CategoryProBlogger Site News

Six Figure Blogging – 200 Participants and Counting
I just spoke to Andy and he tells me that the free preview call for the Six Figure Blogging (7th September – 8pm Eastern US time) course that we’re running has already got over 200 people registered. We’re both really exciting about not only the call but the six weeks ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Blogging in the Age
Melbourne newspaper ‘The Age’ features a small profile on me today (complete with a picture that half my neighborhood saw being taken in my front yard – embarrassment) as part of a larger feature on Blogging. Also in the feature is a piece looking at Blog Advertising and featuring an ...more
ProBlogger Site News

ProBlogger T-Shirt Competition in Final Days
Don’t forget that the ProBlogger T-Shirt Competition is four days away from being finalized with a winner being chosen by you the readers of ProBlogger. To vote head over to the ProBlogger shop and make a purchase (there are T-Shirts, Mugs, Mouse Pads, BBQ Aprons and more available – see ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Six Figure Blogging – Affiliate Program
A number of people have asked if the Six Figure Blogging course that Andy and I are running has an affiliate program. The answer is yes. You can earn 25% of the fees that people pay to participate in the course when you refer them to it if you sign ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Six Figure Blogging – Upcoming Teleclass
I’ve been alluding to some new projects for a while now and today I’m pleased to announce one of them. Six Figure Blogging – a six week course that Andy Wibbels and I have put together after a podcast we did a few months back on the topic. The six ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Message from Cary
Readers who responded to my A Call for ProBlogger Readers to Unite in Generosity might like to read an encouraging message from Cary who just got back from a few days away to a nice surprise from the ProBlogger Community. Thanks for pitching in friends – I appreciate your generosity.
ProBlogger Site News

ProBlogger Community Helps Build Blog Rank
Thanks to Ray for letting me know that my BlogPulse Profile Rank has gone under the magical 100 mark – we’re 71st as this moment. As you can see the past month has been particularly good in terms of inbound links with a number of larger sites linking up as ...more
ProBlogger Site News

ProBlogger Disclaimer
I’ve been working on a ProBlogger Disclaimer Page for a few days now in order to be more transparent about this blog. As regular readers know, I receive a lot of both positive and negative feedback (more good than bad) to what I write here so I thought some sort ...more
ProBlogger Site News

A Call for ProBlogger Readers to Unite in Generosity
As a result of my last post on Blogging that gives hope I’m feeling moved to do something for Cary and Lori who continue to struggle through Lori’s cancer. Cary actually posted yesterday that he and Lori and heading away for a couple of days break after what seems to ...more
ProBlogger Site News