When I suggested this as a post topic to the ProBlogger team for product, I perhaps underestimated the true breadth of what I was saying. The reality is, to give you all the detail you’d need as a blogger to create a product of your own, it would be multiple books’ worth!
So what I’ll do today is give a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at the ProBlogger product-building machine – so you can then adjust what we do for your own specific circumstances.
I’m also going to assume that you’ve read both what to do before you create a product and what product should I create so we can focus purely on the construction side of things.
Think About ‘Selling’ First
When we agree on building a specific product (it might be an eBook, a service (like our SnapnDeals site), a private community (like ProBlogger.com, or even an event), the very first thing we do is: ‘sell it‘.
By ‘sell it’ I don’t mean to our readers, but sell it to ourselves.
This can either be in a team discussion or more formally in what I call a ‘sell sheet‘ – a document that contains all the vital information around the product (drawing on a lot of what you would have done in yesterday’s post).
The reason I like to sell first, build later is sometimes you can get so swept up in the romance of an idea that the practicalities and benefit to your readers get lost in the excitement.
Darren says: Today when we create a product, we go through a more intentional process as a team of ‘selling’ the idea to ourselves as a team.
However, for my first eBooks I didn’t have a team and the ‘sell’ was largely an internal dialogue that I had in my mind.
I remember for my first photography eBook I had three topics that I was considering creating an eBook on. I was tossing up between eBooks on landscapes, portraits ,and something more general on techniques.
I took myself through some of the things that Shayne talked about in yesterday’s post to help me narrow down on the one I’d choose, but also as part of that process, began to think about ‘benefits’ of each eBook and how I’d sell them.
I listed each of these on paper and found by doing so I not only worked out which one I thought we’d sell more of – but by listing how I’d sell the eBook, I was then able to go and write something that would fit those benefits (i.e.: doing this improved the product).
I didn’t know it but in many ways I created the ‘sell sheet’ that Shayne talks about above.
Learn more about how to create a ‘sell sheet’ in this video. It’s a short excerpt of a webinar that Shayne and I ran for ProBlogger.com members last week on the topic of creating and selling eBooks. The full webinar goes into more detail but I thought this little section might help you work out what to put in your sell sheet.
Once we’ve created our ‘sell sheet’ we lock in a date for launch.
These dates are not just chosen to be when the product is ready – we also take into consideration other factors such as what else that’s happening on the site content wise, what else is happening in the wider business and other seasonal factors. We typcially allow for 4-6 months for creating an eBook and much longer for things like the ProBlogger community.
One of us, depending on the type product we’re developing, will then start to plan out how to create the product.
We don’t over-formalize this process, but rather focus more upon identifying:
- the key stages of product creation
- the resources well need
- the costs we’ll incur
We know that having a plan is important, but also that plans change so we don’t want to be too regimented.
If you’re building your first product, you might not actually know all the different stages. That’s when I’d be going and looking for advice. Find a mentor or mentor group that’s got experiences with these types of products. Pull a favour with someone you know that’s some a similar thing before. Get them to go through all the critical steps and be making lots of notes.
Doing this might create more questions than answers, but a least now you know the questions!
Darren says: Our planning process today is more complex today than when I first started. For example when we create an eBook Jasmin (who manages all the production) will map out key dates and deadlines for all our different processes.
So ahead of time we know when the eBook outline will be completed, when the writing needs to be complete, when the content will be handed over to our designer, when we need to have a title and cover concept finalised, when we need to start creating sales pages, when we need review copies for affiliates, etc.
Having these dates in place even before we start creating the product is really important. We have multiple eBooks at different stages of production at any one time (plus other projects and events on the go) so without timelines like this projects stall.
For my first eBooks, I didn’t have quite so formal a process but I still created a basic timeline and listed out the things I’d need to complete. I also listed the things I’d need to research (eg. shopping carts), the help I’d need to find (a designer) and the skills I’d need to learn that I didn’t yet have (e.g. writing a sales page).
My list was basic and written on a notepad next to my computer. I had to add a lot to it as I went but by at least having something in front of me each day I kept momentum going.
