ProBlogger created International Start a Blog Day on February 7th to celebrate the achievements and diversity of new bloggers around the world launching their blogs at the beginning of the year.
Please join us in supporting these new bloggers by checking out their sites, reading their stories, leaving them a comment and following them on social media. They've taken action by completing ProBlogger’s Ultimate Guide to Starting a Blog course and following through on a commitment they’ve made to themselves and their future readership.
We’d also like to recognise the crop of pre-bloggers who are currently working through the course and taking steps to launch their blogs. We’ll be bringing you updates on them throughout the year.
Congratulations to the Class of 2018!
You can check out all the new bloggers below – enjoy scrolling through the entries! You can a also sort by Blog Topic to find some new blogging buddies in your niche. For more details about each blogger, click on the button to expand their entry.
Blog Name | Blog URL | Blog Topic Niche | About Me | About My Blog | Video Introduction |
Blog Name | Blog URL | Blog Topic Niche | About Me | About My Blog | Video Introduction | |
7fin Corporate and Personal Finance | https://7fin.org/ | Finance | Curious about useless and unimportant things. Poetry, travel, books, photos, science, peak performance, and tigers. | I will attempt to explain in plain English several of the financial products and concepts that many pros pretend to understand when meeting with bankers and their 100-page pitchbooks prepared for 45-minute conversations. I will also provide templates, checklists, models, or sketches that may help you take your corporate finance and treasury teams to the next level. On the personal finance side, I will explore tools and strategies available to the retail investor and report my findings. And, of course, there are those rarus et sine gravitas topics for your distraction. 7fin.org is an experiment that begins in January 2018 as a way to motivate two close friends to start their own blogs. Their sites are way more fun than corporate finance and treasury. After spending over 10 years in corporate finance and treasury at Fortune 500 companies with multi-billion dollar investments and capital markets portfolios, I figured it was time to share some of my learnings! | - | |
A Kiwi's Creations | http://akiwiscreations.com/ | Education | - | This is a blog for teachers. I will be posting about classroom setup, teaching tips, resources, teacher well-being etc. | - | |
A Photography Journal | https://www.davidjamesgough.com | Visual Art | I'm a photographer who loves to tell the story in words and pictures. My new blog is www.davidjamesgough.com (or blog.davidjamesgough.com to go directly to the blog). | I’m a photographer and an artist - and I like to write. The blog is to encourage new and growing photographers in their hobby. I also want to help demystify photography so they can concentrate on doing it rather than fretting over bells and whistles on their cameras. My philosophy is simple: the camera is a wonderful tool to express yourself creatively, and photography is not about the camera. | - | |
A Small Business Life | http://asmallbusinesslife.com/ | Business and Marketing | Vice President and Director of Marketing at Essential Packaging Inc., where I work with my husband of 23 years, David. We grew the company from a home based business into a thriving retail and online enterprise. It's my love of marketing and small business life that has lead me to the wonderful world of blogging and my new blog, A Small Business Life. In my down time, I enjoy kayaking with my son, Matt and hiking with my constantly shedding Yellow Lab Soda. | I started this blog after realizing that the many people we encounter every day at work (Essential Packaging) are in fact small business owners. They might be jewelry makers, cake bakers, Etsy sellers, craft market organizers, farmers market sellers or small brick and mortar shops but they all have something in common…they’re all small businesses. And they all have the same hopes, desires and challenges, regardless of their niche. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be great to have a place where we could share all that? Somewhere we could learn from each other and even share our own special knowledge. One place where you could find all sorts of resources, from small business tips and ideas to courses and webinars. And so A Small Business Life blog was born! Come and join me as we explore the wonderful world of small business! | - | |
A Woman Less Ordinary | http://awomanlessordinary.com | Family | awomanlessordinary.com living, parenting, purchasing and thinking differently | As an Outstanding rated Geography High School Teacher in the UK with over 10 year of experience, I have many effective techniques for managing kids’ behavior and ideas for helping them to learn. My logo shows the spectacles though which I see the world: pink for rose-tinted optimism and green for love of nature. Sometimes I blog about my world view too, when something particularly interesting catches my attention. | - | |
ABC for parents - Raising children from the heart | http://ABCforparents.com | Family | 53, psychotherapist, ph.d. in law, mom of 7, owner of carshop | “ABC for parents” is a blog created to spread knowledge and experience about parenting. Children of our time are growing up in a world more complicated than ever, with enormous challenges laying ahead. The art of raising children is often left to chance. We seek education as a means to get a good job and the financial ability to grow a family. But most of us are more or less unprepared for parenthood and often just seem to stumble in to it! As a mother of five and co-parent to an additional two, I have some experience in parenting. I am not perfect – no parent is. And I have made tons of mistakes along the road. I believe the key to raising sound children is raising them from the heart. Sometimes we have to heal ourselves as adults to be able to do just that. In doing so we have a better chance of creating healthy, socialized and wise children – able to handle the many challenges laying ahead. In healing ourselves we can heal our children and contribute to healing our planet. That is my WHY and my mission with this blog. | - | |
Andrew Pitchford | http://www.andrewpitchford.com | Business and Marketing | Love family, faith and media. Public speaker on #digitalmarketing #strategy #smallbusiness #socialmedia. Contact me via my blog or http://excitemedia.com.au | - | - | |
ASK THE JAPANESE GIRL | https://askthejapanesegirl.com | Travel and Outdoors | Hello everyone, my name is Ai. It's a common Japanese name pronounced as "eye" but means "indigo". I have a very hard time introducing myself outside my home country because of how the name is pronounced but that makes people remember me, so it's not a bad deal.:-) I'm a freelance translator and scuba diving instructor, but more importantly than those, I am a very passionate traveler who doesn't know how to settle down in a single place. This is my 10th year living outside my home country of Japan. I also love writing and I think it has some therapeutic effect! My first blog was a personal one but I posted every day without a break for 3 months and there was not a single day I forced myself to write. My personal goal is to be able to help people while living in a small house by the beach in a small island of South East Asia. I've discovered that that's where I feel most like myself and truly appreciate the sun, water, air, your neighbors and what I have today. I lived that life for 3 years and now I'm back to a modern world with a goal to create a sales funnel from which I can receive income without being tied to time. In "Blog Details", I will talk about why I end up writing something about Japan after being away for such a long time. | ASK THE JAPANESE GIRL is where low-budget travelers to Japan gather together to learn how to travel on low-budget, safely, and with cultural awareness. It also welcomes travelers who like to connect with like-minded people before and during their trip and this way it particularly assists solo-travelers (a closed FB group). Now that I lived outside of the country for a decade, I know so much of what it is like to travel TO Japan and stay there for a short period of time, instead of traveling out. I also learned what is like to travel around the world alone on low-budget. In addition, the job I had in Singapore for 5 years involved lots of business trip to Japan and that almost made me into a travel agency and a tour guide, which I actually enjoyed very much and even thought of finding a job in the tourism industry. Moreover, while there are a number of blogs on traveling within Japan, those written by the Japanese are very scarce probably because of the language barrier (it will present me some challenge in this sense but I'm ready!). So here I am, actually stepping foot into it by blogging to help travelers (and remember Olympics 2020 in Tokyo!). I hope to provide information visitors can't help but scrolling to the very bottom of articles and sharing with their friends. I'm excited! Thanks for reading :-) | https://youtu.be/ftSR7ZZrndY | |
Bears with Cameras | http://bearswithcameras.com | Travel and Outdoors | Loves bears and adventures! | This is the story of my photography journey. I’m just starting out and I love the idea of chronicling my progress along the way. I’ll post about my learning/experiments, share some thoughts on gear I’m working with and ultimately use this as a point to look back on years from now and say – holy cow, look how far I’ve come! I plan to use photography as a way of capturing memories of our adventures and hopefully inspire others to follow their dreams along the way too. | - | |
Boots & Berry | http://bootsandberry.com | Fashion & Beauty | Writer behind Boots & Berry. | I've created "Boots & Berry" with 3 things in mind: Curiosity, Skeptical & Humility which I explained on my 'about page'. The niche is primarily in beauty, but later on, I'll mix it with tech & life organization. I wanted to hone my writing skills thru these topics, because I find that there's more behind the glitz and glamour of these industries. | - | |
Built for All | http://built-for-all.com/ | Handmade Craft | My passions, aside from being a wife and mother, are woodworking and service. I’ve created my blog to share DIY projects, tutorials on essential woodworking skills, and service ideas for anyone. | On my blog, I share DIY tutorials, as well as service ideas for anyone of any age, whether they be through DIY or not. I hope to demystify power tools and get people working with their hands to build, not only furniture, but also characteristics of patience and humility through the process. DIY is a great way to serve those around you, but since everyone is unique and has strengths serving in other ways, my blog will highlight other ways of service as well. | https://youtu.be/5gpD1G-FilQ | |
Change Dramatically | http://www.changedramatically.com | Personal | - | A blog about becoming the person the best version of yourself, becoming the you that you daydream about. I will explore the reasons that hinder us from becoming that person and work to remove the excuses and barriers we put in our own way. The blog will feature my journey to become the person I have wanted to be for a long time. I am hoping that my story will help to motivate others to finally jump in and work toward the goals they have been pushing aside for so long and become the person they know they truly are. Join me as I set goals and work diligently to attain them with the intent to change dramatically. | - | |
