CategoryWriting Content

One Dimensional Blogging
I’ve been watching a number of blogs recently that seem to have become a little obsessed with one of two things – Memes and attempting to get to the top of social bookmarking site’s like and Now I’ve got nothing against a good meme from time to time ...more
Writing Content

More on Writing Content for your Blog
Much more could be written about writing effective blog posts – but rather than keep this series going for a month or two I’ll break my ‘granular post’ advice and make a few brief miscellaneous comments on writing content to help fill out the topic (with links for most to ...more
Writing Content

Scannable Content
Make Posts Scannable – One of lessons that I would advise all bloggers to get their minds about is that in addition to fact that the average web user doesn’t usually stay long on a web page – they also don’t read much of it As a result, scannable content ...more
Writing Content

Using Titles Effectively on Blogs
My Mum drilled into me at a young age that first impressions are important. Outside of the design of your blog (that’s a whole other post) perhaps the best way of creating that impression is though your post’s title. Titles are so important on many fronts – including: Grabbing Attention ...more
Writing Content

Granular (One Topic) Posts
One topic per post – We’ve already spoken in this series about choosing a niche topic for your blog, but another strategy of many successful blogs is that in addition to having an over arching niche topic they tend to have each post focus upon a more tightly targetted topic. ...more
Writing Content

Post Length – How Long Should a Blog Post Be?
We might as well continue exploring the topic of writing good content with a topic that has been debated by bloggers rather hotly over the years, the length of the optimum post. There are a number of ways of looking at it: Reader Attention Span – It is pretty well ...more
Writing Content

Writing Good Content
I’d now like to swing the blogging for beginners series onto the topic of writing content with a series of posts exploring different elements of quality content. By the way – Peter mentioned in the last post in this series that his part 2 piece on blog design would be ...more
Writing Content

When Not Posting is a Good Thing for your Blog
Wayne’s hit the nail on the head with his post Posting desperation: When anything won’t do where he examines a good strategy for beating bloggers block…. Posting Nothing at all. ‘Instead of letting some slipshod meaningless post fill that taunting empty posting box, it would be better for you and ...more
Writing Content

Writing Integrity Day
Andy Wibbels is having a writing integrity day. What is it? It’s pretty simple really – it’s an attempt to get all that writing you’ve been putting off done by being a little accountable to others. He’s done it before – it goes something like this: We all get on ...more
Writing Content