URL to a shorter one, i was rated around 250K, but see? thecnoarti won’t allow url changes for blogs, now withmy new url i’m rated 1M.

    Now i know this is a technical issue and all this, but after all i claimed my blog, and it’s still the same blog, accessable from the original long URL, but now…technoarti doesn’t wanna change urls, no no..but it’s my blog!

    Okay, this rant is a bit pointless i guess, i’ll retrive some links, hopefully…

  2. Agree. Same problem here. Changed URL due to dispute over the name. Changed http://www.hoorpunt.nl to http://www.gehoorinfo.nl. But the new URL has not been updated.
    Still using tags a lot on my new weblogs hoping that this will change in the near future.

  3. Thanks for the link Darren.

    2 months after sending out an email to Technorati, and about a day after I complained about it on your original Technorati post – I finally got a response saying that my account was incorrectly flagged. The problem has since been resolved. I was a bit irritated with Technorati myself – but I was losing a decent amount of hits when my account was down. They are hard to stay mad at!

  4. Just helped my wife set up two new blogs. Both are free-standing, (on their own URL. in the home directory) extra-simple WordPress2 sites and Technorati just hangs up “Checking Technorati Goodness” (just how saccharinely cutesy and in love with themselves is _that_?) for days … using either the paste-in Technorati code or the Technorati secondary recommend way of using a special Technorati message.

    I’ve had trouble with other sites in the past … there must be a secret inner circle/decoder ring involved but I can’t see how anyone can waste the time they do on Technorati considering the dubious results.

    End of rant tale … yesterday when I was on the Technorati site they threw a pop up at me “Take a Survey”, so I did, It was aimed strictly at corporate IT users and the questions all revolved around “what Technorati services would your company pay for, and how much?” Very interesting indeed.

    Best regards

  5. First of all thanks for the link.

    I can understand how that would be annoying, and I have heard of people having to re-claim their blog before it indexed them. Also, weird that they would not get back to you. You of all people you think they’d want to make happy.

    Technorati is not perfect, but I think it is slowly getting better, and from what I have seen there are more and more compliments than complaints as they get their act together. It should be interesting though to see if a new service to kill technorati comes out over the next year or two.

    Thanks again for the link. :)

  6. Darren,

    Tho’ it took some time when I had the same experience as you, I did, eventually, get an answer from Niall.

    Not that it is your answer (I don’t know) but this is what he said about my problem.

    “Technorati indexes the front page of your weblog assisted by your RSS and Atom feeds. You have chosen to include summaries on your homepage as well as in your feed and your indexed content is therefore restricted to only the summary information and does not include the tags at the end of your post.”

    I change what I was doing and it began to work, again.


  7. it took months for them to update my links. Getting frustrated.

  8. I just added tags on my brand new blog, and hopefully I can pull some traffic from technorati. But I was wondering if it is better to use short / single word tags, or if I should stick with more precise tags?

    I guess that single word tags might be able to give more direct traffic, but in long term the precise tags are better. E.g. with search engine traffic etc. What do you think (or know)?

  9. Darren, might want to take a peek at your XHTML validation, that’s probably the most common reason why Technorati stops crawling a site.


    You’re showing 60+ Transistional errors.

  10. Doh, didn’t see Mark Wade’s comments before my last comment..that sounds like a very good idea as well. If you check out my site (I’m using Ultimate Tag Warrior WordPress plugin), you’ll see that my tags are displayed on the main page, even when I’ve used a “more” command to add a “bump”.

  11. Still having Technorati problems here, too. On a couple of blogs, I upgraded to WordPress 2.0 and doublechecked the XHTML and CSS validation, which are just fine, and the RSS feed, which also validates fine, and still…shows as not updated. None of these are blogs that use any kind of automated “scraping”, reposting of RSS feeds, keyword spamming, etc. I emailed tech support several days ago with no response.

    Clearly something is broken with Technorati, in spite of Niall’s protestations to the contrary in the comment on your previous post.

  12. Sorry to double post…should always read the comments first before commenting myself.

    Re: Mark Wade’s comment. The only blog I have that *is* getting picked up by Technorati has 8 validation errors, a broken feed link on the front page (the “feed:http://url/?feed=rss2” style that is supposed to be the coming thing but doesn’t actually work correctly for anything I’ve tried) and uses only summaries in the feed. The problem has not one thing to do with validation. My guess is that anyone with serious posting volume is getting flagged as potential spam and their manual reviewers are, predictably, something like 207 days behind. Bottom line: Technorati has chosen uselessness over letting some spam slip through.

  13. I also emailed Technorati that my new tags were not getting indexed even after their required format, pinging and everything – no index, no reply!

  14. Technorati’s catching some tags but does not appear to be indexing them all. I’m wondering if there’s anything on tag ranking or preference?

  15. I tag technorati tags into the bottom of my posts to ensure that they will be included on technorati. I am not sure if there are more people finding my site from that or from blog explosion and blog mad. Do I have to add them to the bottom of post or will it just happen automatically when I post a new entry into my blog. http://cheftami.blogspot.com/

  16. Technorati has problems with some tags. It does not appear to be indexing them all. I’m including tags in all my posts but there are not listed on technorati (with ot without ping). I’m wondering if this is a general problem or only by me?

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