ChrisBlogs | https://chrisblogs.co.uk | (none) | - | - | - | |
Confidence Notes | http://confidencenotes.com | Health and Wellness | Hi, my name is Danbee. It means “sweet rain” in Korean, which is what we call the rain that breaks a long drought. I’m 28 and currently live in Singapore. It’s a little strange to put that out there because I’m usually a private person online. My earliest memory of feeling unhappy with my body is from when I was 16. I mostly remember not liking how I looked in photographs. After a decade of calorie counting and meal plans, I began reading up on the science of food. I wanted to educate myself about weight loss, prediabetes, and food sensitivities, and how different kinds of food affected my body. I now share what I'm learning on my blog — my hope is that as I learn to make my own food decisions based on the science I study, I'll be able to help others do the same. | Confidence Notes is a nutrition science blog based in sunny Singapore about learning to make your own food decisions. The confidence to decide for yourself what to eat – on the spot, each time you want to eat something – without having to rely on meal plans or prescribed protocols: this is what I’m working towards. I think of my writing as a cross between study notes and journal entries. I want to record what I learn so I can return to these posts when I forget the details. At the same time, I’d like to reflect on why I care about this information in the first place. My hope is that Confidence Notes will also help others who’d like to learn to make independent decisions about what to eat in their everyday lives. | https://vimeo.com/254168056 | |
Cooking with Nana Ling | https://cookingwithnanaling.com/ | Food | I’m a copywriter, ex-lawyer, mum of two girls, lover of homemade food and Sydneysider. And now a blogger! | "A recipe blog that spans four generations and delivers much-loved recipes baked fresh each week. Jam drops, coconut macaroons, rainbow cake and more – discover why some recipes never get old." Cooking with Nana Ling is a recipe blog, a place where I re-create, share and digitally record recipes my great grandmother, Lydia Louisa Ling, wrote by hand in a small black notebook. It’s about more than just that, though. It’s about family While my kitchen bookshelf may be lined with wonderful cookbooks from celebrated chefs and bakers, there’s something really special about recipes shared among family members and friends. Growing up in the Hunter Valley, I was surrounded by family. I was the eldest daughter in a small family of four which branched out to include many cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. A big family meant many parties and celebrations throughout the years. I loved these parties because they always involved plenty of my homemade food. It’s about remembering Another thing I loved about those big family parties was staying up well beyond my usual bedtime and listening to the telling and re-telling of family stories. My mum and her four sisters had plenty of stories to share. There were always stories of hardship (they grew up in “the bush” with no electricity) which would play on my mind long after the parties concluded. And their ghost stories still haunt me today. A regular protagonist in these tales from the past was Nana Ling, my mum’s grandmother, and her Nana Ling’s mother, Granny Sharpe. Crystal balls, pet crows, gardens organised and labelled in precise rows, moonlit bush walks and spider web bandages are just some of the things that have featured in the stories I’ve heard about these two women over the years. Although I never met them, Nana Ling and Granny Sharpe were always larger than life in my mind – and are a source of much continued fascination. It’s about connecting Growing up, nearly all of my cousins from mum’s side of the family lived within a 5 km radius. As large families continue to grow, and the kids become the parents and aunts and uncles (and some already grandparents!), people inevitably drift apart – both geographically and in other ways. Social media offers a new opportunity for connection, but of course it’s not quite the same as real, shared experiences. Over the last few years, the novelty of social media has really worn off for me. I find myself needing a bigger reason or purpose to use social media. When I posted a page from Nana Ling’s recipe book, containing her Christmas pudding recipe, to my Instagram account, I had many lovely comments from family and much interest from afar. And I saw a way that I’d like to use the digital space and social media – to connect over something very real and something that has always helped people connect. Food. It’s about stopping, slowing down, creating, sharing and learning With both my daughters now in school, I’m hoping life’s balancing act gets a little easier. So much has changed in the years since I became a mum and I sometimes feel like I’m hurtling so fast into the future it feels like I’m free falling. This blog is my attempt to grab onto something from the past, to stop and slow things down. To appreciate my family history, and enjoy the bliss that can be found in the kitchen. I want to learn new things, and create something that might last throughout the years. | - | |
Culinary Trace | http://www.culinarytrace.com | Food | Hi! My name is Ermi and I am excited to start a blog along with everyone. I am a Pastry Chef although I am currently not working as I had been trvelling the past year. It is from all that travelling that I came to an agreement with myself that I have to start a blog. I currently already have an instablog, sort of like a food diary. Please find me and follow on @culinarytrace My blog will be of course culinary related focusing on the philosophy and culture of food and the food industry but yes there will be recipes. Come say Hi! | There is a stage in human evolution where the size of our jaws got smaller and it is believed that this is because our ancestors started to process food. In a way it was like the outsource part of the energy required to process our food and this allowed our brains to evolve faster and apparently was the start of our language development and culture awareness. I am continuously fascinated by the contribution of food in our being. Our history, science, society, culture, and pop culture. I am a chef and this blog is and ode to the culinary world and my way of sharing an appreciation to food and the industry. From the people to the tools and the culture. With the hope that you too will evolve an appreciation to the food you eat by recognising the fact that it is much more than just about keeping your belly full. Culinary Trace is a hunt in the trails from farm, to fire, to fork and beyond. | https://youtu.be/F0AGJs_w3gg | |
Curated Cassi | http://www.curatedcassi.com | Fashion & Beauty | I am a biomedical scientist by day and I write about eco-fashion and sustainable living on Curated Cassi at night after my kids are in bed. I started Curated Cassi during the postpartum slump that so many women experience. I was questioning my identity, feeling hormonal and frumpy, and up all night with my daughter looking for something to pass the time. As a mother to two young children, I was also thinking a lot about the things I was doing to the planet that could affect their future experiences in the world. | Curated Cassi is a space where I explore my own personal style while I learn more about eco fashion and sustainable living. My mission is to educate other women about the environmental harm of the fashion industry while also demonstrating that it's possible to be environmentally-conscious and fashionable at the same time. On Curated Cassi you'll find tips for building an eco-friendly wardrobe, styling eco fashion items, and living a more sustainable lifestyle. I hope you'll join me on my journey while I learn how to commit to the environment without breaking up with my style. | - | |
Dramatica! Deals With... Life After 55. The Good, The Bad & The Unexpected. | https://www.DramaticaDealsWith.com | Personal | Dramatica! is Anne Elise O’Connor’s alter ego. Anne Elise is an Emmy award-winning writer who has survived life-threatening heart disease, cancer in five body parts, "advanced middle age," and a divorce that was as unexpected as a blizzard in August! Together, Anne Elise and Dramatica! help blog followers create happiness and adventure in their new lives. You can get to know them both at https://www.DramaticaDealsWith.com. | Women spend the majority of their adult lives accomplishing the "shoulds" that society says are important. You should get married, you should send your kids to college, you should eat your veggies... you know the drill. By the time we reach the ripe old age of 55 we are finally able to put ourselves at the top of our priority list. We are ready and able to go enjoy the next 30 years of their lives! Anne Elise and Dramatica lead the way by exploring, and then introducing their blog friends, to all of the fascinating things available to us as we get older. But it's not all fun and games. Many of us also experience poor health, divorce, and loneliness as we age. Anne Elise survived all of that. She invented Dramatica as her alter ego to help her deal with the crap life threw at her. Even when Anne Elise endured cancer in five body parts, life-threatening heart disease, and divorce from a gay man she managed to laugh through most of it because Dramatica was by her side looking at life as only Dramatica can. Now, they both help their blog friends survive and thrive after the less-than-fun stuff happens. Life is an adventure! Come along and enjoy it with Anne Elise and Dramatica! | - | |
Dwell in Wonder | http://www.dwellinwonder.com | Personal | - | Cultivating a lovely, thoughtful life | - | |
Eightfold Blog | http://eightfoldblog.com | Health and Wellness | Writer, actor, database programmer. | Eightfold Blog is my attempt to find a real, honest, sustainable path to a better life. Here I will share what I learn as I learn it, and hopefully connect with those of you on the same path. It’s not about being the best, just better. It’s not being happy, just happier. It’s not perfection, just progress. I am just a normal guy. I am by no means an expert or guru, and I don’t want to be. After all, I spent over half my life being certain that I knew the Truth with a capital T. Then that “Truth” crashed down around me leaving to figure out what was next. I am still allergic to truths with capital Ts. I much prefer ideas. In the words of Christopher Hitchens: I want to live my life taking the risk all the time that I don’t know anything like ‘enough’ yet, that I haven’t understood enough, than I can’t know enough, that I’m always hungrily operating on the margins of a potentially great harvest of future knowledge and wisdom. I wouldn’t have it any other way. -From a public debate Christopher Hitchens had with William Dembski As a writer, I write to figure out what I know, what I think, and what I believe about the ideas I find. And that is what Eightfold Blog is: it’s me trying to learn and grow and share what I find with others who find themselves in the same boat as me. These aren’t answers. They are ideas. Is there something worthwhile to living a spiritual life? What does spiritual even mean to an Ex-Mormon Atheist Wannabe-Buddhist? Let’s find out together. | - | |
