CategoryProBlogger Site News Price Rise Coming in 1 Week – Lock in the Intro Price Today
Update: The introductory offer ends at 1pm (Eastern US time) on Monday 16 November. A number of people have been asking how (the new community section of ProBlogger) has been going since we launched a month ago – so today I thought I’d give a bit of an update ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Tell Me What You Thought of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Workbook
It has been a few months since the launch of the 31 Days to build a better blog workbook and so I’m hoping that those of you who have had an opportunity to digest the 31 days of teaching and challenges in it. If you’re one of the thousands of ...more
ProBlogger Site News

6 Reasons to Join the Community
Since I announced mid last week the ProBlogger Community Forum has grown to well over 1300 paid members (note the member numbers are reported as higher but also include people who have yet to confirm their membership with a payment). Because it’s a private, walled community it can be ...more
Featured Posts is Live! JOIN with 1200+ Bloggers to Improve Your Blog
What would happen if the thousands of bloggers who read ProBlogger each day decided to work together to improve their blogs? This is a question that has been on my mind lately – I thought it was time to find out what the answer is. So far 800 1200+ bloggers ...more
Featured Posts

ProBlogger Birthday Sale – For 24 Hours Only Get 50% off the 31DBBB Workbook
Update: This sale is now over – thanks everyone for participating. The ebook is still available at $19.95, an affordable price considering it’s 31 days of content about improving your blog! — I just realized that yesterday was ProBlogger’s 5th birthday (I imported a lot of previously written posts onto ...more
ProBlogger Site News

A Quick Note about the Next Week at ProBlogger
Over the next week (potentially the next week and a half) ProBlogger will be in ‘guest blogging mode’. Tomorrow morning I’m heading into a local hospital for a small procedure on my wrist which will leave my left hand out of action for a week or two. It’s not carpal ...more
ProBlogger Site News

The State of the Darren-Sphere
In this post I’d like to give an update of the different sites that I work on, how they’re going and what I’m working on with them. 3 questions that I get a lot are: You seem to do a lot of ‘stuff’ – can you give me a quick ...more
Case Studies

Coming Soon – ProBlogger.COMmunity
A few readers have stumbled upon it by themselves and some of my followers on Twitter have heard about it too – but I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to put themselves in the first group of people to hear about a new development here at ProBlogger – ProBlogger.COMmunity ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Where I’ll Be Speaking in the Upcoming Months
Over the next few months I’ve got a few speaking commitments so rather than random Tweets about them I thought I’d create a post listing them. If you’re in the same city as any of these events I’d love to meet you. Of course they’re mainly Aussie events – I’m ...more
ProBlogger Site News