CategoryWriting Content

How to Use Metaphors to Engage and Encourage Readers
This guest post is by Elizabeth Joss of Xcellent Media. “They nailed their stakes into the earth of my life, those farmers. They knew the place in me where the river stopped, and they marked it with a new name. Shantaram Kishan Kharre. I don’t know if they found that ...more
Writing Content

The Simplest Way to Write a Unique First Draft
This guest post is by Stefanie Flaxman of Revision Fairy Do you have 45 minutes to work on your blog? If so, I can show you how to write the first draft of your next blog post. First drafts are messy. This blog post originated from five unrelated words on ...more
Be Productive

What George Orwell Taught Me About Blogging
This guest post is by Trevor Ginn of Hello Baby. Having written masterpieces such as Animal Farm and 1984, George Orwell is considered one of the greatest writers of all time. In 1941 he wrote the essay called Politics and the English Language in which he criticised the “ugly and ...more
Writing Content

Use Expert Tips to Build Authority on Your Brand New Blog
This guest post is by Daniel Kidd of Best Money Saving Blog. I’ve found out over the past couple of months that the hardest part of blogging isn’t thinking of things to blog about, it’s getting people to read them. There are thousands of helpful sites out there (especially this ...more
Writing Content

A Technophobe’s No-tears Guide to Podcasting
This guest post is by Carol Tice of Make a Living Writing. You’ve probably heard that adding multimedia to your blog is a great way to grow your audience. But if you’re like me, and technology makes you assume the fetal position and cry like an overtired baby, you may have ...more
Writing Content

How to SEO Your Blog Post Series
This guest post is by Keith Bishop of Online Digital Junkie. Google’s Panda Update, as well as the recent post from Darren about hosting a guest post series, has prompted me to take a deeper look into the implementation and search benefits associated with putting series on my own sites. ...more
Writing Content

7 Hot Posts on My Blog this Month, and Why They Were Successful
I always find it fascinating to look at which posts go viral (or at least, which get shared the most) on my blogs. It isn’t always the ones that you expect! Here are a few of the recent posts on my dPS blog that have done better than others over ...more
Writing Content

How to Use Data to Enrich Your Content
This guest post is by Conor Powers-Smith of Blog posts, whitepapers and other shareable content rely on supporting data—not because people just love a good color-coded pie chart (though they are pretty), but because numbers give stories shape. They add scale. They provide perspective. They quantify that something meaningful is ...more
Writing Content

Get Obsessed with Your Message
This guest post is by Danielle LaPorte of Blog = up? Posts = rolling? It’s time to get obsessed with your message. A quick dictionary moment, to differentiate between your voice, your topics and your message. Your voice is what makes your writing distinctive, compelling, unmistakably you. You’ll carry ...more
Writing Content