Estaya Kalani | http://www.estayakalani.com | Fashion & Beauty | A Canadian adoptive mama of a 7-year-old girl from the Democratic Republic of Congo. House flipper and modern-day nomad. French-bulldog lover. On a journey learning how to take care of my daughter's curly natural hair. My blog is on African hair care and styling ideas for adoptive mamas. | African hair care and styling for adoptive mamas. | - | |
Everyday Old House | http://everydayoldhouse.com | Home and House | Lover of old houses / Amateur DIYer / Wannabe blogger / Winging it as a mom to 3 girls (including twins) / Wife of a diehard Clemson U grad | A blog celebrating the character and charm of old homes | https://youtu.be/38yEvpY7o34 | |
Fierce Nursing | http://Www.fiercenursing.com | Education | I am an RN here in sunny Arizona USA. I have worked with children adults and elderly. I began my career in leadership working with memory care patients suffering from dementia. When I started this role i found out real quick that in was equipped for the nursing part of things but leadership was over my head. They just don't teach that in nursing school. Over the next few years I have learned so much in leadership and am currently a district Director of Nursing. I have found such a strong passion in teaching leadership skills to nurses seeking to venture into these roles. I hope to share my passion for leadership and give valuable information to amazing and selfless nurses who care fornyhos in need everyday. | I started Fierce Nursing with 2 goals in mind. Inspire nurses to become leaders and give practical skills in doing so. Fierce Nursing shares a passion for leadership and helps nurses gain the leadership skills needed to advance their careers. I found early on that just being a nurse doesn't make you a great leader. This is a skill that is learned through dedication, study, and trial and error. With nursing being the #1 trusted profession in the country it just makes sense that nurses should aspire for leadership roles and in this way impact healthcare around the world. | https://youtu.be/XGEXwJ6nm5I | |
Finding Everyland | http://www.findingeveryland.com | Travel and Outdoors | Hi! My name is Cali and I am in the process of starting a travel blog. I work in student travel and am looking forward to sharing my knowledge with those who need it. Looking forward to this course and help in the basics of WordPress, SEO, and finding my niche. Hope I can help you as well! | Not your typical travel blog! This blog is more than just another wanderluster desperately trying to get out of her 9-5. Okay, that is the base of it, but I also happen to work in the travel industry. I eat, breathe, work, and play travel. That's good news for you. Using my experience, and my own learning from adventures and misadventures around the globe, I want yo help you escape your day to day and find the adventure you are looking for! | https://youtu.be/2JlV4N2Y_oQ | |
Forces of Habit | https://forcesofhabit.com/ | Health and Wellness | - | Forces of Habit is a site dedicated to intentional living. We discuss various methods that you can use to start living every day as the best day of your life. Book Summaries Habit Formation Techniques Tips on Meditation Starting a Journal Become a PRO at the art of living. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-6qqv8PWaE&feature=youtu.be | |
Frank & Wil: Career & Finance | http://Frankandwil.com | Personal | - | Frankandwil.com is inspired by Frank and Wilma, my hardworking and money smart grandparents! Frankandwil.com offers career and finance advice for people who find themselves in transition and are in need of advice. | https://vimeo.com/254506171 | |
Freebies on the Front Range | http://www.freebiesonthefrontrange.com | (none) | My grandmother who passed away in December 2017 taught me about clipping coupons and stretching a dollar. As a mother of a five year old these skills have served me well in my quest to remain at home with my daughter as she grows. It is a joy to share the creative ways I have found to enjoy life for free. | Freebies on the Front Range is a blog focused on freebies and deals to be enjoyed along Colorado's Front Range region. | - | |
Freedom Fox | http://freedom-fox.com/ | Health and Wellness | Hi, I'm Adam and my blog is called Freedom Fox. So many young people today feel trapped. Moneyless, and stuck in terrible mindsets. Brought up on outdated career advice, for an economy that no longer exists, in a society that no longer works the same way. Freedom Fox is here to help people create lives of real Freedom. Through taking command of their mindsets, and eliminating limiting beliefs. Building up passive income, and working towards financial independence. And minimising their food bill while maximising their health, through a plant-based diet. I'm Adam, and I've always known I could never work the 9-5. I've always been sceptical of people telling me what I 'should' do. Over the years I've read - a lot - and now I want to pass on some of what I've learned to others. I want to inspire people who think that There Is No Alternative to 'the grind,' to create their own lives of Freedom. | So many young people today feel trapped. Moneyless, and stuck in terrible mindsets. Brought up on outdated career advice, for an economy that no longer exists, in a society that no longer works the same way. Freedom Fox is here to help people create lives of real Freedom. Through taking command of their mindsets, and eliminating limiting beliefs. Building up passive income, and working towards financial independence. And minimising their food bill while maximising their health, through a plant-based diet. I'm Adam, and I've always known I could never work the 9-5. I've always been sceptical of people telling me what I 'should' do. Over the years I've read - a lot - and now I want to pass on some of what I've learned to others. I want to inspire people who think that There Is No Alternative to 'the grind,' to create their own lives of Freedom. | - | |
Freezer Friendly Foods | http://www.freezerfriendlyfoods.com | Food | - | My blog is about a journey to being organised in the kitchen. Recipes that can be made ahead of time and frozen that provides ready made meals for busy families, working couples or people living on their own. Tips and tricks that that makes life easier and less stressful on individuals as well as the household budget. Decluttering of fridge/ freezer and kitchen cupboards to streamline preparation and creating a zone of organised peace. | - | |
Fresh Grace | http://freshgrace.net | Personal | I'm a Canadian wife and mother, and I plan to blog about my Christian faith | My blog is about Christian faith; specifically the life-changing power of God's grace. Posts include devotionals, how to guides and reviews of various resources. It is my hope that all those who read and follow my blog would experience God's transforming power in their lives. | - | |
FridayNovellas.com | http://fridaynovellas.com/ | Family | I am a woman under re construction. I lost my mother to accident, my son to suicide, my father to illness, my job to a corporate merger and my husband of 25 years to another woman -- all in about an 18 month period. I was lost. I turned to my friends on facebook and found a community to support my reconstruction. Along the way I started writing short (or kinda long) posts about Love, Loss, Life and Letting go. I nick named them Friday Novellas. And, now I am launching a real blog at FridayNovellas.com JFM | I publish every Friday a post that is about my life, love, loss and letting go. I have a unique perspective about parenting after losing one child. I have four remaining adult children - and I struggle with how to parent them during a time when we are all still redefining what we think is important. I hope people will be encouraged by my (usually funny) stories week to week - and find that even in tragedy, we can find joy. JFM | https://youtu.be/RzwmFVGZa-k | |
From Seed to Table | http://blog.advancegreenhouses.com/ | Gardening | - | I have recently changed my whole point of view on my blog after taking this course. I started it in February of last year and had it named Greenhouse Growing. I was focusing on using it as a add on to my website where I sell products. I have just now changed it strictly to a blog about growing your own food and renamed it "Grow Your Own Food". My new focus is growing veggies (and fruits) anywhere. Discussions will include equipment, how to grow, how to preserve your harvest, etc. We are focusing on growing in greenhouses, in the dirt, in containers, and in a home. No matter where you live, there is no excuse for not growing your own food! | - | |
Game Night Pro | https://gamenightpro.com | Home and House | Dabbled for a long while, trying again. | Aiming to help fellow hosts of board games nights host awesome fun games nights. | - | |
Gardening Foodies | http://www.gardeningfoodies.com | Food | I’m currently a stay at home mom to two littles while working part time teaching private cooking classes where I help others get healthy tasty food to the table quickly so they can focus on more important things. | Gardening Foodies is a place for the middle of the road. Nothing to extreme, but a general goal of getting back to basics using modern convenience so we can take control over our food. Lots of yummy food with a little bit of growing, cause free flavorful food is the best kind in my book. A journey of learning how to cook while saving time and money so you can spend your time where it matters most. So pull up a chair and join the ride. And feel free to check out our community over on facebook. | - | |
Glam Goodness | http://www.glamgoodness.com | Fashion & Beauty | I am a high school student active in athletics, academics, and fashion! In my free time, I like writing poems, developing my own unique style in clothing, finding what works in fashion and skincare, and an all-around enthusiastic person. | My blog was created to give tips to the evolving young woman. It isn't limited to the outward appearance. I will have blog posts dealing with self esteem because inner beauty is key in this world we live in where females are pressured to change to look and act like celebrities on tv. Always express yourself and don't fall victim to "peer pressure". I don't encounter peer pressure because I know my morals and know not to let my environment change me negatively. The topic choices include, but not limited to are: confidence, finance, sports, mental health, and entertainment. | - | |
Gluten-Free Cindi | http://www.glutenfreecindi.com | Food | I am a blogger, podcaster, fast walker and newly diagnosed celiac. | When diagnosed with celiac, I was heartbroken. My first thought was I'll never be able to have bread, beer and pasta again! Once I accepted the diagnosis, I did a lot of research on what I CAN eat. I also went through a phase where I bought any food that said it was gluten-free just because I could eat it. Needless to say, I made a lot of mistakes and spent a lot of money on food that wasn't good. In this blog, I will write about all of the gluten-free foods I try, after all I am still looking for the best bread, beer and pasta. | - | |