Outlining Your Product
Once you feel comfortable with the plan, it’s time to start outlining your product in more detail.
If it’s an eBook, it will be your table of contents, if it is an e-course outline, the structure and modules, if it’s a community or service, start to map out and wireframe all the different sections and moving parts of the site.
Think of it like drawing up the plans to a house you’re about to build yourself, or hire someone to build it for you.
Now it’s time to build. This is either going to be yourself or you’ll give the green light to someone else.
If it’s yourself, you need to allocate some time. It might be a specific day you allocate, or one hour a morning, or you might be lucky and be able to just bunker down for a few weeks at a time to write.
Figure out an approach that you’re most likely to stick to, and make sure you block out that time in your diary. Once you have done that, it’s up to you to stick to it.
Whilst in creation mode, you should continually check in with your ‘sell sheet’, to make sure you’re still driving towards solving the same problem you set out to, but don’t let it slow your progress. We’ll have time to review later — just keep building and building.
When you get about halfway through the writing or building stages, if you’re anything like me you’ll get a case of the mid-build blues.
You’ll probably start to feel fatigued, disillusioned, distracted, and will wonder if anyone is going to buy what you’re creating.
This is the stage that a lot of great products die – and that’s a real shame.
When you feel those emotions creeping in, I want you to dig deep, find any motivation or inspiration you can, and keep going! Just push to that 60,70, 80% completion mark and you’ll feel closer to the end.
When it’s done you’ll be thankful you did!
From Darren: I won’t lie to you here… some of my least favourite moments in the last 12 years have happened midway through creating products.
The reality is that it is hard work to build something like this, and that to get it done, you need to find a way to focus and be disciplined (something that this blogger with a very short attention span and little will power struggles with).
For me it meant asking those around me to keep me accountable, setting aside time to focus (I’ve been known to lock myself in motel rooms for weekends) and setting myself little rewards for meeting milestones.
The other challenge that I often face mid-product creation is that of fear and doubt. How will people perceive what I’m creating? Will anyone buy it? Is it any good? Am I wasting my time?
I’ve written here about some of how I deal with these fears and doubts.
Lastly, try to keep the WHY of what you’re doing in focus (see last week’s post for more on why WHY is so important).
Polish Your Product
Just when you think you are finished… that’s when I can give you the bad news… you’re not!
It’s time to polish.
This is the final 5% that can really make your product stand up.
At this point you need to switch your mind from make mode to review mode, and I’m sure you’ll come up with a few small changes that will make things better.
Involve some of your friends, family or even some of your readers in this review process and you’ll significantly improve your product.
Listen to the feedback you get from and act on what you hear, but be aware that there is a trap.
The key is to remember that you’re ‘polishing’ not ‘perfecting’. There’s no such thing as a perfect product – you need to let that idea go.
There will be always things that you want to change and add to theoretically make things better. It will be never-ending and I can tell you with 100% certainty, you’ll never make a single dollar if you don’t finish your product, so loose ends or not — ALWAYS BE SHIPPING!
Darren says: I think most people fall into one of two categories when they’re at this point.
The first group ‘finish’ creating and never want to look at their product again. The result is they do little reviewing/polishing and ship products that could be better.
The second group spend so much time polishing and perfecting that they either don’t ship anything because the product is never ready or they end up with a product that is over engineered.
Identifying ahead of time which group you’re in and coming up with strategies to combat your weakness is important.
If you’re in the first group (like me) involving others in the review and polish can be helpful. Also blocking out time for this important task is important before you rush off to your next idea.
If you’re in the second group setting a deadline for shipping can be important too. There has to be a point where you stop!
My last advice for this stage is to echo what Shayne says about involving others. If you’ve authored your product yourself you are probably too close to it to be objective and will miss obvious errors and deficiencies – so whether it is by paying others for editing/proof reading or by giving a small group of readers free access in return for feedback – get others’ feedback before you launch your product.
A special note for those using suppliers to create your product: for a lot of you, the biggest resource you’ll use will be yourself. However, technical services you might create, or online courses and communities, might involve a wider team.
