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Help a Blogger in Need

Posted By Darren Rowse 16th of January 2008 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

Regular ProBlogger readers might be familiar with the comments of RT Cunningham. Richar is a regular around many blogs in this niche and blogs at Untiwisted Vortex. Unfortunately his wife has been quite unwell and he’s facing something of an uphill battle at the moment to get through the next few months.

Richard’s readers got on his back about adding a paypal donation button to his blog in the comments on this thread – if you’re in a position to help him out he’s got a donation button up on his blog (top of the left hand sidebar).

Thanks to Vic for the heads up on this one.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Don’t know the guy but happy to help out a guy in need. Donation has been made.

  2. I’m all for helping a person in need as well. My donation was small but hopefully helpful. God bless and best wishes to him and his family.

  3. I would love to help but I have no means to. Hope his wife recovers. We’re all behind you!

  4. Done and done. I put it up on my blog, too. Thanks for the heads-up, Darren.

  5. Though I’ve been reading ProBlogger for months, this is my first time commenting. I just wanted to thank you for doing what you can to help out someone else. Humanity would be a lot better if everyone put forth just a little effort to do that. I don’t have much to give, and I don’t subscribe to his blog, but I’m happy to chip in what I can. A loan, as he says, which I’m sure he’ll repay with valuable content and goodwill.

  6. Thanks, Darren. And thanks to all of the commenters as well.

  7. Donation made…Mr. Cunningham said to treat this as a loan. He doesn’t have a loan with me, but simply a request to pay it forward. May God bless him and his family. Thanks for giving us the heads up here, Darren.

  8. I posted to my blog hope this spreads like wildfire and he gets all the help he needs

  9. Vic’s a great guy with a lot of insight in the world of making money online. I’m glad he got the word out on this situation.

  10. Just made a small donation. I’m sure it will all add up and help this guy out.

  11. I’m off to check it out right now.

  12. I just read this article earlier and i decide i will help. i will give &10,000.


  13. This my first post to ur blog Darren. I’ll be giving my small contribution, not much but hopefully it’ll add up very soon.

  14. Thank you Darren for helping Richard out with this. I just made my donation and will blog about this next.

  15. Darren, Thanks for making a difference

  16. I am in need to I added a chip in feature to my blog I am just trying to have a website revamp for http://www.livelymoney.blogspot.com so visit I do appreciate conributions even if it is like a dime

  17. It’s nice to see people caring for each other, hope all goes well for Richard. Made a small donation, hope many others do the same and it adds up. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help…

  18. I was so pleased to see you had posted this, Darren, you can reach so many more people than most other bloggers.

  19. Amazing – he had to take down the button because he received too much. I feel as if I have a renewed faith in mankind. I was also hoping to donate a little bit here or there for him as I try to have one good deed of the week. I’m sure we all try for one every day, but a random little good deed each week doesn’t seem like an overstretched goal.


  20. It looks like Sky News ( http://news.sky.com/skynews/home ) is picking up on the story. I may have to put my blog into WP Super Cache lock down mode. I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

  21. This is so awesome that everyone made Richard take donations. I’m heading over to his blog now.

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