Go From Broke | http://gofrombroke.com | Finance | I've been an avid budgeter for almost a decade but recently discovered I was doing it wrong. My previous focus was on simply covering immediate expenses. This left us vulnerable to unexpected expenses, several of which hit all at once recently, leading us into debt. My purpose in blogging is to learn from my mistakes, get out of debt and share and teach others along the way so we can all achieve financial independence. | Go From Broke is a blog documenting and sharing our family’s journey as we attempt to go from broke to financial freedom. It is meant to encourage accountability as well as inspire others who need to make a change find the courage to do so. My hope is to share the knowledge and experience gained on our journey so it might make it easier for others to break the debt cycle and start building wealth. | - | |
Good Food Running | https://www.goodfoodrunning.com | Food | Keen cook, nutritionist and international ultramarathon runner. I love all things to do with eating good nutritious food that is quick and easy to prepare and supports an active running lifestyle – but without sacrificing flavour! Check out my recipes at www.goodfoodrunning.com – and let me know what you think! | Are you looking for fast, easy, nutritious and tasty recipes that support your active running lifestyle? Are you keen to find food that fuels your fitness journey – rather than undermine it? Are you interested in finding out how the latest nutritional research can help us in understanding our food better – and how this knowledge can help us on our fitness journey? Then check out the recipes and information at goodfoodrunning.com! Even better, try a couple and let me know what you think in the comments section. Thanks for reading! | - | |
Health Tech Coach | https://www.healthtechcoach.com | Health and Wellness | I have been a developer of apps for handheld devices, starting with the Palm Pilot, and currently for the iPhone. I am now starting a blog that will help people learn how to use their iPhone and Apple Watch to improve their health and fitness. | Health Tech Coach will help you understand the basic features that are built into your iPhone that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals! You can further enhance your experience if you have an Apple Watch or other accessories. Health Tech Coach will help you choose the apps and accessories that are best suited to your needs. We’ll also share general tips that can help you improve your health and fitness. | https://youtu.be/ImZ34Bnid6I | |
Helen's Blog | http://HelenHoefele.com | Personal | A Jersey girl exploring the online world...and...a data person curious about human behavior represented in data sets. | HelenHoefele.com is about the personal journey of a self-declared Citizen Data Journalist on a data science learning path. The political topic of U.S. redistricting, a.k.a., gerrymandering (and related issues) will be explored from the data perspective. | https://youtu.be/BLHWH2-9r8I | |
Help Mama Meditate | http://www.helpmamameditate.com | Health and Wellness | My goal is to start a blog on mindfulness and meditation for mothers, especially beginners. I’m a full time Mom and part time speech pathologist. I began a daily meditation practice in 2017, and I want to create a community to help other Moms with their practice. | My blog offers tips and advice on mindfulness and meditation for moms. I also provide bonus monthly posts featuring product, app, and book recommendations to deepen your practice. | - | |
Hitch, Pitch & Flip | http://www.hitchpitchflip.com | Home and House | Hi! I’m Vicki and I’m the mini-farming mom at www.hitchpitchflip.com I love rearranging furniture using graph paper, watching honey bees dance, zombies, jalapeño chips, and everything 80s (I even think in song lyrics). I still have some of my favorite clothes from high school, that hold the most important memories, bagged up and under the bed. I’m a human mom, a Great Dane mom, a native Californian, and a wife to My Mechanic. I can be found on: Facebook at: HitchPitchFlip Pinterest at: HPFVicki Instagram at: VickiMc77 | I’m not a crunchy naked barefoot hippie parent. Neither is my blog, Hitch, Pitch & Flip, which relaunches on International Start A Blog Day on February 7, 2018. HPF is about the lessons I’m learning through slow living, intentional parenting and mini-farming. It’s about abundance through vintage skills, food harmony, and trying my hardest not to raise entitled citizens. You’ll find a blogging home if you: Like short walks in mini urban-food forests; Delight in the activity of bugs, honey bees, and worms; Enjoy suggestive photos of vintage homes, and/or; Desire to join me in launching a soft rebellion with our little postage-stamp yards of the world. And passing along those “analog” skills to future generations living in a digital world. | https://youtu.be/YjI4j9_5oQ0 | |
Holy Imagination | http://www.holyimagination.com | (none) | I have spent my life so far in many creative and impulsive pursuits including broadcasting, standup comedy, Christian ministry, retail business, and coaching. I tend to like variety but the consistent thing is creative communication and encouraging others in their pursuits. I have had couple of blogs in the past where I have posted with a combination of regularity and lots of procrastination. It must have been as frustrating to readers as it was to me. Now I am ramping up to launch two new blogs (biting off too much?) and commit to posting at least weekly on each. Listening to Problogger's podcasts for the last few months has helped me get new vision. Even as I prepared for this I heard about this new course and thought, "Perfect, that will help me to take this one seriously." So here goes, let's make it happen Darren! | "inspiring and unleashing the creativity, leadership and uniqueness in each of us" My vision is to encourage the unique or holy creativity that resides in each of us and challenges us to be the creative person that we were made to be. It's for anyone in leadership, life, business, or ministry who is willing to give being creative in any sense a try and then to use their endeavours to live a more fruitful life that serves others. | - | |
Human Leaders, Human Organisations | http://www.evolvingleaders.com.au/blog/ | Business and Marketing | Nicola is a leadership development professional, speaker, facilitator and culture and leadership consultant. Before founding Evolving Leaders she had a successful career in the corporate sector for over 20 years. She is an accredited Leadership, Culture, and Values Consultant in the Culture Transformation Tools™ of the Barrett Values Centre, a Certified Leadership Coach with The Leadership Circle™, a qualified yoga nidra meditation teacher and holds a Diploma in Transpersonal Art Therapy. Read more… | This blog is an exploration of the "human organisation" and the evolution of leadership consciousness required to build human organisations. It explores concepts, models, case studies and reflections across the intersection of leadership-well-being and organisational culture with a specific focus on the developmental journey required to up-lift the personal well-being and capacity of leaders to thrive in complex, ambiguous and uncertain world. | - | |
Impact Entrepreneurship | http://www.avrilfortuin.com/blog/ | Business and Marketing | I am from Adelaide but have a full-time job outside of Australia. I want to start a blog as a side hustle now so that it will be a full-time business within 5 years. I have lived and worked in Europe, Africa and Asia over the last 20 years mostly in a professional role seeking to support local governance and civil society to sustain peace after situations of conflict. While my work has always been interesting I also want a creative outlet for my newly discovered entrepreneurial spirit. That's why I'm honing my skills and helping my friend with her online business by taking charge of the blog and administering a facebook community. It's a challenge but the course has been very motivational and helpful. Thanks so much. | My blog is a part of my friend's business website - 'Impact Entrepreneurship'. Our purpose is to provide affordable online training in basic business and professional skills to African men and women so that they can start or grow profitable businesses. The aspiration is that they can earn a living doing things they care about and use the profit to make a positive impact in their life, community, or nation. The primary audience is African men and women who want to start a side hustle or small business of their own. I think targeting the specific audience group of Africans or people with a heart for Africa differentiates us from hundreds of similar sites targeting audiences in the States, Europe or Australia. We have a domain in her name Avril Fortuin to make it personal and grounded. We started the website last year building it up from scratch, I posted 3 really weak posts, and then we got stuck on course platforms and payment systems so it never went 'live'. I want to enjoy writing and as soon as I'm free from my f/t job I want to become a pro-blogger and creator! The ProBlogger course has motivated me to move ahead with a soft launch of the blog in order to get things started. There's still a lot to do, but better to get started than wait for perfection. Now that I have completed the course and looked again at the posts I think the imagery needs to be improved and the posts are too long. I will revise them and re-post as soon as possible! I hope people take a look around the blog and give some constructive feedback. Blessings to all who take the courageous step of launching!! | - | |
janagond.com | http://janagond.com | (none) | Indian and resident of Bengaluru.University graduate(BA) in English literature.English is my second language.A retiree from the government job of inspector for enforcing Indian labour laws. A beginner. | My blog address is janagond.com.The domain name is self-hosted on WordPress platform. | - | |
Jubilant Age | http://jubilantage.com | Health and Wellness | Reinventing myself after 50 to start a blog on how to live your best midlife, Jubilant Age (http://jubilantage.com). I have degrees from Yale and Stanford Graduate School of Business, but most satisfying work was raising three children. I have a passion to share what I’m learning about health, wealth and wisdom at midlife with fellow travelers! Love Darren’s podcast and am looking to grow! | I share tips on how to live your best midlife with fellow travelers on this journey. My target reader is female, 45-65. Her kids are mostly grown and she may have aging parents who need her help. I want to share things I’m learning on health, money, relationships and life — so she can enjoy the midlife journey! | - | |
Just Eating Right | http://justeatingright.com | Food | As a fanatic runner and cyclist, I started to watch my food intake. To be strong and healthy I watched Vegucated, Forks Over Knives, and What The Health. A new world opened to me. Amazing stories how people reversed diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, high blood pressures and the list keeps going on. Is it so simple, just changing your eating habits? Yes it is. I started to explore new food items, ingredients and recently enrolled in a plant-based whole food cooking class. Want to explore, be part of this journey? Read my blog. | Hi, my name is Yolande. Just eating right is a new and exciting way of living. Changing your eating habits to consuming only plant-based foods is a journey. Sometimes it is frustrating, but sometimes you discover new products you never tried before! It does not happen overnight. But you can try cold turkey! No better not…although some people make this switch at once. Just Eating Right will keep you updated about new recipes, cook books and magazines, restaurant reviews, anything you want to know about a great and healthy lifestyle. | - | |
