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How Many Posts Did You Publish On Your Main Blog in May? [POLL]

Posted By Darren Rowse 10th of June 2008 Reader Questions 0 Comments

It’s time for another Reader Poll – this week I want to take a look at your posting frequency.

How Many Posts Did You Publish On Your Main Blog in May?

Pick your main blog and focus upon that. I responded for ProBlogger where I published 88 posts over May – 10 more than my three month average.


Feel free to tell us more in comments below. For example – was your May posting level higher or lower than normal?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. 39 posts for may, not really very good for me so I am boosting up my posts this month seeing as you did 81 posts I am aiming for 90 for June LOL …Got to beat you some how LOL!!!!!

  2. 81? That is amazing work considering the quality of your posts. How many of those were did you write in April and schedule for publishing in May?

    I managed 32 for May – but it’s hard to gauge an average as my time spent on the blog is sporadic at the best of times.

    Although I’m not so sure about how useful this metric is Darren. I find the less my posts resemble “quick news” style blog posts, the more they are worth to the site – in terms of links, immediate traffic from other sites and social networks, and long-term search engine traffic.

    My strategy for the site has changed over the last twelve months, and one thing I have learned on the way is if I focus purely on getting a certain number of posts online per day, I end up adding nothing to the conversation.


  3. 52 posts in May for Stepcase Lifehack. Do you guys see a direct relationship between the traffic and number of posts?

  4. May was the first full month of my new blog.

    46 posts.

    Off to a good start!

  5. I had exactly 20 posts, I aim for one a day so that number isn’t on target but I could have done worse. I just reached my 200th post, that’s a lot of writing but I hope to do a lot more.

    In comparison my most active month was September of last year, I posted 49 stories. I was pumping out about a couple posts a day, that drained me so I cut back.

    I guess in the end consistency is best, I hope to keep up with the one a day on weekdays to keep things steady.

  6. Ajay@Readerszone.com says: 06/10/2008 at 8:17 pm

    i have posted 81 posts in the month of may year 2008

  7. I’m off to count my post for May..lol… back soon..

    p.s. This blog is crackin dude.. great read..

  8. I have been posting 2 post a week for almost 2 years. Works out great for me since I’m in this for the long run. It helps to keep the burnout from happening.

  9. We had 87 posts in May and we’re looking like we will end up doing close to the same in June.

    We just really started focusing on the blog in April even though it has been in existence since last September.

    Great poll!

  10. I put up maybe 70 posts in May. That’s a bit above my average but I’m looking to have more frequent posting.

  11. Darren, this is a great thread. I have posted 33 posts in May, and am gonna post on a daily basis to cutewriting. It is my flagship blog. Thanks.

  12. Ugh. Did you have to pick May? I was more than half below my usual average. (Busy, busy, busy with non-blog issues.)

  13. I published 36 posts during the month of May. My goal when I started my blog in March was a post daily. I’ve missed a couple days, but have written more than one on other days. Some days the ideas/opportunities just don’t stop. Other days are slower and sometimes I have to put a draft on the back burner until it either decides to cooperate with me or I delete if.

  14. I had 28 posts, which is a nice number. I’m aiming for 30 this month.

  15. 30 from me… i update my blog daily.

  16. I’m a full time student, blogging only as a hobby.

    Increased time spent on assignments
    = less time available for hobbies (only 1 post for May)

    And after a day working on the computer, the last thing I want to do in my spare time (if any) is sit at the computer!

  17. I used to really push to get a post every “work” day and take the weekend off…

    Now I push to do 4-6 posts a week on any day…

    In may I had 20 posts and feel that is about right for my Preaching Instruction blog…

  18. Looking at my stats from April and May is a bit scary.

    I doubled the number of posts in May to 31 (did 15 in April). May’s visitor count was up by 3000 unique visitors, but my bounce rate in May went to 62% (was at 13% in April)

    There were also nearly 15,000 more actions taken in April (the slower posting month) than in May.

    Does this mean I should post less?

  19. I typically publish about 115 posts per month. Most of those are one paragraph summaries of news stories with links to the source. I write feature (full-length) news and opinion pieces about twice per week – one on my busiest day of the week and one mid-week to keep traffic flowing.

  20. May was by far my most prolific month to date. As I narrow my focus (something I’m trying to do organically), it seems my content actually increases. It’s easier to be passionate and creative when your parameters are defined than when you have a tabula rasa.

  21. I started in May. As I progress to getting more organized(ha is that possible) my goal is 12 – 15 posts per month. Thanks for all the encouragement in your posts.

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