CategoryWriting Content

An Important Question to Ask Before Hitting Publish on Your Next Post
Here’s a question I’ve learned to ask on a daily basis at the completion of every post I write: “Would this post work better if I split it into two (or more) posts?” While the answer is usually ‘no’ for me I do semi-regularly get to the end of a ...more
Writing Content

Do you Write Outlines for Your Blog Posts?
Do you plan your posts or do you just write them free flow as they come? This is a question that one of our members at (Mark Dykeman) started off a conversation with in the last week. Mark talked in the thread about how he does both (sometimes he ...more
Writing Content

14 Types of Stories You Can Tell On Your Blog
Yesterday we explored WHY stories can be such a powerful communication tool on your blog. Today we’ll look at 14 types of stories that you might like to try on your blog. 14 Types of Stories You Can Tell On Your Blog Personal Discovery Stories – tell how you discovered ...more
Writing Content

How to Write a Blog Post That’s Stickier than Velcro
A Guest Post by Marelisa Fábrega. Image by drmama. Do you have a really good idea which you want to go viral? Is there a behavior you’re trying to modify in your blog readers, such as encouraging them to save, eat healthy, or start an exercise program? Are you looking ...more
Writing Content

How To Get Past The Blank Page By Creating Urgency
In this post Roman from How this Website Makes Money shares some suggestions on how to create urgency to get past bloggers block. Sunday morning. You have everything ready. Hot coffee on your right side, a crisp bagel on your left, computer on and ready. You have the whole ...more
Writing Content

The Holy Grail to Writing Great Content – Rhetoric
A Guest Post by Patrick Riddel from Must Know Investing. Darren has debunked the myth that great content markets itself. There are countless blogs that produce quality content that don’t get read. Why is that? Because no one knows about them. He followed up with a post on 9 things ...more
Writing Content

3 Principles of Effective Communication
Do you want to learn to blog in a way that goes beyond just conveying information and helps people to take action on what you’ve written? Last night as I was watching the new Australian version of The Apprentice I saw a very short segment featuring public speaker Brett Rutledge. ...more
Writing Content

How to Create Compelling Content by Inspiring Action
Image by Anirudh Koul As we come to towards to the end of this series on how to create compelling blog content I want to examine a topic that is fairly and squarely inspired by readers of ProBlogger. When I first brainstormed topics for this series I came up with ...more
Writing Content

How to Write Sharp and Snappy Blog Posts
In this post Dan Kaufman from Bar Zine shares some tips on writing Sharp Snappy Blog Posts. When you write a story you’re lucky if you can get a reader beyond the first paragraph. This is true in print and it’s even worse online (a recent study by Jacob Neilson ...more
Writing Content