Ladawn Day Lifestyle | http://www.ladawndaylifestyle.co.uk | Personal | Full time mum of a 2 year old blogging about her lifestyle , food, fashion and beauty. Here I will share with you everything I think you find helpfull from simplest beauty hack to fifteen minutes meal for busy mothers who’s on the go | Hello everyone, how are you?. Here in my blog I will share you everything about me and lifestyle from the clothes I where to the food I eat. Every step of the way I take you on adventure in home town Birmingham England where find the coolest place to dine and hang out with friends and family. | - | |
Laura Lee Lifestyle | http://lauraleelifestyle.com | Fashion & Beauty | I am administrative assistant guru for my day job. Blog Beginner/Learner/Writer as my 2nd job. I have to tell you I was on the fence about whether to go live today or not. OH MY! It was very frustrating! However, I took the plunge and it's ready! YAY! | I'm very excited to introduce my blog. LAURA LEE LIFESTYLE. My blog is about empowering women over 50 to move into the 2nd half of their life with style. I have over 30 years in the beauty industry. I have so much to share in order to help woman improve, change and/or update their style. In addition, I hope to inspire women to look into new things that may pique their interests. As I discover new things, I will share them in my blog. Photography, Event Planning, Gardening, Family Events, Travel, Interior design and so on... The whole concept is to inspire woman over 50 to look for ways to enrich their lives. This blog is the 1st of 3 that I intend to work with. In addition, I am in the process of beginning a children's book as well as a non-fiction book. I would appreciate any feedback and/or help I could get. | - | |
Learn Project Concepts Here | http://Learnprojectconcepts.com | Technology | A freelance consultant with many years of Global experience in the project management and operations arenas, mainly in Banking and Financial Services. Now making the move into on line education and coaching. | I set this blog up to help newbie project managers or a returning project manager (and others interested in project management) as this is one of my aims in life to help based on my experience (40 years in PM). At the start of your project management journey there are so many concepts vying for your attention and then there is the project team and the sponsors and the actual project all demanding your time. My aim is to provide experience based help with this situation to give rapid learning capability and to provide quick and easy to learn mini courses and advice via weekly blog posts or a newsletter that will help people cut through the info clutter and focus on what is really important at the time (risk management for a start). This approach should help people to transform into skilled project managers in a shorter space of time using real life practical examples of things like risks, issues, constraints, dependencies. I will also give registered subscribers the ability to ask questions in a FB or forum setting. | - | |
Life Honestly | http://www.lifehonestly.co | Health and Wellness | I am a stay-at-home mom to 1 (soon to be 2)! My husband, Frank, and I have wanted to start a blog for some time now. We finally did it and we are LOVING it, even with all of the bumps in the road along the way. We are so excited for what's ahead and to find community within the ProBlogger Group. | Our blog focuses on the Christian faith and simple, healthy living. We want to help people take control of their lives (all aspects!) and have the confidence to do so. Please check out our blog and subscribe! | - | |
LIfe to Minimalism | http://lifetominimalism.com/ | Home and House | I love decluttering, minimal design and organization methods that stick. | My blog is called Life to Minimalism and it was created to show others how to live with less in a realistic way, give specific examples on how to declutter and create a community for people to share their ideas on different ways to live minimally. I want to help others make their life easier and show them how living with less is a good way to do that. http://lifetominimalism.com/ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-DaH5r0Spo | |
Lightning Moments | https://lightningmoments.com/ | Personal | Devri Ficklin an actual lightning strike survivor believes "Life's Lightning Moments" are the fuel to personal greatness. You have a choice, choose your focus! An author of the book, Lighting Moments; Within seconds life changed forever. Speaker, life coach, philanthropist and entrepreneur, Devri's mission is to "Brighten the world with our thoughts". | Lightning Moments - an actual lightning strike survivors story that can help you succeed too! Seriously - a labor of LOVE for two and a half years - the day is finally here! Thanks to Problogger.com I found the confidence to create a calendar for posts, create a launch plan and finally the courage to LAUNCH my blog… LightningMoments.com We all have experience them – Lightning Moments - those pivotal events in our lives, a turning point that changes us… forever. “The biggest battle we will ever fight is within our own minds. Learn to focus your thoughts and you can improve your life” Devri Ficklin Think about it – remember when you lost a loved one, when you were in your first car crash, graduation from high school, the day you were married? These are “Lightning Moments” experiences that shape the direction of the rest of your life. This blog is dedicated to these “Lightning Moments” and offers a unique opportunity to look inward and ask, “What am I to learn from this?“. Filled with tips and tricks for personal growth and categorized in the following areas: • HEALTH AND WELLNESS – Mind * Body * Spirit (mindset and healthy relationships) • PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - Happiness is an INSIDE job! (all facets of personal growth) • ACTIVE LIFESTYLE * Energy * Strength * Endurance (Tips to make through the day!) • TRUE LEADERSHIP - Inspire GREATNESS! (A leader creates great leaders) Check it out! Discover ways to become the “Best version of YOU” | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rwrVSffUpY | |
Little Wandering Wren | http://littlewanderingwren.com | Personal | - | A birds-eye view of the world… Hi, I’m Wren. I’m a Travel Writer and Blogger, based in Bangkok, Thailand who loves to share the stories from the places I visit in this journey called life. This is a very, very soft launch but it's done! Hope to see you soon! | - | |
Living in the Wait | http://www.livinginthewait.com | Personal | My guy Ry and I have been married over three years. We have been hoping and praying for a baby for almost as long. After much testing and finding nothing medically wrong, we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. When I am not thinking, praying and researching about infertility, I enjoy the outdoors, college sports, fitness, reading, baking, music and dancing (Zumba anyone?!). I enjoy an active lifestyle of camping, hiking, mountain biking and triathlons/races. | My husband and I have been hoping and praying for a baby for over 2.5 years. We are the 1 in 8 couples who have trouble conceiving (resolve.org). When we initially began our infertility journey, I began doing a ton of research to educate myself about our situation. I was also searching for support and connections with other couples walking a similar path to discuss feelings, best practices, etc. I did not want to do this alone. Infertility is a sensitive topic and rarely talked about openly with family, friends or the public. I have found that resources and support are minimal, which brings us to Living in the Wait. This site was born (pun not intended, but fitting considering our circumstances) out of our wait and a desire to be a resource and support system. I began asking the question, how do I continue to live life while waiting to have kids, or insert whatever you are waiting for: job, spouse, losing weight, etc. While baby talk dominated much of the conversation with my husband, I knew we had to continue living our lives as a family of two, however long God had in mind. I felt Him nudging me to share our story to help others. I told Him if waiting is part of our story, I want to get the most out of. I do not want to waste my wait. My prayer is that this blog becomes a refuge when dealing with life’s waits to provide you hope, encouragement, peace, resources and most of all support as you Live in the Wait. Know I am right beside you when it comes to the feelings and emotions you are experiencing. Answers are not easily explained but please find comfort in knowing you can Live in the Wait. | - | |
Living Life Accomplished | https://livinglifeaccomplished.com | Personal | I am a web developer and online marketing strategist. I spend a lot of time helping clients develop their online presence, but never find any time to invest in my own. I think I might be ready to change that in 2018. | At Living Life Accomplished, I cover techniques, tools, and mindsets that will help both myself and others lead a happier, more satisfying life. I have a wide variety of skill sets and interests, and I want to spend some time delving into each of them to try and find the best fit -- both for myself and for you, dear reader. For this experiment to work, it will need to be a two-way conversion, so please don't hesitate to ask questions or send feedback my way. Making Life HAPPIER: Healthy Life Seeking vitality through better self-care: Nutrition, Toxin Reduction, Exercise, Emotional Health Adventurous Life Stories and tips from places I've traveled: Hawaii, Disneyland, Disney World, Pacific Northwest, England, France, Bavaria, and Prague Productive Life How to make things happen: Task Management, Organization, Focus, Goal Setting Profitable Life Approaches to both saving and earning extra money: Kickstarter, Vacation Rentals, Career Advancement, Small Business, Buying a Home, Investing, Money Management Interpersonal Life How to build healthy relationships and keep improving them: Marriage, Online Communication, Building Community Entertaining Life All the things that make life sweet (for me at least): Parties, Board Games, Holidays, Wedding Planning Resourceful Life Conquering those online tools that tend to trip people up: WordPress Website Management, ConvertKit ESP, Google Business Tools and Analytics, Search Engine Optimization | - | |