Your choices on who works on your project can have a huge bearing on the end result. Don’t just pick someone at random, or the cheapest resource you can find.
Make sure they understand exactly what you are trying to achieve, make sure they have the skills and experience to deliver what you want, and make sure they have the commitment to see it to the end.
At the end of the day it’s your name attached to the product not theirs, so choosing the right person is so important.
Be Proud
Above all – be proud of what you create.
Even if the product isn’t as commercially successfully as you hoped it to be know that by creating it you’ve achieved something only a small number of people will in their lives.
For that, you get a hat tip from me!
This article was updated 20 October 2022.
Want to know more about marketing products and other ways to earn money from blogging?
Then check out our Four Pillars of Blogging: Make Money Course.
Thanks Darren for outlining the workflow that we need to follow once we have identified on what product we are going to sell. This will certainly help to tune our process.
Thanks for the post. This will definitely help me out in the future :-)
Great insight on utilizing your blog.
Hey Darren and Shayne,
Great article! Thanks.
I really like your point about switching the mind from make mode to review mode. This is something that almost always trips me up when I’m writing posts on my blog.
I start off in make mode and slide into review mode all the time. It’s excruciating and is an awful waste of time. Not to mention interrupting the flow while writing.
I’m going to make a mental note to stay in make mode while writing my posts and not go into review mode until I’m done.
Turns out my blog is about mindfulness (and productivity) so I should be able to use my mindfulness practice to make this change.
Thanks again.
Love the example sell sheet. Thank you.
For me, I found creating my first product not too difficult (perhaps my memory has faded), but now that I have it, I’m just not proud enough to really sell it. You touched on this in the last section of this post.
Will you be going into the sales and marketing of a product once you have one completed in another post?
I’ve found that I did a massive ramp up to the launch, launched the product and it went OK, now I just rely on the sales page to convert without actually trying to maintain interest or even direct people to the sales page.
Shane, I like the way you warn us, “”…but be aware that there is a trap. The key is to remember that you’re ‘polishing’ not ‘perfecting’. There’s no such thing as a perfect product – you need to let that idea go.”
This is where I have gotten caught up in LOADS of book drafts, workshop ideas and other great ideas that I have never flushed out. I looked at everything I’ve started and feel as if I’m sitting on a goldmine.
I have followed along here for many years and so need to do some follow through with my areas of expertise to start making more money off of what I want to do most – helping others. I loved this post because it sort of helped remind me of my main mission oh so many years ago when I started to blog …. find ways to make more income around blogging or utilizing blogging. I have two pretty active blogs now, maybe it’s time to step it up a notch. Love the tips here, thank you!
Creating anything of value worth selling takes a very hard effort in polishing the product. In this day and age, if you do not polish your products do not expect too many sales
Really liked this post! thanks, iv also liked your facebook page :)
You should always be proud if you sell a great product. Costs can be high for most, especially beginners.
This article is very good for a person like me who is a beginner in affiliate marketing for selling affiliate products, from creating a product how to create products for my blog.
Posting incredible. Daren .., I feel that you have to put food ready to eat right in front of the mouth. A little more effort to take and put it into the mouth. Thank you for giving us a smooth path, to be passed. It would be very useful in the future, when I get to a point to make the first product in the blog.
Hey Darren
Yes ,, i found that our planning process today is more complex today than when I first started. i found This article is very informative for a person like me who is a beginner in affiliate marketing for selling affiliate products,….thanks, for the post.
thank-you for your wisdom Shayne & Darren.
Is there any guidance to how many pages or word count required for writing to be deemed an ‘ebook’?
Thank-you in advance,
Heather (on a ferry on her way to Stradbroke for Easter catching up in some reading :))
Thanks for the insights. These are comprehensive: They seem to cover all the necessary details. They are clear: They give the details in a step by step manner. I wish I knew this when I wrote my eBook. But I hope to use these concepts with my next product.
Once again, excellent post!
Thank you a million for the video clip! It has really helped me out in my own ebook sells pages.
Freelance Writer and Blogger
William Ballard
Nice post, thanks for sharing.