CategoryYahoo Publishing Network

Switching Back to Adsense from YPN
23rd of January 2006 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

Switching Back to Adsense from YPN

In mid December I switched the contextual ads showing at ProBlogger from AdSense to YPN to join the beta test (through b5media’s account which is based in the US). I did it largely as an experiment to see how this new ad network performed first hand. The results of the ...more
Yahoo! YPN Send Some Publishers a Gift
21st of December 2005 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Yahoo! YPN Send Some Publishers a Gift

YPN have joined the gift giving and are sending some of their publishers a…. hmm….well there is some debate over what it is… but it’s a gift that some are calling a bag, others are calling a stadium/travel/picnic blanket… It comes complete with a card. The thing that seems to ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
YPN – First Impression Review
16th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 15 Comments

YPN – First Impression Review

One of the benefits of moving ProBlogger into the b5media network is that I have access to YPN now as b5 is a US company. I’ve just added switched my AdSense ads over to YPN to give it a test (as we’ve done with a number of our blogs). It’s ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
YPN adds 1000 beta testers
7th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 18 Comments

YPN adds 1000 beta testers

YPN has added another 1000 beta testers to their system today and takes another step towards going live. As far as I can see they are still only adding US publishers. Luckily b5media has a US postal address and is registered there and qualifies to be included in the beta ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
YPN adds RSS Feed Ads
16th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

YPN adds RSS Feed Ads

Loren has news over at Search Engine Journal about Yahoo Publisher Network adding RSS Ads to it’s beta test. We spotted the advanced warnings of this a few weeks back but now it seems to have become available to all beta testers in the program. It’ll be interesting to see ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
Issues with Rotating YPN and AdSense
14th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

Issues with Rotating YPN and AdSense

Tim has a very useful post for those of you who are rotating Adsense and YPN ads on your site (ie having each ad program show up on every second impression. He was having some problems with getting PSA ads on YPN and found that part of the problem was ...more
Does Yahoo Violate it’s Own Content Guidelines?
11th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 14 Comments

Does Yahoo Violate it’s Own Content Guidelines?

Angela from the Work at Home Blog has an interesting experience to share with regards to applying to become a part of the Yahoo Publishers Network. Angela has a number of sites – one of which is called Herpes Help – a site designed to educate and raise awareness around ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
How to Rotate AdSense & YPN on one page
5th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

How to Rotate AdSense & YPN on one page

Jensense has instructions for those of you lucky enough to be in the YPN beta test who are wanting to Rotate you AdSense & YPN ads on the one page using phpAdsNew.
YPN testing RSS Ads
5th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

YPN testing RSS Ads

Looks like Yahoo’s Publisher Network is widening their beta test to RSS ads if the RSS feed of our friend Jen is any indication. Still patiently waiting for them to widen their test to non US testers…. Is anyone out there actually earning anything significant from RSS advertising? I have ...more