Lorre Black Umbrellas | http://lorreblackumbrellas.com | Personal | Hello! Lorre Black Umbrellas is my vision. My mission is to help people think differently about GIVING and RECEIVING. To bring a new light to giving and receiving by giving on behalf of another. This will help: raise the collective consciousness positive vibration up a notch or 2 and enhance the connection between people all over the World via Lorre Black Umbrellas and Parasols. | My niche is GIVING and RECEIVING. Under the "umbrella" of giving, my blog will focus on pictures from all over the world of people giving away umbrellas or parasols on behalf of another. I will also cover an abundance of topics from the laws of the universe, the science of giving, and the spirituality of giving. My branding "Lorre Black Umbrellas" is very important, and I have many ideas on how to grow my brand! Very cool ideas! I want to start of movement where people from all over the world will be giving away umbrellas and parasols to strangers. The premise is to take yourself out of the equation when giving the umbrella or parasol. For example, if you have a friend or family member that needs a blessing, you would give your umbrella away to a stranger with your friend or family member in mind. In your mind and heart you simply say, "I give this umbrella away of behalf of "NAME" who is feeling very depressed or perhaps who has just lost a loved one. You don't need to go into detail when giving away the umbrella to the stranger. You just give the umbrella or parasol away with the person you have chosen -- who needs a blessing -- in your mind and heart. That way, this act of kindness goes directly to them to receive the blessing of giving. The receiver experiences joy and hope. You, of course, as the actual giver will experience joy and hope. I would like people to post their selfies or pictures of the act of giving with a simple explanation. Giver: FIRST NAME.......Receiver: FIRST NAME......Given on behalf of: FIRST NAME. I would eventually like to see these pictures turned into a beautiful picture book which will inspire and encourage people all over the world. | - | |
Make Great Ebooks | http://makegreatebooks.com | Books | I just started my blog about creating ebooks (kindle to start with) on February 7, 2018. My blog is called Make Great Ebooks. | My blog is called Make Great Ebooks and it is about creating beautifully crafted ebooks to get your message out in order to create a better world. | - | |
makermuse.com | http://makermuse.com | Handmade Craft | Who am I? Just a guy with an eye-catching last name looking to start a profitable blog. Why go through the effort? I am a nerd. I love to research, write, and figure out why a process succeeds or fails. Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} Starting a blog and recording my discoveries about selling handmade goods online is fun for me. It combines my passion for business, with my love of research and writing. | MakerMuse is a resource for independent and handmade entrepreneurs run by me, Kevin Fock. My aim is to help artists and artisans, craftsmen and craftswomen, succeed at selling handmade goods online. | - | |
Making Momentum | http://makingmomentum.net | Finance | Hello, my name is Scott and I write at Making Momentum (http://makingmomentum.net). Making Momentum focuses on personal finance, financial independence, side hustles, travel and general wellness. The goal is to share content and connect with like-minded people on living a rich life. -Scott | Welcome to Making Momentum. Here we talk about how you can optimize your life with resources and tips on personal finance, financial independence, side hustles, travel, general wellness and more. Take life into your own hands and start making momentum with personal improvements. | - | |
Marketingmente | http://www.marketingmenteve.com | Business and Marketing | Freelance marketer born, raised and living in Venezuela. More like surviving! Determined to stay in my country, to help and make a difference whichever way I can. In order to make a living I must get projects from abroad. I am an experienced automotive marketer passionate about customer service and digital marketing. I feel I have lots to say, and although I´ve always been reluctant to start my own blog, I look forward to sharing my views and experiences with the world. Thus, here I am. | Marketing became my passion and lifetime adventure at Ford Motor Co., both in my native Venezuela and the U.S. As former ‘big-leaguer’ client-turned consultant, I view marketing as an integral, company-wide task. I have worked for over 10 years with small and mid-sized local businesses, assisting them in their efforts to succeed – or survive, in the unstable Venezuelan economy, by helping them understand that it is always viable to do marketing in times of crisis. For the past few years I´ve become an advocate of Social Media Marketing and Customer Service. Always an automotive marketer, I've worked with dealers as their Social Media Manager, coaching them in the use of social for customer service and brand positioning. Over the years, I´ve accumulated so many stories and learned so many lessons, so I now look forward to writing about them. | - | |
Meant for This | https://meantforthis.com | Personal | - | The last couple of years were brutal. I went through my second divorce and dealt with a debilitating illness as a single mom to 3 boys. In that time I also completely switched careers paths and went from being a nurse to owning my own business. It’s been an insane ride and I want to share the hope, joy and treasures I’ve discovered with other single moms. We need to know there’s hope, happiness and even peace in the midst of the chaos that our lives often are. | - | |
Microscopic Art | http://mymicroscopicart.com | Visual Art | I am a scientist who draws! I create unique science-inpired art as means to communicate science to the public. | My Blog is about sharing my passion for art and science. The art I create is inspired by my scientific work, shaped by scientific ideas and concepts. I use art (in a sometimes playful, humorous way) to bridge the gap between scientists and non-scientists and hope to engage the visitor, to encourage you to appreciate the beauty and the science in everything that surrounds us. | - | |
Mindful Moo | https://mindfulmoo.com | Health and Wellness | I'm a digital designer who spends all my spare time doing yoga, meditating and writing (I wish). | Mindful Moo is a wellbeing blog and community. The essence is about connecting people with themselves, with their higher purpose and with the world at large. It's a multi-author blog covering topics from diverse perspectives and exploring conscious living, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, diet and nutrition, among other things. We're on a journey of discovery and we invite you to join us. | - | |
Mod Mom Collective | https://www.modmomcollective.com/ | Family | Hi there, I'm Lena. Wife, mother of 3, former pharmacist, serial entrepreneur, and lover of all sweet treats. | Mod Mom Collective was created with a mission of inspiring other moms to live their best life, while earning some money in order to stay home with their kiddos. Moms are pulled in so many directions daily; wife, personal chef, housekeeper, teacher, financial advisor, chauffeur, volunteer, cheerleader, travel agent, and the list goes on and on. This is a site to find some tips to ease motherhood, to help find ways to live life more efficiently, to make beautiful spaces in your home, and so much more! So whether you want to make more money, save more money, learn some new organizational hacks, life skills, recipes, or manage your finances, Mod Mom Collective is your guide to living your best mom life and putting some extra moola in the bank while you’re at it! | - | |
Mr and Mrs Money Magnet | http://www.mrandmrsmoneymagnet.com | Finance | I am Mrs Money Magnet and Mr Money Magnet and i have been together going on 11 years now and have 2 kids. We have recently found out about something called FIRE, Financial Independence/Retire Early. It has really gotten our attention and decided to give it a go and document our journey along the way. | Our blog is to document our path to financial independence from the beginning all the way through quitting our rat race 9-5 jobs. I have enjoyed other blogs and podcast by others on a similar path, but feel like there is an area for someone like us who are joining this movement a little later on in life. We have started a family, have a mortgage, student loans, car payments, don't make a six figure salary and live in a city where it is impossible to walk/ride a bike to work. The goal is to pay down debt, max out our savings, start investing more and try our hand at a few side hacks! | - | |
Music Adventurer | http://www.musicadventurer.com | Musician, songwriter, long-time professional in the software industry creating software for digital audio and video production, former blogger ready to try again, writer, software trainer. | Music is an adventure. How else can you look at it? Woven into the fabric of our lives, we all have our own relationship to it, our own lifelong adventure. It’s a force that remains powerful beyond bounds when personal. Yet, mystically, the adventure grows ever more exciting as we share it. How music has spoken to us...that's the adventure we seek. | - | ||
My Blog - Increasing Patient Satisfaction Within The Hospital Environment | http://communicationstars.com/blog | Health and Wellness | I had been wanting to start a blog to improve SEO and drive topic-related search traffic to my website. I am a consultant and trainer (working on building the business at the time) for the healthcare industry. My passion has been personal development and how emotional intelligence plays such a big part in the success of each of us. I have been in service, sales, and management related roles my whole career. Consulting and training to help individuals and hospitals achieve the best results in what they do is my goal. My niche is related to helping hospitals improve patient satisfaction survey results (HCAHPS scores). Those scores directly impact how much money they receive back from government reimbursement programs. I offer training that helps improve the organizations' culture and people skills like emotional intelligence and communication. Those results translate to better communication and stronger, more trusting physician/nurse to patient relationships. The end results are patients that trust the doctors, follow treatments accurately, and have better recovery outcomes. This course has been great. The shared tips have been fantastic in giving direction to us. The motivation by Darren and others has really helped me to continue going forward until my goal was achieved. I know my blog set up needs more work and I need to look at layout, categories, and tagging as I move forward. I would love to utilize a scholarship to continue improving with the upcoming 31-day blog course. Please check out my blog at: http://communicationstars.com/blog Best Regards, Tim Passerell Husband, father, trainer, manager, drummer, and lifelong learner. www.communicationstars.com | - | - | |
