CategoryWriting Content

Kickstart Your Stalled Blog Content, Part 1: Six Steps to a Fresh Post
Just starting a blog? Longing to revive an old, forgotten blog? Or just feeling guilty because you’ve let your blog languish without a post for a little too long? If your blog’s fallen behind your ideal post frequency, you’re in luck. Today, I’m going to give you a six-step plan ...more
Be Productive

Finding a Mentor-writer—and What to Do Once You Have
This guest post is by Karol K of Who is a mentor-writer? This question is probably on your mind right now. Even more importantly, why do you need one? Let me take this from the top. Is there a writer or an author you’ve always looked up to? Someone ...more
Writing Content

Forget Willpower: Here’s What You Can Do to Dominate Bad Blogging Habits
This guest post is by Bea Kylene Jumarang of Writing Off the Rails. You tell yourself you need to exercise, but you don’t do it. You tell yourself you need to write, but then you go on Twitter. Or, my favorite situation, you tell yourself you need to save more, and ...more
Be Productive

How to Hit Content Scrapers Where it Hurts
This is a guest post by Robert from The College Investor. If you’ve been blogging for any period of time, you’ve inevitably had your content stolen. In fact, you’ve probably already taken steps to protect your content from being copied. And you’re also probably familiar with how to go about filing ...more
Writing Content

Why Every Writer Needs an Online Community
This guest post is by Nicolas Gremion of As a kid, finding writing inspiration and confidence was easy. From picking out the right green pen to recounting your puppy’s every move, it was simple to delve into your own life to create work that was fascinating (if not to ...more
Build Community

What I Learned From Liars and Journalists, and How it Made Me a Better Blogger
This guest post is by Austin Gunter, of WP Engine. Trust Me, I’m Lying – Confessions of a Media Manipulator is the title of Ryan Holiday’s new book about the tactics cutting-edge bloggers use to drive hundreds of thousands of viewers to their blogs, seven days a week, 365 days ...more
Writing Content

How to Write Like Your Teacher Told You Not To
This guest post is by Karol K of These days, everyone’s a blogger. I’m a blogger, you’re a blogger, most people who end up commenting on this post will be bloggers too. And literally every one of us has the main goal of providing the elusive “quality content”. However, ...more
Writing Content

What Is Cyber Liability, and Why Should You Care?
This guest post is by Matt Setter of Recently, here on Problogger, I was discussing the topic of privacy breach notification and how it affects us as bloggers. The article looked at the protection of our site’s information and the potential impact that the loss of that information may have ...more
Writing Content

Get More Clicks Using These 3 Emotional Hot Buttons
This guest post is by Glen Andrews of Here’s what the top internet marketers know that most people don’t… It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to get traffic from social media sites, article directories, or through Google’s organic search. The three most effective ways to get someone to click ...more
Writing Content