CategoryWriting Content

The Beginner’s Guide to Outsourcing Video Content Production
This guest post is by Leslie Anglesey of EssayTigers. Does it make sense for blog owners to include video in their posts? It sure does! Your posts should include all types of interesting content to engage and entertain readers, and this can definitely include videos. But rather than trying to do ...more
Writing Content

The Perfect Blogging Output Level
This guest post is by Greg Narayan of DearBlogger. It’s a sad truth: if you stop blogging, people will eventually forget about you. Just like the actors in our favorite movies or athletes once they retire, we soon forget the big names and find new ones to idolize. Even if ...more
Writing Content

Another Way Compassion Can Cure Writer’s Block
When I saw the title of Brandon’s post on compassion and writer’s block earlier today, I instantly had an idea of what the post was about. But it turns out Brandon had a different take on the topic than I do! So I wanted to add to his ideas in ...more
Writing Content

How Compassion Cures Writer’s Block
This guest post is by Brandon Yawa of If you are a writer, I don’t have to tell you how a dark shadow dubbed “writer’s block” hoovers over all your projects like Casper, but in the form of a not-so-friendly ghost. However, I assure you, this phenomenon known as ...more
Writing Content

What Studying Haikus Taught Me about Writing Blog Posts
This guest post is by Steve of Do Something Cool. A form of Japanese poetry, haikus have been around for hundreds of years. Blogging has been around for roughly two decades. On the surface, these two different forms of writing don’t have anything to do with each other. But surprisingly, understanding ...more

Do Search Engines Love Opinion Posts As Much As We Do?
This guest post is by Helen Hoefele of Is the goal of your blogging efforts is to make money, to raise money, to sell or promote a product or service, or simply to get your message out? Regardless, the one thing that every blogger needs to pay attention to, ...more
Writing Content

The Post-writing Rules I Always Break. Do You?
This guest post is by Kate Toon Copywriter. I have an admission; I suffer from several deep-rooted blog-writing afflictions. For years I thought it was just me, that I was the only one. Lately, though, I’ve realised that I’m not alone. Yes, I’ve read all those “15 rules of blog ...more
Writing Content

Post Length and Engagement: The Content Marketer’s Dilemma
Everyone’s talking about content at the moment: from those using content marketing to sell business-to-business, to pro niche bloggers, and of course, us here at It was also a topic that we dealt with on Monday’s #blogchat session on Twitter. Among the topics that have come up in these ...more
Featured Posts

Clean Out Your List of Blog Post Ideas in a Blog Content Workshop
This post is by Steve of Do Something Cool. One of the first things I learned when I started blogging was to create a Word document to write down all my blog post ideas. That way I could always find something to write about. After a few months, I had dozens ...more
Writing Content