My Teach at Home | http://www.myteachathome.com | Family | Hello! My name is John from My Teach at Home, a blog that focuses on connecting families through education. I have been an educator for over 15 years and a principal for the past 5 years. Education is changing and growing faster than ever. It's becoming harder and harder for parents to stay connected with their children. My goal is to bridge this gap by helping parents stay up to date on education trends and provide ways to connect with their kids. | Family I have been an educator for over 15 years, with the last 5 as a principal in a high school. But I'm also a father of 3 children, 2 in middle school and 1 in elementary school. I know what it's like to worry about your children. I drop my kids off at their respective schools and I wonder what they do during the day. As a principal, I talk with parents who wonder if their kids are on the right track. I speak with parents who are concerned that their children are struggling academically, socially and emotionally with the stress of school. I know how fast education is changing (it's changed so much from when I began as a teacher) and how hard it is for parents to stay up to date with the latest trends. That's why I created My Teach at Home. My Teach at Home My Teach at Home is a place for parents to get answers to their questions. It's a place to get a little insight into current trends in education and a place to connect with other parents who share similar concerns. My Teach at Home will help you re-connect with your children through education. My goal is to help all of my readers gain better insight into the lives of their children. My goal is to create a community of learners. I hope that you join me on the journey! What's Inside? A little bit about My Teach at Home. You will see a new post every week on a variety of topics that are new and relevant in the world of education. Check out this post on 6 Ways to Connect with Your Student through Education as a sample of what you'll find on My Teach at Home. Be sure to also check out the Resources page frequently for new links on topics in Education, Technology, Reading and more! Of course, you could simply subscribe to my site and never miss a post or update! I'm also active on Twitter and Facebook! | https://youtu.be/bdtu86IRIO0 | |
Old Manila | https://oldmanila.org | Personal | Blogger. Legal writer. Political writer. Interest in history and old photos. Music lover. Bedroom DJ. | History. Culture. Memories. For Everyone. | - | |
On Wonder and Why | http://www.nancysteinhausen.com | Personal | I am just beginning to discover what is possible. | I am playing at bringing back wonder and why: Wonder (curiosity): to wonder is to acknowledge one's ignorance, not in a state of despair or passivity, but in the pleasurable pursuit of further knowledge. Wonder (awe): to be the presence of something vast that transcends our understanding of the world. Awe's gift is that it doesn't always make us happy, but it renders us more fully alive. Why (purpose): "We ache to touch intimately what is real, to find the marriage of meaning and matter in our lives and in the world. We ache to feel and express the fire of being fully alive." Why (wisdom & understanding): We become wise when we see with understanding through the eyes of ethics, principle, memory of the past and projection into the future. Or I will sit in my comfy chair by the window and muse with my cup of tea. | - | |
Pain Hacking | http://www.painhacking.com | Health and Wellness | Hello, I'm Sonya Anderson. I have a degree in Physical Education from McMaster University, and, in my career before I became a stay-at-home mom and pain blogger, I held certifications as a Personal Trainer and Medical Exercise Specialist and developed a Work Hardening Program to help injured workers develop the strength and endurance to safely return to work after suffering an injury. While this technical background is essential for my role here at Pain Hacking, I think, even more importantly, I can share with you my own personal struggles with chronic pain, having lived with it for more than half of my life. I know EXACTLY how physically exhausting and emotionally draining chronic pain can be. Through my blog, podcast and videos my mission is to deconstruct chronic pain in an easy to understand style and provide you with the information, inspiration, and hope you need to be in the driver's seat on your journey to get your life back. From ground-breaking research to practical tools and resources my goal is to be your guide and a voice that you can trust to empower you to take the first step and then the next step as you embark on your own journey of self-healing. | Pain Hacking is a website for people, like YOU and ME, who live with chronic pain. My mission is to deconstruct chronic pain and provide you with the information, resources, inspiration, and hope you need to get your life back! From ground-breaking research and interviews with world-leading experts to practical tools and tips you can implement NOW, my goal is to be your guide and a voice you can trust to empower you to take the first step, and then the next, as you embark on your own healing journey. | https://youtu.be/mVCHh1S35lE | |
Pay it Forward and Mentor | http://www.payitforwardmentor.com | Personal | I completed the Problogger course and soon afterwards launched my blog on mentoring. This is my very first blog and a work in progress. | Blog about mentoring, volunteering, and personal development. | - | |
Plain & Social | http://plainandsocial.com | Technology | - | Plain & Social is a blog that helps people of all ages to navigate the digital world with confidence. It's social media and technology made simple. | - | |
RavensRoadTrips | http://www.RavensRoadTrips.com | Travel and Outdoors | Traveling and the thought of traveling is what excites me. But it's not just the time away seeing, learning, and having new experiences, it's also the planning and research involved. I enjoy the process of deciding where to go next or what will be my next travel goal. It has been proven that we get more enjoyment from the planning then when we are actually on vacation. When someone asks me what I like to do when I go away, the list is long. I am interested in many aspects of visiting places. It's looking for a factory that gives free tours. It's hiking and rock scrambling at a National or State Park. It's sitting and enjoying the waves crash at the ocean. It's going to see a concert or professional sports. It's talking to the owners and clerks at local stores. Trying a new sport, such as surfing when I was in Hawaii. Striking up a conversation with a stranger. Not only do I enjoy traveling away from home, I also like exploring locally. We sometimes forget, that there are many hidden treasures in our own backyard. I have a bit of a reputation among my friends. They will ask me what should we do when we get together. I do keep notebooks on all of these ideas. I am finding that I am not keeping tabs of all the resources and ideas that I have. That's when I thought I would start sharing. About the website name, RavensRoadTrips. I spent several years thinking about a name for the site. This was before I knew what my travel niche would be. After lots of different options and friends offering advice, I came up with name. Raven to me sounds strong, willful, and adventurous. RavensRT aka Diane Note: I am still fine tuning this about. | Ravens Road Trips is about planning and making local and not so local trips. Fun places to visit for the day with friends. And longer trips to see and experience the world. The details on how to go about finding unique places, how to find fun local things to do that we all miss near to where we live, and more. The site will appeal to single women who are interested in exploring with or without company. Considering budget friendly alternatives, but not being frugal. | - | |
Renewed Function | http://www.renewedfunction.com | Health and Wellness | Hey guys. I have been dabbling with writing a blog/ starting a business for a couple of years now. I've gathered a bunch of knowledge on the subject but just couldn't get a direction for the blog to really stick. But after a little too much soul searching, I'm now almost ready to launch my blog (RenewedFunction.com) which is in the health and wellness niche. I'm an Occupational Therapist and have a passion for nutrition and natural health. Overall my blog is targeting people who have less than optimal health who just want to reclaim their life- reduce their pain enough to play with grandkids, increase their energy to be able to play golf again, lift the mental fog that is making it so hard to go to work, finally lose the weight so they can fit into a single seat on an airplane, and so on. I'm looking forward to the journey ahead and all the doors that might open as a result! | Renewed Function is a blog that provides reliable health information and encouragement to people with chronic diseases, pain and dysfunction. Our mission is to empower you to take control of lifestyle factors to optimize your health through a self-directed approach to health recovery. | - | |
return to creative | http://www.returntocreative.com | Handmade Craft | I've been making websites for fun since I was 12. I would start on and off, the longest I've ever maintained one was a couple of years. However, I'm ready to do it "the right way," and hopefully I can one day financially support myself with my lifelong hobby. | creative adventures | - | |
Reviews and Randomness | http://www.reviewsandrandomness.com | Family | Hi, I'm Laura Johnson. I live in the United States (specifically around Dallas, Texas). I enjoy telling my friends and family about all the products/services I love. So, I've decided to finally start a blog so I can stop texting my family and friends about everything. Ha! I'm a mom of two young girls and a wife. I worked in loyalty marketing in the airline industry for nine years and currently stay at home with my children. Excited to be here with you! | My blog's name is Reviews and Randomness....tales of everyday things that I love. It'll reflect personal accounts of the products and services that I simply rave about with a little bit of randomness thrown in, which will give me the freedom to write about non-direct product/service items. When I'm in need of a new product (dishwasher, hair blow dryer, kid toy, etc), I'm always asking my friends for suggestions. My goal is to be that site for people to come see what I have to say and for me to portray an honest, non-intrusive, and ethical way of promoting items that I highly recommend. I would like to eventually monetize the site and am loving all the information Problogger has to offer on that. Looking forward to learning more about blogging, monetization, and becoming a better writer and marketer. | https://www.facebook.com/ReviewsandRandomness-1381775361966351/ | |
Rocky Mountain Beer Explorer | https://www.rockymountainbeerexplorer.com | Travel and Outdoors | I write about the outdoors and environmental issues in the western US. My expertise is environmental law, outdoor education and increasingly, beer. | This blog was born from an idea that hit me on a walk in the mountains one day. I happen to love craft, local beer, and I love the outdoors in the region where I live - northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. This area has an exploding craft beer scene and we live in a beautiful area where many of the people who love beer also love adventures in our region. I am combining these ideas: local beer, and local adventures in the blog, using beer as the glue that binds the adventures and the breweries. My posts will focus on local breweries and the people who run them and I'll encourage people to go outdoors and drink that beer in beautiful outdoor settings. I'll help suggest "pairings" of places and beers. | - | |
