CategoryWriting Content

Create a Sneeze Page and Propel Readers Deep Within Your Blog
It’s Day 18 in the 2007 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project and today your task is to develop a ‘Sneeze Page’ (or pages) for your blog. One of the challenges that faces blogs that have been around for a while is that they end up with a ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Plan Your Next Week’s Posting Schedule
Your task today in the 31 Day Project is to plan out a posting schedule for the next week of your blog. Are You a Planner or an Impulsive Blogger? When I first started blogging my posting style was incredibly impulsive. I would sit down at my computer with no ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

How to Find Fresh Expert Guest Posters for Your Blog
Here’s a quick tip that I’ve used a few times with success over the last couple of months on my photography blog. Like most bloggers I find it difficult to sustain writing a new tip or tutorial for Digital Photography School everyday. I do want to provide readers with helpful ...more
Writing Content

The 4 Pillars of Writing Exceptional Blogs
The following guest post has been submitted by Leo Babauta from Zen Habits. Too often it seems that we bloggers get caught up in worrying about monetizing our blogs, or the design of the blog, or SEO techniques — but although it may sound trite, the major focus of our ...more
Writing Content

How to Keep Momentum Going on Your Blog with a ‘Points System’
Jason left a comment a couple of weeks ago on my previous post asking how many posts readers have posted on their blogs in a week that caught my attention. In his comment Jason talks about a ‘points system’ which he’s developed for helping him to keep his blog achieving ...more
Writing Content

My Weekend Blog Strategy
In my last post I asked ‘What do you do with your blog on the weekend?‘ Having asked the question I thought I’d give a quick answer myself to shed a little light on one strategy (of many) that I’ve been using. I ask questions You’ve probably noticed it if ...more
Writing Content

How to Write Home Run Posts
The following guest post was submitted by John Wesley who blogs at (feed) about motivation, productivity, and self improvement. The Importance of Home Run Posts Most of you are probably familiar with the Pareto Principal, also known as the 80/20 rule. The rule states that 80% of results come ...more
Writing Content

8.9 Posts Per Week – Too Many? Not Enough?
Over the weekend I asked ProBlogger readers to tell us how many posts they’d written on each of their blogs last week. 142 comments were left referring to a total of 181 blogs. Here are a few of the figures: The average number of posts that bloggers posted to each ...more
Writing Content

The Most Important Tip For Better Writing
Glen Stansberry is the author of the blog LifeDev (feed). Check out LifeDev for other tips about productivity and life improvement. I’m going to let you in on a little secret: Becoming a better writer is the best thing you can do to improve your blog’s readership and traffic. Not ...more