CategoryWriting Content

The Brilliant Content Strategy Everyone Gets Wrong
This guest post is by James Chartrand of Men with Pens. For a long while (and on the Internet, a “long while” means about six months), there were dozens of posts telling you how to reuse content. Your content, other bloggers’ content, magazine content, brochures-from-that-stack-in-the-attic content. It didn’t matter. The ...more
Writing Content

3 Blogging Rules You Should Break
This guest post is by Anish Majumdar of The most valuable piece of writing advice I ever got was from an editor at a print magazine after I’d handed in the first draft of an article. I’d spent hours poring over old issues to “get the tone right” and ...more
Writing Content

10 Types of Killer Filler Content for Your Blog
Last week I ran an impromptu Ustream chat session with my Twitter followers on the theme of Blogger Productivity (to celebrate the launch of Blog Wise). It was an informal and fun session (you can view the hour-long recording of it here) but one of the recurring questions that came ...more
Writing Content

The Keys to Creating Unmissable Content
This guest post is by Jonathan Mead of Trailblazer. Over 1.6 million blog posts are published each day. That’s an average is 18.6 posts per second. That’s a staggering number. And with so much content being published, how do you make sure that yours gets seen? And not just seen, but ...more
Writing Content

The Anatomy of a Better Blog Post
The last couple of weeks have turned up some valuable blogging advice for those who are working to hone their craft and become better blog post writers. Not everyone falls into this category—some bloggers are happy with the way they write. Others publish videos or sound files instead of text. ...more
Writing Content

6 Powerful Guest Post Tactics that No One’s Talking About
This guest post is by Tom Ewer of Leaving Work Behind. Guest posting is a hot topic amongst startup bloggers. It is one of the most widely-adopted blog promotion strategies in existence, and has been made perhaps even more popular by the success of “serial” guest posters such as Danny ...more
Writing Content

Develop Irresistible Content with this 4-Point Formula
This guest post is by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics. If you want to create blog posts, white papers, and even ebooks that clearly communicate your idea and compel your readers to do whatever you ask, you need to use this little formula. It deals with the four different learning abilities ...more
Writing Content

Frustrated by Blogger’s Block? Try this Exercise!
Feeling frustrated today about a lack of ideas to write about on your blog? If so, you’re not alone. Here’s another technique that I use to overcome it. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post here on ProBlogger that gave a tip for fighting blogger’s block. It asked ...more
Writing Content

The Gong Fu of Blogging
This guest post is by Michael de Waal-Montgomery of The Monty Mike Times. The word Kung Fu comes from the Chinese word “Gong Fu,” which means “hard work.” Anyone who’s studied Kung Fu knows this name is well deserved. It’s tough going, no matter how good you get. Blogging is ...more
Writing Content