RVtheFulltimeWay.com | https://rvthefulltimeway.com | Travel and Outdoors | I'm a married 63 year old planning to begin my first real blog. My husband and I travel full time in our motorcoach, and we feel we have much we can offer others who are interested in a full time traveling lifestyle. We currently have a static website and I've played around with a couple of blog starts over the years. I've followed ProBlogger for many a year and am truly looking forward to the course and participating with my new blogging friends. | My goal is to make the life of the full time RVer easier and more fun through better experiences in travel, health, relationships and the care of their home. | - | |
Ryan M. Williams | http://www.ryanmwilliams.com | Business and Marketing | Librarian, writer, and illustrator, Ryan M. Williams, author of more than twenty novels, writes across a range of genres including fantasy, science fiction, romance, paranormal, and mystery. He earned an M.A. in writing popular fiction from Seton Hill University and an M.L.I.S. from San Jose University. His short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Pocket Books, WMG Publishing, and in On Spec Magazine. | As busy and creative humans we often find that our desire to create, to explore, and to connect with ourselves and others is pushed aside. We're busy! Family, work, and other responsibilities make it difficult to find the time. My goal with the blog is to help others find ways to live a creative life among all the busy chaos of our daily lives. I am a full-time librarian, a novelist and short story writer, and a budding illustrator. I aim to post entertaining, inspirational, and helpful content as I share my journey in pursuit of becoming a bestselling writer. | - | |
Shem Knows | https://shemknows.com | Personal | aspiring blogger | My blog is about blogging and freelancing. | - | |
softseal | https://softseal.org/ | Books | Blogger, aspiring thing-doer, legendary sleeper. | Weekly book reviews, book related memes and the occasional cat pic. | - | |
Some Room to Grow | http://someroomtogrow.com | Gardening | I'm one of those creative folks with an interest in a million different hobbies. I've thought about starting a blog, or maybe several, over the past few years. It's about time I gave it some serious effort! | I wanted to create a site where I could write about all the things I'm doing in my own garden. My goal is not only to help beginners learn how to grow their own food, but also to attract veteran gardeners to my blog so we can all learn from them, too. | - | |
Special Free Report | http://specialfreereport.com | Business and Marketing | Hello, My name is Maxime. I want to be a Blogger professionnal like you. | Hello! Inside my blog I share a summary of skill I've learned about Digital Marketing. | - | |
Standby Sojourners | http://www.standbysojourners.com | Travel and Outdoors | I have been a hobby blogger for a few years, but my goal for 2018 is to monetize my blog. I write about my adventures traveling the world on standby, or non-revenue pass travel. While my flights are free, everything else is not. My ultimate goal is for my blog to earn enough to cover the rest of my travel expenses. | We take full advantage of our non-revenue pass travel perks, while balancing full time jobs based in Atlanta, Georgia. On the blog, I share our standby stories (and gaffes), plus tips and advice on how to get the most from your journeys in a short amount of time. | - | |
Stilfarm | http://www.stilfarm.com | Handmade Craft | Hi, I'm Jenne. Mom, Creative Director and – so proud to say – a blogger from Germany. I'm a huge problogger fan since a friend recommended the podcast series "31 days to build a better blog" back in 2015. After playing around with two blogs and topics I finally found what I'm really passionate about and bought www.STILFARM.com when I listened to the problogger podcast and heard about this course to be launched. So I'm excited and can't wait to start. My blog will be about diy/ crafts with diy machines (e.g. Silhouette Cameo/Curio) and decorating for a cool and cozy home in Scandinavian design style. My goals: Ignoring my perfectionism, overcoming my fears and just putting me and my ideas out there. Thank you so much for your constant support Darren (and your team), you are awesome!!! I don't know if I started my blog without you! Thank you for providing all the information on one side and trusting in your listeners and readers, that everybody can succeed in blogging. At least if one is following your tips ;) I definitely will! Thank you for giving me the strength and self-confidence to start my blog - hopefully the start of living my dream in a few years: being self-employed and doing the things I really love. I really can't say this enough: THANK YOU! | Stilfarm is all about DIY tutorials with home cutting plotters (Silhouette Cameo/Curio/Portrait) and inspiration for a beautiful decorated home in scandinavian design style. Stilfarm helps you to get inspired and learn how to seasonally decorate your home. It provides you with tutorials for easily making your very own posters, cards, screen printed items, gifts and so much more. Come on over and get the blog launch freebie when the blog goes live. I would love to have you around! | - | |
Story of a Lily | https://www.storyofalily.com | Books | I love to read, but have always been scared to write. I started my blog to share the things I learn in my endless readings, as well as to have a platform to practice my writing. I'm still figuring out my focus for the blog, but it's been an exciting process! On a personal note, I read everything, I love to bake for friends and family, and I'm in a somewhat abusive relationship with exercise. | I read everything! I often start sentences with, "I read somewhere that..." and am forever recommending books to everyone around me. I hope to share things I learn in my endless readings and be able to help someone improve their lives, no matter how minor it might be. Come join me for book reviews and my adventures in applying what I learn from the books! | - | |
teeTotal Revolution | http://www.teetotalrevolution.com | Health and Wellness | - | - | - |
Class of 2018 Scholarship Winners
We selected five scholarship winners who caught our attention and imagination with their new blogs. Each winner will get free access to our 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Course launching in March, as well as a one-on-one coaching session with one of our team. The winners are...
“We look forward to sharing with you our financial lessons learned from our past (some the hard way), as well as our new skills going forward."
Our Team said:
Great name! Easy for many couples/families to identify with this situation, some good tips already on health & wealth, credit cards and goals. Can write across a range of issues and monetize via products and affiliates.
“We’ve been doing periods the same old way since day dot. It’s time to make a change, for the BETTER.”
Our Team said:
Good problem solving! Huge audience potential and seeks to make an important positive change, good range of products for monetisation via affiliate marketing or eCommerce.
“Forces of Habit is about how to start living intentionally... through self discipline and patience.”
Our Team said:
Great premise, he has a track record in habits, excellent presentation and personality to take this where it has the potential to go.
“I'm here to help you gain confidence in inviting people over for dinner with tips, recipes, and fun ideas.”
Our Team said:
Tackles one thing many are scared of - inviting people over. Bringing back community, will find an audience that will really relate to her. Great opportunity to make a difference to people's connections and relationships
“It is one thing to wait in line at a store, but waiting to have a family takes it to a whole other level. My prayer is that this blog becomes a refuge when dealing with life’s waits to provide you hope, encouragement, peace, resources and most of all support.”
Our Team said:
Great branding, personal approach, large potential audience yet niche, thoughtful monetisation strategy (Encouragement gifts)
Darren I love this idea. Tweeted and I will visit a few blogs now.
thanks so much Ryan!
That’s great. Will check out the finance ones for sure
thanks so much!
Nice initiative Darren. It is always good to notice and recognize new bloggers and give them more potential to grow and improve.
thanks – loved doing this!
So interesting how so many people can start with the same assignment and the results are so diverse! I love the creativity of the group.
yes it’s amazing isn’t it. I felt quite emotional reading them all yesterday!
Thanks for sharing these successful launches. I checked out all the Travel blogs and love the diversity represented. I subscribed to a couple and picked up some nuggets of wisdom. As always I learn so much at ProBlogger!
Thanks for supporting our new bloggers!
thanks for sharing, I am curious as to why there are no pet blogs? Maybe because brands barely pay us? lol. My niche is pet so I look there first, I also do follow a ton of food blogs as well because that is my other passion.
None in this bunch but I’m sure there will be as I’ve met a few pet bloggers over the years :-)
Amazing results! Congratulations, Darren Rowse, on the initiative. I am surprised to see how many blogs were created in the personal growth, family, and health and wellness niches. This just goes to show how blogs are instrumental for the creation of a better world in every aspect.
Hey, congratulations everybody! I didn’t make it till February 7., but I’ll officially launch my blog (Stilfarm) on March 9. Thanks Darren Rowse for connecting so many people on this journey. I’m super excited to browse all the blogs :) I already saw a few of them and am doing my best to get such an awesome blog up & running myself. So I’m sure I’m not the only one launching a bit late. No doubt that many blogs will follow the next weeks and months inspired by you – and I hope they will get on this honours list, too ;)
Congratulations! After checking some of them I found really good blogs and I would love to see them grow. Also, it’s good to see how many topics people are going for, it could be inspiring for many people.
Congratulations! I am inspired by the new blogs launched. It’s very fun to search their blogs and see the wide variety of pluggins. I am learning more each day and looking forward to the 31 day course. Thank you for motivating me to finally launch my blog! Something I love to do, but have never had the courage to officially launch. I am now changing my focus and looking at this as a career not just a part-time hobby!
Thanks @Darren for the initiative, really a great initiative, will check all pages. Thanks for the share.
Thanks, Darren for the motivation and education over the most recent 100 round trips to my new dream job, which is the subject of my new blog. I’ve learned something valuable in each of 200+ episodes of PROBLOGGER Podcast, 31 Days to Build a Better Blog and the recent class. I’ve been procrastinating, POD-crastinating and over-practicing. Waiting to be perfect, I wasted a year. Thanks so much for the push. I’m live with a blog, recording to podcast, next, inviting to a FaceBook group and goin’ live everywhere. Lead on PROBLOGGER!
WOO! I am grateful for the opportunity to be featured with a list of such wonderful new blogs, I know that all new bloggers put in hours of hard work to launch their blogs. The journey has just begun, but a strong foundation has been made thanks to the ProBlogger Start a Blog Course!
I do not see my blog in the list….I signed up for the “Start a blog day”